Operating a successful PowerTech creativity contest
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Hong, J. C.
Lin, C. C.
Lin, Y. L.
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To help cultivate future talent for creating
technology, the PowerTech Youth Creativity
Contest was first held in 2000 by the Taiwan
Creativity Development Association (TCDA)
and the National Taiwan Normal University
(NTNU). It has since been organized regularly
on a yearly basis, with the number of contending
teams growing from 78 in the first year to 414
in 2006 (3-4 members each team). The categories have been extended from the elementary
school level to include junior high school categories. The activity design adopts the projectbased learning approach and aims to develop
important technological creation abilities for
students, particularly with respect to knowledge
application, psychomotor skills, and creative
thinking in which the planning ability, imagination, analytical skill, and implementation ability
will be developed, and some affective domains
such as persistence, high regard for efficiency,
quality improvement ability, and teamwork spirit
will be cultivated through project competition
and realization.
The purpose of this article is to describe
the operation principles behind the PowerTech
contest from four different dimensions:
(1) contest design and its rationale, (2) contest
promotion which includes the application of
information technology (IT), and the social
resource identification and application. It is
hoped that the discussion of this article will be
valuable as a referential basis to organizers of
similar activities.