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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 2000-10-??) 徐宗林; Jou, Chrong-ru
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1986-06-??) 徐宗林
    From historical points of view Naturalism has greatly influenced Western education both in the aspect of educational theory and educational practice. In the past the Naturalis-tic educators discovered that in the affairs of man's education man is a part of nature and he cannot separate himself from it. Like other life forms rnan is a growing being affected by biological rules and natural laws. Thus the education of man should follow the path of natural development, not the customs of human society. Education is a process of natural development from within. It is incorrect to consider that education is a process of formation from without. In regard to the practice of education, Naturalism has strongly emphasized the value of early education of children. The Naturalist also regards children as independent individuals. Freedom, activity, growth and experience are the watch-words of the Naturalis-tic educators. Therefore, that the child-centered education movement and the progressive education movement in the United States of America have been derived frqm Naturalism is accepted by most educational historians in the Western World. This study tries to concentrate on the following aspects: the main suggestions of Naturalism in regard to man's position in the kingdom of nature and his relation to nature, the educational principles of Naturalism, the ideas of Naturalistic teachers, the contributions of the Naturalistic educators of the West, and a brief conclusi
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 徐宗林
    This is a study concerning humanistic education in the West from a historical point of view. It contains mainly three parts. In the first part of this study the histori-cal background, meanings and fundamental themes of humanism are observed in details. The second part of this study contains humanists' educational ideals, contents and methods. Later the relationship between teachers and humanism is discussed. Then some humanist educators are introduced from the period of the Renaissance to the present time. In the last part an evaluation of humanistic education is presented.
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    (五南圖書, 1997-03-01) 徐宗林; 周愚文
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    (國立台灣師範大學教育學系, 1965-12-??) 徐宗林
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1991-06-??) 徐宗林
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1989-06-??) 徐宗林
    馬瑞坦(Jacques Maritain 1882-1964)生於法國;大學前之教育,亦在法國完成。他曾至德國進修研究;之後歸化於美國,為當代美國天主教教育哲學家,亦為教會中鼓吹新多瑪斯哲學思想,並推行人文教育思想之學者。氏對近代教育理論與實施,因受唯物主義、功利主義、實用主義及科學至上論的影響,使教育活動失去了方向性、目的性及意義性,因而導致教育走向盲動的狀態。再由於這些思想結構的影響,以至於人對自己的評析,失去了傳統思想中對人的尊重,從而蒙蔽在物質層面,喪失了對人精神能力的肯定。影響所及,教育活動中,個人地位為之沒落,方法為之失誤、教材為之不當,問題重重,亟待解決。晚近,從教育的失誤,因而引發了當代文明的危機。馬瑞坦也是一位企求透過教育,來扶正人類文明發展上失調的教育思想家。一種培育來日適宜的「人」,以解救人類文化的危機乃是他對教育所作的深切期盼。
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    (國立台灣師範大學教育學系, 1995-06-??) 徐宗林
    人類在理性思維不斷的運作下,其周遭的事事物物,往往隨著歷史巨輪的轉移而無時無刻不在提供人類理性思維活動的內容。因此,人類早已形成了探究、質疑、理解、論斷與再探索、再質疑等的思維形式。不同歷史背景、不同社會、不同文化環境下的人們,因而會孕育、發展出不同思維的內容。此一事實,實不足為奇。處在廿世紀一些古老文明的地區,在傳統文化與西方科技主導為中心的文化接觸下,多半形成了文化發展上的一些衝擊。這些新舊文化衝突過程中,最為人們費心而加以思索的一個問題,就是涉及到價值取向的問題。正如印度教育學者芮拉(Satya Pal Ruhela)在其所著:「人的價值與教育」(Human Values and Education 1986)一書中,由印度最高法院法官埃銳迪(V. Balakrishna Eradi)所作的序言便提道:「今天最迫切的需要,則在於人類瘋狂的追求物質的收穫與其目標之實現。人們應該,至少有時候需要停頓而反省一下,人們生活的真正目的與價值為何?人們應該提出一個嶄新的指向,依其內省的思考而給予生活一個新的努力方向」
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1987-06-??) 徐宗林
    西方社會政治的理想是民主政治制度的實現。至其歷史的淵源,當可回溯至古希臘雅典城邦的民主政治經驗。然而,由於歷史的嬗變、社會文化的演進、雅典式的民主政治制度曾經為之中斷。一直要到十八世紀民主思想的浪潮,始再度出現於西方政治的舞台上,終於演變成為近世民主國家誕生的催化劑。  教育為政治理想實現的一種手段。從西方近代民主國家歷史上論,尤其是美國,美美以全民教育之推展,做為民主政治制度的磐石。故有識之士,未嘗忽略教育與民主密切之關係也。  本研究主為歷史研究方法之應用,以近代美國教育與民主思潮之結合為經,並以民主思潮之發軔為緯,探求民主思想之淵源、意義、條件、民主與教育的關係,民主思潮的哲學基礎及民本主義教育之思想。最後提出一結論作為本研究之結束。
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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 1999-08-??) 徐宗林