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    (國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1996-12-??) 李翠玲
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    (2014) 陸亭亦; Lu Ting Yi
    英國是一個氣候不適合產茶的國家,絕大部分的茶葉都是由國外進口。然而英國卻因為獨特的歷史與文化,發展出與東方截然不同的茶文化,成為一個以茶聞名的國家。西方世界對茶的認識比東方世界少了一千多年,十七世紀中期茶剛進入英國時,除了當作皇室的禮物之外,英國東印度公司並不認為茶值得從遙遠的中國進口;在十七世紀中後期茶也並不是個主要的貿易商品。然而到了十九世紀末,在短短的三個世紀之內,「茶」和「英國」幾乎等於同義詞。 茶主導著英國社會的發展,改變了人們的工作方式、女性地位、審美觀,以及整個國家的氣質;茶對於英國是一種生活態度、文化與感情,英國人民更是從平民到皇室皆與茶文化息息相關。然而英國茶的歷史並不只是如人們所熟知的下午茶般的浪漫與愜意,而是同時混雜著東方與西方、殖民與霸權、競爭與掠奪、平民與貴族、男性與女性等複雜議題的歷史。二十世紀後期,文化觀光開始被視為一個特殊的觀光類型,茶文化旅遊也成為新興的文化觀光方式。如今茶在英國已經有超過三百五十年以上的歷史,也發展了許多茶文化旅遊景點;本文將探討在諸多茶文化觀光景點當中,英國保留與發展了哪些歷史景點,以及如何形塑與詮釋這些歷史景點。
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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 2001-10-??) 陳玉娟; Chen, Chyi-chyan
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    (臺灣師範大學科學教育中心, 1990-09-??) 方泰山; 廖焜熙; 李清桂
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1980-06-??) 謝文全
    The purpose of this study is to enquire into the development, function, and organization of the educational administrative agencies both at central and local levels in England.The central educational administrative agency, the Department of Education and Science, is almost wholly concerned with policy. It works partly through the performance of certain statutory duties but to a large extent relies on the influence it can exert on its partners in the service-the local education authorities and the teaching profession, According to the law made by the Parliament, the duty of the Department of Education and Science is to promote the education of the people of England and Wales and the progressive development of institutions devoted to that purpose, and to secure the effective execution by local authorities, under its control and direction, of the national policy for providing a varied and comprehensive educational service.The Department is headed by a secretary of state, who is a member of the Cabinet, supported by two Ministers of State and a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State. Under the permanent Under Secretary of State, the civil servant in executive charge of the Department, the work is divided into four areas-schools and educational building ; higher and further education ; civil science, arts, and libraries ; and educational planning, including teacher supply, qualifications, and salaries, statistics, and the economic aspects of planning. There are also groups concerned with finance, with legal matters, and common services. The organization of the work is sub-divided further.The councils of counties and county boroughs are the local education authorities ( LEAs ), in those hands is the actual provision and administration of education, other than universities and voluntary establishments. Each local education authority is required by law to appoint an education committee whose job it is to carry out its educational responsibilities. Usually at least half the
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    Cyclical Process of Nature in Classical English Poetry
    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1982-06-??) 陳鵬翔
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    (臺灣國際法學會, 2009-06-01) 王冠雄; 李明峻
    英國外交政策向以彈性著稱,其為西方國家中第一個宣布承認中華人民共和國政府,然而由於聯合國中中國代表權席位的問題,以及英國仍然維持與台灣的關係(即使是非官方的),使得英國與中共之間的正式外交關係一直到1972年方才確定,而英國方於同年關閉在台灣淡水的領事館。本文之目的乃在觀察英國的彈性外交作爲,特別是其在處理台海兩岸之間關係上所展現的現實性。首先,本文將再檢視以1953年Civil Air Transport Inc. v. Central Air Transport Corporation案爲首的諸項判例,藉此觀察英國在處理國際法議題中關於政府承認回溯效力問題之態度。其次,英國行政部門在處理對台關係時,其所建立的若干不同性質的機構也是本文所欲觀察的對象,這些機構在實質上維繫英國與台灣之間的關係。本文作者認爲由於英國執著於傳統國際法的規範,使得英國與台灣之間仍難建立正式的外交關係。然而,台灣是一個民主、法治、尊重人權、文明進步的國家,若能持續維持此一特色,則在持續與英國的交往上,將可處於有利之局面。
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    (臺灣師範大學科學教育中心, 1985-05-??) 魏明通
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    (教育部, 2005-12-01) 程瑞福
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    (社教雙月刊雜誌, 2002-12-01) 游美貴