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Item H-inf.-observer-based adaptive fuzzy-neural control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems(1999-10-15) Y.-G. Leu; W.-Y. Wang; T.-T. LeeThis paper presents a method for designing an H∞-observer-based adaptive fuzzy-neural output feedback control law with on-line tuning of fuzzy-neural weighting factors for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems based on the H∞ control technique and the strictly positive real Lyapunov (SPR-Lyapunov) design approach. The H∞-observer-based output feedback control law guarantees that all signals involved are bounded and provides the modeling error (and the external bounded disturbance) attenuation with H∞ performance, obtained by a Riccati-Like equation. Besides, the H∞-observer-based output feedback control law doesn't require the assumptions of the total system states available for measurement and the uncertain system nonlinearities only restricted to the system output. Finally, an example is simulated in order to confirm the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed methodsItem B-spline-based Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems(2008-06-07) Z.-H. Lee; W.-Y. Wang; Y.-G. Leu; J.-H. Yang本文提供一個以B-spline 為基礎之直接適應性控制方法來控制一個不穩定的未知非線性系統,其設計控制器的主要理論為直接式的適應性控制方法,利用B-spline 數學函數當作設計控制器的基底函數,來建構適應性控制輸入。最後透過matlab 軟體模擬結果證明控制器的設計為有效的。Item H-inf. tracking-based sliding mode control for uncertain nonlinear systems via an adaptive fuzzy-neural approach(IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, 2002-08-01) W.-Y. Wang; M.-L. Chan; C.-C. James Hsu; T.-T. LeeA novel adaptive fuzzy-neural sliding-mode controller with H∞ tracking performance for uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed to attenuate the effects caused by unmodeled dynamics, disturbances and approximate errors. Because of the advantages of fuzzy-neural systems, which can uniformly approximate nonlinear continuous functions to arbitrary accuracy, adaptive fuzzy-neural control theory is then employed to derive the update laws for approximating the uncertain nonlinear functions of the dynamical system. Furthermore, the H∞ tracking design technique and the sliding-mode control method are incorporated into the adaptive fuzzy-neural control scheme so that the derived controller is robust with respect to unmodeled dynamics, disturbances and approximate errors. Compared with conventional methods, the proposed approach not only assures closed-loop stability, but also guarantees an H∞ tracking performance for the overall system based on a much relaxed assumption without prior knowledge on the upper bound of the lumped uncertainties. Simulation results have demonstrated that the effect of the lumped uncertainties on tracking error is efficiently attenuated, and chattering of the control input is significantly reduced by using the proposed approachItem Robust adaptive fuzzy-neural controllers for uncertain nonlinear systems(IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 1999-10-01) Y.-G. Leu; W.-Y. Wang; T.-T. LeeA robust adaptive fuzzy-neural controller for a class of unknown nonlinear dynamic systems with external disturbances is proposed. The fuzzy-neural approximator is established to approximate an unknown nonlinear dynamic system in a linearized way. The fuzzy B-spline membership function (BMF) which possesses a fixed number of control points is developed for online tuning. The concept of tuning the adjustable vectors, which include membership functions and weighting factors, is described to derive the update laws of the robust adaptive fuzzy-neural controller. Furthermore, the effect of all the unmodeled dynamics, BMF modeling errors and external disturbances on the tracking error is attenuated by the error compensator which is also constructed by fuzzy-neural inference. We prove that the closed-loop system which is controlled by the robust adaptive fuzzy-neural controller is stable and the tracking error will converge to zero under mild assumptions. Several examples are simulated in order to confirm the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed methods