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Item 新北市中等學校體育組長工作壓力與工作滿意之研究(2015) 朱祐緯; Chu, Yu-Wei本研究之目的係探討與實證研究,新北市中等學校體育組長工作壓力與工作滿意之現況,並比較不同背景變項之體育組長對工作壓力與工作滿意的差異和相關情形。透過問卷調查法,以103學年度新北市中等學校體育組長為研究對象,並以「新北市中等學校體育組長工作壓力與工作滿意調查問卷」做為研究工具。根據調查所得有效問卷111份,以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較及典型相關分析統計方法進行實證資料分析,以下為結論: 一、在新北市中等學校體育組長工作壓力感受屬於中等程度,其中以「工作負荷」的壓力感受程度最大,而「專業知能」的壓力感受程度最小;工作滿意感受屬於中等以上, 其中以「公共關係」的滿意感受程度最高,而「薪資升遷」的滿意感受程度最低。 二、不同背景的新北市中等學校體育組長工作壓力,在年齡、體育組長年資及學校規模皆有顯著差異。 三、不同背景的新北市中等學校體育組長工作滿意,在年齡、體育組長年資及學校規模皆有顯著差異。 四、新北市中等學校體育組長工作壓力與工作滿意呈現負相關,主要是工作壓力構面之「專業知能」透過第一典型因素,影響工作滿意構面之「工作本身」,即當新北市中等學校體育組長的專業知能的壓力愈大時會降低工作本身的滿意。Item 美國ACM1993年中學電腦課程簡介(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1993-12-??) 吳正己Item 高一地球科學教室學習環境之初探(2004) 李旻憲; Min-Hsien LeeThe chief purpose of this study is to explore the classroom learning environment (LE) at secondary school, includes students’ preference toward classroom LE which focusing on students’ viewpoints (perceptions and fitness) and specifically dealing with student-centred and teacher-centred orientation by an alternative, transverse or macrocosmic standpoint. A pre-test post-test survey design involving 1,234 students from 34 classes enrolled in a compulsory earth science course at 14 schools was adopted. Each student responded to the earth science classroom learning environment instrument (ESCLEI) and completed the earth science learning outcomes questionnaire (ESLOQ) in summer semester from September 2003 to February 2004. We used a class as the unit of analysis in this study. The results showed that students’ preferred and perceived (actual) classroom LEs are much more oriented toward teacher-centred setting then toward the student-centred setting in both pre- and post-test, in spite of the preferred classroom LEs revealed by students’ responses on both subscales are quite similar to each other. The classroom LEs settings are chiefly teacher-centred oriented, although students were also fond of the student-centred settings and it still had a certain extent gap between their preferred and actual (perceived) classroom LEs. Students’ preferred classroom LEs on both subscales tend to regress when they were taught during a semester and their perceived (actual) classroom LEs on teacher-centred orientation have a similar outcome. It is worthy noted that students perceived (actual) much more student-centred oriented classroom LE when they were taught during a semester. Moreover, students’ person-LE fitness (PEF) on both subscales tend to regression when they were taught during a semester, especially in student-center. Results form the simple correlation (r) revealed that there were some positive relationship between classroom climate vector in student-center (CVS) and the diversities of leaning outcomes (i.e. attitude and achievement), and were no significant relationship between CVT and the diversities of learning outcomes. It seem to indicate that the diversities of learning outcomes were tended to increase which if teacher didn’t fitted for students’ perceptions on student-centred orientations in light of current study. Overall, this study revealed the present structure of classroom LE at the secondary school earth science classroom, and it also revealed students’ perceptions and the fitness in classroom LE. Principals and supervisors may use it to help teacher improve their classroom environments. It is noted, however, that there were some relationships between CV and diversity of learning outcomes; it still needed some further investigations to interpret the data given form present study.Item 我國中等學校電腦輔助教學CAI的發軔(臺灣師範大學科學教育中心, 1983-04-??) 黃萬居Item 中小學口語表達教學初探(1999/08-1999/07) 陳齊瑞; 常紹如Item 中等學校班級圖書室的設置(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1984-02-??) 郭麗玲Item 「自然與生活科技」統整課程設計-以「地球系統」為主軸(2003-03-01) 李文旗; 張俊彥九年一貫課程改革基本理念中提到,新課程應培養具備人本情懷與統整能力,以及能進 行終身學習(包括:主動探究、解決問題等)之健全國民。在自然科學的四大學科之中 (物理、化學、生物、地球科學),地球科學是一門與人類生活環境最密切相關的科學, 而且本身兼具極強的統整特性。因此,本主題課程主要目的為希望藉由『地球系統』概 念的介紹,引導國中學生進入『自然與生活科技』的學習領域,並教導他們如何以一種 新的統整概念來學習,且以正確的態度建立基本的科學素養。同時因為『地球系統』課 程具有統整的特性,所以可以讓學生在一個他們每天生活且熟悉的情境--「地球」中, 學習到整體的科學概念與知識。 這個主題課程單元的編排,雖是以地球為核心,但卻適時融入生物(如:生物和環 境)和理化(元素和化合物)之概念,希冀初步達成課程統整之理想。另外,透過不同 教學方法與策略的設計,應可讓學生培養系統性思考與問題解決的能力。最後,在教學 中適時讓學生以美學的角度來欣賞地球之美和融入科學發展的歷程。期許往後之課程設 計循『地球系統』為主軸來發展出更多類似的課程和單元,以達成九年一貫課程之教學 理念與目標。Item 什麼才是重要的地球科學概念?從中學地科老師的觀點出發(2003-12-20) 李文旗; 張俊彥本研究旨在抽樣調查台灣地區中等學校地球科學教師對學生應具備之『地球科學素 養』的想法,並分析不同背景教師觀點的異同處。在地球科學知識(概念)的研究結果 顯示:1、教師認為最重要的三個地球科學概念均為偏向有關『環境』方面的議題知識, 這似乎與當前全世界重視環境保護的趨勢相符。2、任教年資不同的老師在地球科學知 識的看法上顯然有較大的差異,年資三年以下的教師認為最重要的地球科學概念是『地 球資源與永續經營』;而任教年資較久的教師卻認為最重要的應該為『認識地球科學』, 這也許和他們以前受到傳統教育的薰陶有關。Item 如何改進中等學校體育科教材教法座談(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1979-10-??) 體育學系Item 問題解決為基礎之電腦輔助教材發展研究---中等學校地球科學(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 1999-07-31) 張俊彥