Effect of self-worth and parenting style on the planned behavior in an ethic game
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Hong, J. C.
Hwang, M. Y.
Wang, C. K.
Hsu, T. F.
Chen. Y. J.
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This idea of integrating moral education to digital gaming platform had been discussed since digital and online approaches were used in teaching. Online interactive instruction was one of moral teaching forms to assist moral instruction. However, most moral-related interactive online games lacked functions for players to explore themselves while game playing, that resulted in less participation in deeper learning and decrease understanding of moral values. Therefore, we, digital game-based learning lab of National Taiwan Normal University, developed the interactive moral online game, named "To do or not to do", to help students explore and establish appropriate moral values. Results of Partial Least Squares (PLS) analyses indicated that behavioral intention was significantly influences by behavioral control, self-worth, attitude toward the game, subjective norm and parenting style.