Search Results

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    CAT motor: An innovative system to detect the behavior of human computer interaction for people with upper limb impairment
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007-01-01) Cko, C. C.; Chen, M. C.; Wu, T. F.; Chen, S. Y.; Yeh, C. C.
    This paper described a system which could measure cursor movement and control site motion simultaneously. In addition to evaluate a client’s pointing and selecting proficiency, CAT Motor system, developed on the basis of the previous CAT system, was also used to detect the motion of his control site. This feature could provide clinical professionals more detailed information when comparing the difference of performance among devices. The CAT Motor system consisted of four basic types of mouse operating skills, including clicking, cursor moving, cursor moving and clicking, and dragging. The CAT Motor recorded the location and the response of the pointing device and captured the picture of the control site synchronally. Then, the system visualized the results of cursor moving and control site motion on the screen. The CAT Motor system not only provided the professionals with an objective mean of evaluating specific difficulties of mouse operating difficulties, but also allowed them to evaluate the effort of the motor control training. Besides, this paper had some suggestions for the research in the future.
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    (臺北市:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局。, 2006-01-01) 王華沛; 邱滿艷; 胡心慈; 郝佳華; 陳靜江; 陳玉琴; 曹純瓊; 鈕文英; 鳳華; 劉玉燕
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    (臺灣醫學會, 2013-06-01) 吳亭芳
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    (中華民國特殊教育學會, 2008-12-12) 邱滿艷等
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    (2013-07-31) 吳亭芳; 陳明聰; 洪儷瑜
    數位匯流(Digital Convergence)近年來成為政府推動資訊科技發展的重要政策 指標。在數位匯流模式下,由於學習內容數位化,有利於整合在同一平台上傳 播,可以讓身心障礙者更容易地使用(access)這些內容,而且可以透過各種不同媒 體(電視、電信、網路)來協助身心障礙者的數位學習。然而,這些數位匯流的 特質是否真的符合各種不同特質身心障礙需求,尤其對於本身在注意、記憶、理 解、推理、表達、知覺或知覺動作協調等能力有顯著問題的學習障礙學生,在面 對強調文字、圖像、語言或影音交互搭配的多功能操作介面,是否能從中獲益, 值得進一步深入探討。 本計畫是一個三年期的連續性計畫,以「人」為中心,從學習障礙學生的特性 與適應數位匯流可能的困難為出發點,進而以此為基礎發展合適的支持方案,並驗 證其成效,期待可以提昇學習障礙學生數位參與的能力,消彌數位落差。 第一年(101 年度)計畫的重點在探討學習障礙學生使用多點觸控介面的現 況。將透過大樣本問卷的調查,初步瞭解學習障礙學生在平版電腦和智慧型手機的 使用情形。同時,也將利用科技接受模式,瞭解學習障礙學生對多點觸控介面科 技的接受程度以及相關影響因素。這些結果可以回饋給其他子計畫作為技術與 系統發展之參考。 第二年(102 年度)計畫的重點在瞭解學習障礙學生執行多點觸控介面重要 任務的困難, 並發展多元表徵的無障礙數位閱讀教材, 並以此作為後續 介入方案之基礎。 第三年(103 年度)計畫的重點在發展學習障礙學生在數位匯流環境下個 別化的閱讀支持方案, 並驗證其成效, 進而發展學習障礙學生數位匯流 學習之模式。 希 望藉由三年計畫的完成,預期可更進一步瞭解學習障礙學生適應數位匯流 環境的困難,提供適切之介入方案,發展在數位匯流環境下學習障礙學生數位學習 的模式。本研究小組之經驗與成果,可提供教育及復健專業人員介入時重要之參考, 並可以提供未來國家發展數位環境過程身心障礙者相關服務之依據
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    Keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy.
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.
    The purpose of this study is to systematically investigate the effects of keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy. Twelve children aged from 7 to 15 years old participated in this study. Keyboard adaptation strategies were developed based on the individualized assessments. A group comparison experimental design was selected to examine the effectiveness of keyboard adaptations. Speed and accuracy of typing Chinese were compared before and after keyboard adaptations. The results indicated that children with cerebral palsy did increase their typing performance after implementing keyboard adaptation strategies. The results of this study can provide health and educational profession a reference when serving children with physical disabilities.