A 68-83-GHz power amplifier in 90 nm standard CMOS
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Jeffrey Lee
Chung-Chun Chen
Jeng-Han Tsai
Kun-You Lin
Huei Wang
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A balanced PA covering 68-83 GHz is developed in 90 nm CMOS. Using wideband power matching topology, the PA achieves power gain of greater than 18.1 dB from 68 to 83 GHz and gain flatness within 0.2 dB from 68 to 78 GHz. The PA has a maximum saturation output power of 14 dBm at 70 GHz, and greater than 11.8 dBm from 68 to 83 GHz. The best P1dB is 12 dBm at 68 GHz, and greater than 8.3 dBm from 68 to 83 GHz.