B-spline-based Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
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Z.-H. Lee
W.-Y. Wang
Y.-G. Leu
J.-H. Yang
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本文提供一個以B-spline 為基礎之直接適應性控制方法來控制一個不穩定的未知非線性系統,其設計控制器的主要理論為直接式的適應性控制方法,利用B-spline 數學函數當作設計控制器的基底函數,來建構適應性控制輸入。最後透過matlab 軟體模擬結果證明控制器的設計為有效的。
Based on B-spline functions, this paper develops an adaptive control method for a class of nonlinear systems. By utilizing the theorem of direct adaptive control, the system control input approximated by B-spline functions and the parameter update law can be derived. Finally, computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Based on B-spline functions, this paper develops an adaptive control method for a class of nonlinear systems. By utilizing the theorem of direct adaptive control, the system control input approximated by B-spline functions and the parameter update law can be derived. Finally, computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.