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Item 從Amabile創造成份模式理論探討國小學童的實作表現與科技創造力-子計畫一(2006/8/1-2009/7/31) 游光昭; 蕭顯勝領域相關技能是Amabile 提出創造力成份模式理論的重要成份之一,而且是任一領 域上成就表現的基礎。在科技教育中與領域相關技能有直接關係的,當屬科技創造力 與實作技能,兩者為均科技教育重要之培育目標。豐沛領域知識對顯著創造性的發展 是有極度的影響;亦即,要有良好的創造力,創造者必須具備領域相關技能。而實作 技能包括科技範知、科技素養及科技能力等能力範疇,這些能力指標均受領域相關技 能所影響。 許多研究者嘗試將電腦遊戲與學習活動結合,在評估透過遊戲的方式,吸引學生主 動去瞭解學科知識,結果發現有其可行性。電腦遊戲有許多優點有助於學習,學習者 在遊戲世界中願意投入更多的時間、精力和資訊處理去解決問題。因此,遊戲可提高 內在動機,使學習充滿樂趣。雖然將電腦遊戲運用在教學上有許多的優點,但如沒有 相當的輔助,仍然有可能會有許多難以預料的缺失出現。所以,在設計遊戲式教學活 動時,應提供一個良好的教學設計,以避免遊戲教學負面效應的出現。自律學習策略 鷹架的建構,正好可以當作輔助遊戲式學習的良好工具。 本計畫在網路環境中建置能提升Amabile 的「成份模式」中「領域相關技能」的自 律式遊戲教學模組。教材以遊戲方式呈現及進行,發揮遊戲寓教於樂的優點及學習綜 效。並利用自律學習的鷹架輔助來讓學習者得以成為一個具有高學習動機、高學習能 力的學習者;進而提升學習者的科技創造力及實作技能。Item Assessing the educational values of digital games(2009-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M.Y.; Cheng, C. L.; Lee, C. K.; Chang, S. Y.In recent years, digital games have assumed an important place in the lives of children and adolescents. Effective content design is crucial to the success of digital game-based learning. Therefore, the tool for assessing the effectiveness of game design is accordingly very important for parents and teachers, so that they may encourage or discourage students to play. The purpose of this study is to develop an assessment tool to examine the educational values of digital games. In the first phase of this research, the research team developed the indices for assessing the educational values of digital games. An expert panel consisting of game scholars and professional game designers was established to construct the indices for evaluating digital games in three focus group discussions. Seventy-four game evaluation indices were sorted into seven categories: mentality change, emotional fulfilment, knowledge enhancement, thinking skill development, interpersonal skill development, spatial ability development and bodily coordination. In the second phase of the research, the game designers were asked to assess certain games by using the 74 indices. Meanwhile, the game scholars were also asked to evaluate the same pool of games by the same indices. The assessments by both the scholars and designers were then compared and the similarities were found. This research provided a preliminary framework for future game designers, parents and teachers in assessing educational values of digital games.Item The Learning Effectiveness of a Blended and Embodied Interactive Video Game for Kindergarten Students(2010-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Tsai, C. M.; Ho, Y. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Wu, C. C.We developed an embodied interactive video game (EIVG) that is both educational and entertaining in the hope of using such system to explore the differences that exist in learning effectiveness between blended and pure digital learning. Apart from conducting experiments by having the children learned using the EIVG, we also involved teachers as part of the study helping us observe the emotional aspect of the children. The results of the study can be summarized into the following: 1 The effectiveness of blended learning is much better comparing to that of pure digital learning. 2 The effectiveness of EIVG learning of boys is better than girls. However there is no significant difference between them. 3 The EIVG is highly entertaining which results in learning objects remain highly interested and focused throughout the study. Both types of learning can effectively improve the learning outcomes of the objects.Item Effect of self-worth and parenting style on the planned behavior in an ethic game(2011-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Wang, C. K.; Hsu, T. F.; Chen. Y. J.This idea of integrating moral education to digital gaming platform had been discussed since digital and online approaches were used in teaching. Online interactive instruction was one of moral teaching forms to assist moral instruction. However, most moral-related interactive online games lacked functions for players to explore themselves while game playing, that resulted in less participation in deeper learning and decrease understanding of moral values. Therefore, we, digital game-based learning lab of National Taiwan Normal University, developed the interactive moral online game, named "To do or not to do", to help students explore and establish appropriate moral values. Results of Partial Least Squares (PLS) analyses indicated that behavioral intention was significantly influences by behavioral control, self-worth, attitude toward the game, subjective norm and parenting style.