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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 湯廷池
    The present paper attempts to provide plausible explanations for English sen-tences which are cognitively synonymous yet superficially different. Altogether 25 movement transformations in English are discussed and their communicative functions explained on the basis of three principles: From Old to New Principle (a pragmatic principle)' From Light to Heavy Principle (a rhythmic principle), and From Low to High Principle (a syntactic principle). Finally, several pedagogically important gener-alizations have been made with regard to the nature and function of these principles.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1986-06-??) 湯廷池
    The present paper attempts to provide plausible explanations for Chinese sentences which are cognitively synonymous yet superficially different. Altogether 18 sentence struc-tures in Chinese along with their variant forms are discussed and their communicative functions explained on the basis of four principles: From Old to New Principle (a prag-matic principle), From Light to Heavy Principle (a rhythmic principle), From Low to High Principle (a syntactic principle), and Prom Close to Distant Principle (an empathy princi-ple). Furthermore, these same principles have been applied to the corresponding sentence structures in English to investigate whether similar sentence constructions in the two lan-guages perform similar communicative functions.
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    英語冠詞the, a(n) 與φ的意義與用法
    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1986-06-??) 湯廷池
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1985-06-??) 湯廷池
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1988-06-??) 湯廷池 
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1978-06-??) 湯廷池
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1979-02-??) 湯廷池
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    (國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 2019-06-??) 余安瑀; 王曉嵐; An-Yu Yu, Hsiao-Lan Sharon Wang
    本研究旨在瞭解高中職學習障礙學生的英語閱讀策略與閱讀能力的現況,並探討閱讀策略的使用情形與英語閱讀能力的關係。採用「英語閱讀策略調查表」及「全民英檢初級閱讀測驗」進行調查研究,共收回286 份有效問卷。研究發現:(1) 學習障礙學生的英語閱讀能力遠低於一般學生,在不同分測驗的表現一致性低落;(2) 學習障礙學生的閱讀策略使用頻率為中等或低頻率;(3) 高分組的學習障礙學生的閱讀策略傾向使用問題解決策略;低分組的學習障礙學生傾向使用支持性策略;(4) 英語閱讀能力與閱讀策略平均使用頻率呈現正相關。依據研究結果及研究限制提出相關建議,以供教學實務及未來研究之參考。
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    The Morphosyntax of Code-Mixing
    (英語學系, 2010-07-??) Eyo Offiong Mensah
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1993-06-??) 顏藹珠; 張春榮