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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
人類在理性思維不斷的運作下,其周遭的事事物物,往往隨著歷史巨輪的轉移而無時無刻不在提供人類理性思維活動的內容。因此,人類早已形成了探究、質疑、理解、論斷與再探索、再質疑等的思維形式。不同歷史背景、不同社會、不同文化環境下的人們,因而會孕育、發展出不同思維的內容。此一事實,實不足為奇。處在廿世紀一些古老文明的地區,在傳統文化與西方科技主導為中心的文化接觸下,多半形成了文化發展上的一些衝擊。這些新舊文化衝突過程中,最為人們費心而加以思索的一個問題,就是涉及到價值取向的問題。正如印度教育學者芮拉(Satya Pal Ruhela)在其所著:「人的價值與教育」(Human Values and Education 1986)一書中,由印度最高法院法官埃銳迪(V. Balakrishna Eradi)所作的序言便提道:「今天最迫切的需要,則在於人類瘋狂的追求物質的收穫與其目標之實現。人們應該,至少有時候需要停頓而反省一下,人們生活的真正目的與價值為何?人們應該提出一個嶄新的指向,依其內省的思考而給予生活一個新的努力方向」
Recently the problem of human rights become a critical issue in the world. It is assumed that human rights are not only a belief but a standard of living to be pursued if people want to have a meaningful and dignified life. This paper is a study focused on the problems of the historical developments of human rights, the true meanings of human rights and the relationship of human rights to moral principles in general. Finally, the problem of human rights relating to education is discussed in details. Based on the research materials, this study discovered that the education of human rights has already been a part of formal schools. In conclusion, further study on this topic is suggested. It is also recognized that the improvement of the conditions of human rights will be achieved if people hope to have a true democratic way of life.
Recently the problem of human rights become a critical issue in the world. It is assumed that human rights are not only a belief but a standard of living to be pursued if people want to have a meaningful and dignified life. This paper is a study focused on the problems of the historical developments of human rights, the true meanings of human rights and the relationship of human rights to moral principles in general. Finally, the problem of human rights relating to education is discussed in details. Based on the research materials, this study discovered that the education of human rights has already been a part of formal schools. In conclusion, further study on this topic is suggested. It is also recognized that the improvement of the conditions of human rights will be achieved if people hope to have a true democratic way of life.