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    The Low-Cost RF-CMOS 60-GHzTransceiver
    (2007-03-01) Tian-Wei Huang; Chi-Hsueh Wang; Hong-Yeh Chang; Pei-Si Wu; Kun-You Lin; Jeng-Han Tsai,Chin-Shen Lin; Huei Wang; Chun Hsiung Chen
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    40-48 GHz sub-harmonic transceiver for high data-rate communication system applications
    (2008-04-24) Jeng-Han Tsai; To-Po Wang; Kun-You Lin; Tian-Wei Huang; Yi-Cheng Lin; Hsin-Chia Lu; Huei Wang
    A 40-48 GHz sub-harmonic transceiver module for millimeter-wave (MMW) high data-rate communication systems has been developed in this paper. The highlights are a sub-harmonic transmitter with 12 plusmn 3 dB conversion gain, a power amplifier with 17 plusmn 2 dBm output power, a low noise amplifier with 5 plusmn 1.5 dB noise figure, and a sub-harmonic mixer with 15 plusmn 3 dB conversion loss from 40 to 48 GHz. Furthermore, two kinds of MMW high data-rate communication applications using the 40-48 GHz sub-harmonic transceiver module were demonstrated. The experimental results show that the 40-48 GHz transceiver has Gigabit transmission capability.
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    A 68-83-GHz power amplifier in 90 nm standard CMOS
    (2009-06-12) Jeffrey Lee; Chung-Chun Chen; Jeng-Han Tsai; Kun-You Lin; Huei Wang
    A balanced PA covering 68-83 GHz is developed in 90 nm CMOS. Using wideband power matching topology, the PA achieves power gain of greater than 18.1 dB from 68 to 83 GHz and gain flatness within 0.2 dB from 68 to 78 GHz. The PA has a maximum saturation output power of 14 dBm at 70 GHz, and greater than 11.8 dBm from 68 to 83 GHz. The best P1dB is 12 dBm at 68 GHz, and greater than 8.3 dBm from 68 to 83 GHz.
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    A 50-70 GHz I/Q modulator with improved sideband suppression using HPF/LPF based quadrature power splitter
    (2011-06-10) Yi-Chien Tsai; Jing-Lin Kuo; Jeng-Han Tsai; Kun-You Lin; Huei Wang
    This paper presents a 50-70 GHz wideband I/Q modulator with improved sideband suppression. The sideband suppression improvement results from the on-chip HPF/LPF based broadband quadrature power splitter. The I/Q modulator exhibits conversion gain of -6 to -2 dB from 50-70 GHz. The LO-RF isolation is better than 36 dB. The sideband suppression is better than 19 dBc from 50 to 75 GHz.
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    MMICs in the millimeter-wave regime
    (IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, 2009-02-01) Huei Wang; Kun-You Lin; Zuo-Min Tsai; Liang-Hung Lu; Hsin-Chia Lu; Chi-Hsueh Wang; Jeng-Han Tsai; Tian-Wei Huang; Yi-Cheng Lin
    On the basis of the current status of silicon based MMICs, it is possible to implement millimeter-wave SOC in silicon-based technologies that include the antenna, a medium-power amplifier, a transceiver, an LO (frequency synthesizer), and baseband circuits in a single chip. With certain interconnection schemes, such as flip-chip, to connect the chip to the substrate, it is also possible to integrate the best possible chips for a millimeter-wave communication system. Currently, CMOS is the best choice for the baseband circuits, while GaAs and InP MMICs can provide the best noise/power performance in the transceiver. High-efficiency antennas can be implemented directly on the packaging substrate. The SIP approach has the optimal combinations of the components for the best performance in a particular system. For example, a system in a package including CMOS baseband circuits, GaAs/InP-based transceiver, high-efficiency antenna, and high-power amplifier can achieve the best system characteristics. As we have discussed, the scope of SOC can be expanded along with more advanced MMIC fabrication technology and design techniques.
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    Design and analysis of a 0.8-77.5-GHz ultra-broadband distributed drain mixer using 0.13-μm CMOS technology
    (IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, 2009-03-01) Hong-Yuan Yang; Jeng-Han Tsai; Chi-Hsueh Wang; Chin-Shen Lin; Wei-Heng Lin; Kun-You Lin; Tian-Wei Huang; Huei Wang
    A compact and broadband 0.8-77.5-GHz passive distributed drain mixer using standard 0.13-mum CMOS technology is presented in this paper. To extend the operation bandwidth, a uniform distributed topology is utilized for wideband matching. This paper also analyzes the device size and number of stages for the bandwidth of the CMOS distributed drain mixer. To optimize the conversion gain performance of the CMOS drain mixer, a gate bias optimization method is proposed and successfully implemented in the mixer design. This mixer consumes zero dc power and exhibits a measured conversion loss of 5.5 plusmn1 dB from 0.8 to 77.5 GHz with a compact size of 0.67 0.58 mm2 . The output 1-dB compression point is -8.5 dBm at 20 GHz. To best of our knowledge, this monolithic microwave integrated circuit has the widest operation bandwidth among CMOS wideband mixers to date with good conversion efficiency and zero dc power consumption.