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    (2007) 曾明隆; Ming-Lung Tseng
    本研究主旨在探討應用多媒體「網路資源」輔助國三生學習地球科學的教學法,相對於國中自然科常採用的「講述教學」和「小組合作」等教學方式,對學生在地球科學學習成就之表現的差異所在。研究工具則包含「學習單」、「地球科學學習成就評量題本」、「電腦網路態度問卷」和「地球科學學習態度問卷」。研究設計採準實驗研究法之獨立樣本前後測設計,透過便利取樣方式,選取台北縣都會區之某公立國中100名國三生為研究對象,其中男學生 57 名、女學生 43 名;而分別隸屬於三種不同教學法之班級:網路資源組 32 名、小組合作組 36 名、講述教學組 32 名。由研究資料分析可知,應用「多媒體網路資源」和「異質性小組合作」等教學,相對於「板書式講述教學」,對學生學習國三地球科學,具有顯著的地球科學學習成就影響 ( F=3.371 , p<.038 ) 。雖然採用不同教學法對不同性別學生的分析,在地球科學學習成就的影響未達顯著 ( F=3.871, p<.052 ) ,但存在差異,小組合作組之環境的教學策略似乎有利於男學生學習,可是網路資源組之環境所採用的教學策略,反而有利於女學生的學習。因此建議教師若能彈性運用多媒體網路資源,並配合適宜的教學策略,應能有效促進學生學習。而且偏遠地區軟體教育資源不足的學校,若透過網路運用多媒體資源,應能改進學生在地球科學的學習表現,是為未來可研究方向。
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    Impacts of an inquiry teaching method on earth science students' learning outcomes and attitudes at the secondary school level
    (行政院國家科學委員會, 1998-01-01) Mao, S. L.; Chang, C. Y.
    This paper summarizes two companion studies that were designed to investigate the impacts of an inquiry teaching method on Earth science students' achievement and attitudes towards Earth science in secondary schools. Subjects were 557 students (9th grade) enrolled in 14 Earth science classes. Two Earth science units, including topics of astronomy and meteorology, were developed and taught using the inquiry-oriented instructional model. The experiment group (n=284) received inquiry-oriented instruction while the control group (n=237) received a more traditional approach over an eight-week period. The dependent variables were measured through the use of: (1) the Earth Science Achievement Test to assess Earth science students' achievement; and (2) the Attitudes toward Earth Science Inventory to measure students' attitudes toward Earth science. Quantitative data were collected on students' pre- and post-treatment achievement and attitudes toward Earth science measures. Analysis of covariance revealed that: (1) the inquiry-oriented instructional method produced significantly greater achievement among ninth grade Earth science students than the conventional teaching approach on both astronomy content (F=9.45, p<0.01) and meteorology content (F=8.41, p<0.01); and (2) students in the experimental group developed significantly more positive attitudes toward Earth science than did those in the control group (F=9.07, p<0.01). In light of these two studies, it is therefore suggested that students can learn Earth science through the inquiry approach. In addition, these findings support the notion that effective instruction of Earth science, such as inquiry-oriented instruction, should be proposed and implemented in secondary schools. The author's abstract in Chinese is included at the end of the document. (Contains 34 references.) (Author/CCM)
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    Implementation of Web-based portfolio assessment system and its effects.
    (AACE, 2008-06-30) Chang, C.-C
    This study investigated how implementing a Web portfolio assessment system influences learning effects, including achievement and self-perceived learning performance. The experimental group used the Web portfolio assessment system, whereas the control group uses conventional assessment. Study subjects were junior high school students in two computer classes. The experimental results were as follows. The Web portfolio assessment system had no significant influence on student achievement. Implementation of the Web portfolio assessment system significantly enhances self-perceived learning performance. The Web portfolio assessment system had different effects on work achievement and self-perceived work performance.
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    (臺北市:財團法人大學入學考試中心基金會, 2011-06-01) 吳皇慶; 張俊彥
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    A problem-solving based computer-assisted tutorial for the earth sciences
    (Wiley, 2001-09-01) Chang, C. Y.
    This study investigated the effects of a Problem-Solving based Computer-Assisted Tutorial (PSCAT) on earth science achievement and attitudes toward earth science of tenth graders (16-year olds) in a senior high school in Taiwan. A total of 137 students who were enrolled in four earth science classes participated in this pre-test/post-test control-group experiment. The experimental groups received the PSCAT; whereas the comparison groups received a Lecture-Internet-Discussion (LID) teaching approach. A multivariate analysis of covariance on the post-test scores of the Earth Science Achievement Test and Attitudes Toward Earth Science Inventory, with students' pre-test scores as the covariates, suggested that PSCAT produced (almost) significantly greater gains on students' earth science achievement than did the LID approach and that no statistically significant increase or decrease in student attitudes toward earth science was found for either group.
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    (2009) 姜善迪; Dee Jiang
    本研究主要目的是建置一個一人一機的學習環境,以輔助合作學習策略的實施,並進一步探討環境的應用成效。研究採用準實驗研究法,參與者為臺北市某國小五年級 8 個班共 240 位學生;其中 4 個班為實驗組,共 123 人;4 個班為控制組,共 117 人。研究的自變項為學生在合作學習活動中是否使用一人一機學習環境,依變項為學生的學習成就與學習態度。 研究結果發現,學生使用一人一機學習環境與否對學習成就並無影響,但對學生的學習興趣有正面的提昇。此外,一人一機學習環境有下列之效益:(1)可以利用廣播軟體增進教學之管理;(2)能有效支援合作學習活動實施;(3)對於學生的學習歷程很有幫助。 建議使用一人一機學習環境進行合作學習活動時,學生應具備基本的資訊科技素養,而教師也應具備相關的資訊能力。後續研究可以進一步探討一人一機學習環境在不同科目與年段的應用,增加教學實驗的時間,並以質性研究方法瞭解師生的互動行為。
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    Enhancing self-perceived effects using Web-based portfolio assessment.
    (2008-07-01) Chang, C.-C.
    This study investigates how implementing a Web portfolio assessment system influences learning effects, including achievement and self-perceived learning performance. The experimental group uses the Web portfolio assessment system, whereas the control group uses conventional assessment. Study subjects are junior high school students in two computer classes. The experimental results are as follows. The Web portfolio assessment system has no significant influence on student achievement. Implementation of the Web portfolio assessment system significantly enhances self-perceived learning performance. The Web portfolio assessment system has different effects on work achievement and self-perceived work performance. The system has no significant effect on improving achievement for poorly and highly motivated students. However, the system is more effective for overall self-perceived learning performance of poorly motivated students than highly motivated students.