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Item Detection in a Complex Age Collective Control in CSI: New York(英語學系, 2012-03-??) Samantha WaltonThis article examines the rejection of the heroic individual detective figure in the popular forensic crime solving drama CSI: NY. It explores how this archetypal modern figure is replaced by an integrated network of technologies and human investigators. By paying close attention to the postmodern conditions of the information economy and the global political context of the first decade of the twenty-first century—specifically, the U.S. legal response to the threat of networked terrorism—the article asserts that the demise of the individual detective is inspired by the recognition of the limited capacities of individuals to respond to complex threat. In particular, the alternative vision to the individual detective developed by CSI: NY is shaped by changing relations between state and individual in the wake of the 2001 USA PATRIOT Act. Asserting the essentially conservative nature of CSI: NY’s collective detective, the article considers how mass fears of chaos and complex crime are consoled through a team of “everyman” investigators, who draw their moral authority from the collective social body, and who justify their access to and exploitation of comprehensive databases through their selfless commitment to protecting the security of the collective. The postmodern and posthuman economic and theoretical basis of this shift is explicated, as is the series’ reliance upon the technologies and information paradigm of cybernetics, in order to account for CSI: NY’s contribution to the long tradition of detection, and to assert how thoroughly this popular narrative of consolation is implicated in the economic and scientific contexts and the political concerns of the first decade of the twenty-first century.Item 高中生相互依存傾向與其對於IRS教學覺知之相關研究(2019) 學牧民; Hsueh, Mu-Min本研究主要以準實驗研究法來探討融入IRS即時反饋系統的物理教學,對於不同相互依賴傾向台灣高中學生對於IRS融入教學覺知的相關性,分別針對學生在集體主義與個人主義不同傾向程度,對於使用IRS融入教學後,對於使用IRS上課的接受程度與IRS教學覺知做相關分析,並討論其因素。 研究者使用相互依存量表檢測學生個人主義與集體主義偏向程度,並且使用教學意見調查表量化學生對於IRS接受度並分析其因素。另一方面也會使用學習心得記錄表、課後晤談紀錄逐字稿,以質性方式檢視學生學習過程中的想法。量化資料以主成分分析、皮爾森積差相關分析進行分析;質性資料以研究者三角測定進行分析。 本次研究最重要的發現是相互依存傾向不同的學生,在對於IRS接受度上面有巨大的區別。個人主義傾向的學生對於IRS教學覺知有大效果量的正相關,集體主義傾向的學生對於IRS教學覺知則有大效果量的負相關,分析其晤談內容,發現主要原因是集體主義傾向的學生認為使用IRS教學所營造出的學習氛圍會給他們巨大的壓力。Item On the Interrelationship between Individualistic Orientation, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention in the Workplace(2013) 王良海; Kyle WangThe high turnover rate of the younger generations in Taiwan has for some time been a conundrum that besets local Taiwanese enterprises, as had been discussed in many articles. Most of these articles, however, had attempted to address this issue from the perspective of the assorted personality traits of these younger generations in Taiwan, which in actuality may be a case being unable to see the forest for the trees. By zooming in on the cognitive contradistinction between the generations imposed upon by the times, this research aimed to examine the issue from a macroscopic viewpoint, which hopefully can contribute to a better understanding of the nature of this blight of a phenomenon that is rampant among the younger generations in Taiwan. The R&D sector, wherein solidarity and selfless cooperation are called for so as to achieve breakthroughs and innovation and where human nature is put to the acid test on account of the onerous workload and massive stress, serves as an ideal place to inspect the collision of collectivism versus individualism and the impact thereof. Through in-depth interviews with targeted experienced HR personnel and the revelations of related success and failure stories, this research shed some new lights on the nature of this value mutation/confrontation pattern liable to stage in the workplace of certain graduated developing economies.Item 相異文化類型高齡角色廣告形象之研究 ──以臺灣《商業周刊》及美國Bloomberg Businessweek為例(2014) 蕭文玲; Wen-Ling Hsiao透過研究廣告,我們總可以擷取許多訊息。在急劇高齡化趨勢下,高齡族群顯然成為一新興議題,然而過去高齡者相關研究中,多僅著重高齡者的認知、醫療保健等,高齡者與廣告的相關研究也聚焦在刻板印象的呈現,鮮少以「文化類型」為切入點探討;因此,本研究欲以此為出發點,結合三個面向探究在個人主義(individualism)與集體主義(collectivism)兩種不同的文化類型之下,高齡形象在平面廣告媒體中所呈現的差異。本研究採用美國《彭博商業周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek),以及臺灣《商業周刊》為取樣來源,分別做為兩種文化類型之代表;又修正日本高齡學學者田島知之(2008)之類目建構,運用內容分析法(content analysis)加以探討。研究結果發現文化類型對於高齡角色廣告形象之角色性別、角色重要程度、角色出現場景、角色形象、角色外觀、廣告產品類別以及模特兒的使用上均有所差異。Item Detection in a Complex Age Collective Control in CSI: New York(英語學系, 2012-03-??) Samantha WaltonThis article examines the rejection of the heroic individual detective figure in the popular forensic crime solving drama CSI: NY. It explores how this archetypal modern figure is replaced by an integrated network of technologies and human investigators. By paying close attention to the postmodern conditions of the information economy and the global political context of the first decade of the twenty-first century—specifically, the U.S. legal response to the threat of networked terrorism—the article asserts that the demise of the individual detective is inspired by the recognition of the limited capacities of individuals to respond to complex threat. In particular, the alternative vision to the individual detective developed by CSI: NY is shaped by changing relations between state and individual in the wake of the 2001 USA PATRIOT Act. Asserting the essentially conservative nature of CSI: NY’s collective detective, the article considers how mass fears of chaos and complex crime are consoled through a team of “everyman” investigators, who draw their moral authority from the collective social body, and who justify their access to and exploitation of comprehensive databases through their selfless commitment to protecting the security of the collective. The postmodern and posthuman economic and theoretical basis of this shift is explicated, as is the series’ reliance upon the technologies and information paradigm of cybernetics, in order to account for CSI: NY’s contribution to the long tradition of detection, and to assert how thoroughly this popular narrative of consolation is implicated in the economic and scientific contexts and the political concerns of the first decade of the twenty-first century.Item 從政治消費觀點看台灣新世代的「台獨」認同建造(2017) 許書容; Hsu, Shu-Jung本文在古典國家認同的根基上,以政治消費觀點觀察年輕世代的台灣認同建構。本文主張這是一種透過商品或文化消費手段,實踐一種以個人主義的多元身分與文化認同為基礎,建構出的想像的台灣國族共同體。本文首先處理中華民國與台灣的關係,藉以梳理年輕世代的「台獨」觀。接著描繪本文的研究對象以及文化消費與自我認同的關係。太陽花運動是本文觀察政治消費現象的起點,運用構框理論及場域分析來解析運動中的權力結構,進一步觀察「台獨」符碼在運動中的呈現,以及運動參與者如何以個人主義化的個體加入抗爭的大敘事。最後觀察陳水扁時期與當代選舉中政治消費的差異,以及其他當代政治消費現象。 研究發現,透過消費實踐的各種身分編輯、認同拼貼,讓「台獨」透過消費個人主義化,這裡面的認同尺度不是集團化的國家想像,而是個人主義化的自我,以個人主義來追尋一種共同的台灣國族想像。這種多重身分及多元文化的認同構築,讓古典國族認同建構中的對立元素得以共存而不衝突。