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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 1984-04-??) 孟靜
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    (國立宜蘭大學人文及管理學院, 2004-11-01) 張智欽; 韋煙灶
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    (地理學系, 1985-03-??) 李薰楓
    The purpose of this paper is as fol1ows: (1) to understand relative position of industries in every precinet; (2) to realize the characters and changes of basic/non-b的ic industries in every preciftct; (3) to compute each activity forming how many proportion of thetotal economic activities and to find the main industries in a precinet; (4) to calculate employment diversification or specialization index and to compare changes in the degree of diversification or specialization for the given areá; (5) to describe the spatial form of the areal economy and its changes of employment, for it can be considered as the amounts of areal employment that has shifted into or out of a precinct; (6) to analyze the correlation coefficient of each activity with the total economic activities; (7) to examine how many main factors affecting the employment location for the given region. The paper is based on the Census of Population for 1956 and 1980, as wel1 as on some measures, such as location quotient, diversification index, comparative analysis, mu1tiple regression and factor analysis. These measures wi1l be used to evaluate locational changes of employment in the largest five cities of Taiwan. Based on quantitative methods, statistical tables and map figures, some conclusions have been reached in the paper.
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    (2012) 廖珊慧
    近年來全球人口快速增加,使得土地利用與地表覆蓋快速變化。而土地利用與地表快速的變遷對生態與人類資源將造成劇烈的影響,臺灣地狹人稠、人口密度高且山多平原少,優良農地相對稀少,為了維持國人糧食的自給性,需特別地重視優良的農田保護。然而,自民國八十九年農業發展條例施行修正後,開放一般民眾均可以自由買賣農地及興建農舍,威脅了國內優良農田的維持。國道五號雪山隧道於民國九十五年通車後,使得宜蘭納入大台北地區的一日通勤圈,加上國人生活習慣改變,嚮往田園生活,使得大量北部民眾到宜蘭購置農舍。宜蘭地區大量興建農舍的情形主要出現在宜蘭市、礁溪鄉、羅東鎮與員山鄉,尤以員山鄉申請的農舍為最多。農舍快迅且大量地在宜蘭地區出現,造成農田破碎化、獨立農舍的公共建設成本高,以及因水田減少而造成淹水的危機等問題,需特別注意農舍大量興建的現象。 本研究為了瞭解員山鄉農舍大量出現的情形,使用員山鄉歷年農舍的申請執照作為研究材料,並藉由正射影像圖資,在GIS軟體中對每一筆農舍進行地址對位。將員山鄉已申請使用執照農舍的所在位置與使用執照的內容匯整後進行分析,以瞭解員山鄉農舍的時間與空間分布特性。此外,進一步對農舍進行認定與分類,並探討各類農舍的時空分布特性。利用各類型農舍呈現出空間分布的區位差異,可分析區位差異的情形。最後將使用細胞自動機預測農舍的變遷,以瞭解員山鄉農舍未來的發展,提供未來農業與農地興建農舍政策上相關決策的參考。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1983-06-??) 李薰楓
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the manufacturing characteristics of machinary industries in Taiwan. The paper is based on the data of the Census of Manufacture and Commerce for 1954, 1961, 1966, 1971 and 1976 as well as on some measures, such as the location quctient, Conkling's diversification index, shift-mix analysis, multiple regression and factor analysis. These measures will be used to evaluated locational changes of machinary industries in Taiwan. Based on quantitative methods, statistical tables and map figures, some conclu-sions have been reached in the apper.
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1984-05-??) 李薰楓
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 陳憲明
    Fishing ports and landing bases function as the points of transference of catches to markets and to land distribution systems. They are the functional nodes of the fishing grounds and fishing market areas. This paper aims to assess, according to the spatial function viewpoint, the function and location of seven fishing ports and 48 undeveloped landing places (i.e. lacking wharf infrastructure) on the Eastern Taiwan coast. On the whole, the location of fishing ports is principally determined by the following conditions: (1) the degree of agglomeration of fishing functional facilities; (2) the size of fishing grounds utilized by a port and the richness of its fishery resources; (3) the economic distance between a fishing port and its markets. Fishing ports in Eastern Taiwan are small scale, their fishing fleets are of small tonnage, their fishing grounds are of limited scope, and their distribution and marketing are affected by topographical obstacles to transportation to the large consumer markets of Western Taiwan. In Eastern Taiwan, only the ports of Hsinkang, Hualien and Taitung possess landing, freezing, storing, packing, delivery and marketing functions. Due to the strong spatial convergence of these three fishing ports, they form three fishing marketing areas. The port with the strongest centrality, Hsinkang, possesses a regional wholesale market function. Huaiien and Taitung only possess a local wholesale market function. Green Island is a fishery base for the offshore islands of Eastern Taiwan. The Kuroshio current passes by this island and it has rich fishery resources. However, this offshore island is isolated from Taiwan proper, and yet must rely on the Taiwan market. These factors limit the development of its fishing industry. Apart from a small minority of fishing ports, the majority of fishing villages of Eastern Taiwan are lacking in fundamental infrastructure. They are without wharves and their fishermen just use plastic fi