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Item Designing animation and interactivity to attract young players(2009-06-22) Hong, J. C.From a cognitive standpoint, interactive flash player media are designed to make learning more appealing and engaging for students to immerse themselves in a learning environment enhancing student motivation and learning effects. Twenty educational games using interactive flash player media were developed and deployed in several kindergartens to study the effects of interactive flash player media in learning. The research is a quantitative study focuses on the measurements of student interest in learning while using interactive flash player media. This device was brand-new to the pupils of Taipei kindergartens. Comparing initial game-playing to practiced game-playing, interests of players were measured. Components of the game that require identification and active recall skills were more attractive than those involving recognition; and interactive components with rich-information content were also more appealing. The two courses with a competitive racing game were the most appealing.Item How to shape the innovative culture in your organization(Shipley Print Company, 2004-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Lin, C. L.Creativity thrives on diversity and a plurality of views. Yet, ironically, the most readily available literature on creativity reflects a creativity monoculture, as if there were only one standpoint from which to explore and develop creativity. This is illogical. The explosion in global communications might suggest an increase in the exchange of views and information about creativity. So far, this doesn't seem to have happened. The aim of this internationally authored book is to begin to correct this imbalance. Some if its authors focus solely on creativity in their own country; some demonstrate the influence of different cultural perspectives on how they approach creativity. Others explicitly highlight the differences between Eastern and Western or African and European viewpoints on creativity.Item The contingency and inevitability of organization innovation: Case analysis of ten innovative enterprises(Deustcher Universit酹s-Verlag, 2005-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Lin, C. L.Item Factors influencing technology integration in teaching: Assessment among creative teachers(2006-01-01) Chanlin, L. J.; Hong, J. C.; Horng, J. S.; Chang, S. H.; Chu, H. C.Although the use of computer technology in classrooms is an innovative approach to teaching, teachers with creativity might not use technology as intensively as they use other creative strategies in the classroom. Eight teachers who won an award for creative teaching were interviewed in order to identify the factors affecting their use of technology in creative teaching. Teachers’ perceptions about technology use were studied. Two major issues were explored. First, we studied how teachers integrated technology into creative teaching; we then identified the factors that influenced teachers’ use of technology in teaching. The identified factors were classified into four categories: environmental, personal, social and curricular issues.Item A study on thinking strategy between experts and novices of computer games(2003-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Liu, M. C.The purpose of this study is to investigate strategic thinking between the experts and the novices of computer games. The computer game “Klotski” was chosen for 76 elementary school students to play. The operating time and number of steps were recorded to identify the expert and novice players. Following this, five expert players and five novice players were asked to play the game again. All game play processes, using a think-aloud protocol, were videotaped for further analysis. The analysis results showed that the relationship between the operating time and the steps of the novice group were more scattered than the expert group. The significant difference between the expert and novice groups was the percentage of different thinking types. In the game playing process, the expert players used more analogical thinking while the novice players tended to use trial-and-error thinking.Item Chi and Organizational creativity: A case study of three Taiwanese computer firms(2003-11-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Lin, C. L.The mechanisms of knowledge management include knowledge sharing, knowledge transformation and knowledge accumulation. In the corporate context, knowledge creation is of utmost importance for the promotion of competition within an organization. Knowledge creation in business corporations is most frequently done through sharing knowledge between members of a team. Therefore, how to promote the flow of ‘Chi’ in an organization to ensure the effectiveness of knowledge sharing becomes the key to successful knowledge creation. Moreover, to create and maintain ‘Chi’, a holonic working environment has to be created so that the result of knowledge sharing can be enhanced. This paper illustrates the effectiveness of the knowledge-sharing practices of three computer-manufacturing companies from the perspective of working environment design and knowledge-sharing mechanism. Through comparison, this paper will identify some good practices for the enhancement of organizational creativityItem A toy clinic shop: Innovation management in a Shin-Tai elementary school(2008-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M.Y.; Liang, H.W.; Chang, H.W.In Taiwan there is a declining birth rate and a dramatic increase in the elderly population. There is also the trend of using school space that would otherwise be left unused. The experimental project “Toy Clinic Shop in Elementary School” offers an innovative management model for elementary schools to address these developments. The following are included in the project goals: lifelong learning, service learning, and intergenerational interaction. The Toy Clinic Shop is not only a place offering the opportunity for intergenerational contact, but also for sharing and learning from each other. When the elderly contribute to the shop, they enjoy being with children, and they can experience the so called Ta Tung world of utopia where they enjoy being with young people. Furthermore, schools can benefit from the project because it promotes a school's many functions, collects more resources, creates social value among retired people, and develops the human resource of the elderly.Item Playfulness-based design in educational games: A perspective on an evolutionary contest game(2009-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M.Y.; Lu, C.H.; Cheng, C.L.; Lee, Y.C.; Lin, C.L.Playfulness steering is an emerging approach in educational game design and play. The integration of arithmetic computation, game strategy, and teamwork into one game allows players to interactively “steer” the playfulness and enhance learning. In this paper, an evolutionary contest game was designed and implemented to examine the influencing factors. Through action research, focus groups and hermeneutic methods, the results of this study suggest that the playfulness design of an evolutionary game is influenced by the degree of uncertainty, flexibility in decision making, the level of challenge, equal conditions for fair play, opportunities to compete/cooperate, and the level of interactivity.Item Operating a successful PowerTech creativity contest(2007-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Lin, C. C.; Lin, Y. L.Abstract To help cultivate future talent for creating technology, the PowerTech Youth Creativity Contest was first held in 2000 by the Taiwan Creativity Development Association (TCDA) and the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). It has since been organized regularly on a yearly basis, with the number of contending teams growing from 78 in the first year to 414 in 2006 (3-4 members each team). The categories have been extended from the elementary school level to include junior high school categories. The activity design adopts the projectbased learning approach and aims to develop important technological creation abilities for students, particularly with respect to knowledge application, psychomotor skills, and creative thinking in which the planning ability, imagination, analytical skill, and implementation ability will be developed, and some affective domains such as persistence, high regard for efficiency, quality improvement ability, and teamwork spirit will be cultivated through project competition and realization. The purpose of this article is to describe the operation principles behind the PowerTech contest from four different dimensions: (1) contest design and its rationale, (2) contest promotion which includes the application of information technology (IT), and the social resource identification and application. It is hoped that the discussion of this article will be valuable as a referential basis to organizers of similar activities.Item Perceived competency disparities between pre-service training and job demands of primary school administrators(2009-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Sheu, L. C.; Lee, C. K.The aim of this study is to explore whether school administrators’ training has provided necessary knowledge and competency for school management, which allows school administrators to cope with current demands in their profession. This study also examines competency disparities based on a survey. The 44-item, 6-category survey was then distributed to a sample of 1,872 elementary school administrators. These subjects consisted of nationwide elementary school principals, managers and team leaders. A return rate of 43.59% was achieved and 816 valid samples were collected and analyzed. The results indicated a common trend in all 44 items. The findings suggested that: perceptions of competency disparity in the six categories drawn from primary school administrators ranged from the low to the intermediate level. Among the six categories of elementary school administrators’ competencies in school innovative management, “mental capability” was most significantly perceived and “professional capability” was least mentioned.