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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2000-07-31) 毛松霖; 張俊彥
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 2001-04-??) 黃幸美; HSIN-MEI E.HUANG
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    Analysis of problem-solving based online asynchronous discussion pattern
    (International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS), 2008-01-01) Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-Ting
    This research explores the process of asynchronous problem-solving-based discussion activities and aims to understand limitations likely to arise during learners’ problem-solving discussions. The research has combined lag-sequential analysis and quantitative content analysis, and expects to use such analyzing methods to further understand the sequential pattern of students’ problem-solving discussion behaviors and knowledge-construction levels. In order to avoid influence caused by teachers’ subjective guiding methods and ensure objective observations, we observed learners’ online problem-solving discussions without intervention or guidance from the teachers. From the sequential pattern derived, we have not only induced a pattern of students’ discussion behavior but also discovered that, compared to discussion activity based on a single topic appointed by the teacher, the problem-solving online discussion activity is more helpful for students’ knowledge construction. In addition, this research also revealed certain limitations toward the content and behavior of students’ discussion without teachers’ guidance. Based on the results, this paper proposes a strategy in which teachers can intervene and guide, which is expected to enhance the depth of students’ discussion and knowledge construction when a teacher is applying a problem-based learning activity.
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    Assessing tenth-grade students' problem solving ability online in the area of earth sciences
    (Elsevier, 2007-07-01) Chang, C. Y.; Barufaldi, J. P.; Lin, M. C.; Chen, Y. C.
    This study examined tenth-grade students' (n=263) problem solving ability (PSA) online through assessing students' domain-specific knowledge (DSK) and reasoning skills (RS) in Earth sciences as well as their attitudes toward (AT) Earth sciences related topics in a secondary school of Taiwan. The students' PSA was evaluated based on a previous model (Chang, C. Y. (2004, November 26-27). Trends in assessing student earth science problem solving ability: the importance of domain-specific knowledge and reasoning skills in earth sciences. Paper presented at the Seoul Conference for International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), Seoul, Korea; Chang, C. Y., & Barufaldi, J. P. (submitted). Does problem solving=prior knowledge+reasoning skills in science? An exploratory study. Journal of Experimental Education; Chang, C. Y., & Weng, Y. H. (2002). An exploratory study on students' problem-solving ability in earth science. International Journal of Science Education, 24(5), 441-452) which empirically established that students' PSA is a composite of DSK, RS and AT subscales. Major findings are as follows: (a) The correlation coefficient among students' DSK, RS and AT was relatively small, indicating that these subscales might have successfully represented different constructs of students' PSA; (b) a significantly positive correlation existed between students' PSA total scores and each subscale. It is, therefore, suggested that students' PSA may be potentially assessed online by measuring their essential components in the area of Earth sciences.
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    The idea storming cube: Evaluating the effects of using game and computer agent to support divergent thinking
    (International Forum of Educational Technology and Society, 2010-12-01) Huang, C. C.; Yeh, T. K.; Li, T. Y.; Chang, C. Y.
    The objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of a collaborative and online brainstorming game, Idea Storming Cube (ISC), which provides users with a competitive game-based environment and a peer-like intelligent agent. The program seeks to promote students' divergent thinking to aid in the process of problem solving. The participants consisted of 72 11th grade high school students who were assigned to one of three conditions: 1) information-based (ISC[subscript info]), 2) game-based (ISC[subscript game]) and 3) game-based with peer-like intelligent agent (ISC[subscript game-agent]) conditions. The results revealed that the ISC[subscript game] and the ISC[subscript game-agent] facilitated diversified ideas in problem solving and were considered beneficial for brainstorming. Although the divergent thinking process may not transfer to problem solving results immediately, it is our hope that the empirical result can shed some lights on the development of game-based systems for collaborative learning and problem solving support. (Contains 7 tables and 8 figures.)
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    (2013) 江家綺
    標準化紙筆測驗是台灣學生的學習及升學過程中,主要的評量工具,因此,了解學生在解決標準化試題時的閱讀歷程,以及此歷程與解題成就間是否存在著關係,可以讓我們進一步推論學生的問題解決策略。本研究根據布魯姆認知分類修訂版架構,分析生物基測試題,選出代表題型後,進行成就測驗,在學生解題同時,利用眼球追蹤技術,紀錄國一學生解決試題時的閱讀歷程。眼球追蹤資料經過統整後,使用SPSS 19軟體進行歷程分析。此外,依據試題測驗結果的分為高低兩組,進行描述性統計、成對樣本T考驗、同質性檢定與單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)。 結果發現,學生在解決布魯姆認知分類架構下較高階或有圖的試題時,需花費較多的凝視時間及總凝視點數,這表示學生需花費較長的訊息處理歷程來解決這些問題,進一步的相關分析發現,除了了解-敘述題型外,學生在不同題型上的測驗成績與閱讀歷程大致呈正相關,顯示訊息處理時間長短會影響作答結果。而高低組學生的差一分析指出,高分組學生在解題時會將較多的注意力分配於試題中解題資訊所在;此外,高分組的學生通常也會有較多的交互閱讀及回視次數,這表示高分組學生在解決試題時,有較多整合題目所給予的資訊的過程,而這些過程皆可以幫助學生正確解決問題。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系, 2000-12-??) 徐敏雄