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    (2008) 蔡孟諺; Meng Yen Tsai
    隨著國民教育水準普遍提高,在社會環境及生活型態快速變遷下,國人對休閒生活逐漸重視。但由於整體大環境的不景氣,觀光旅遊產業彼此的競爭也更加激烈,使得資本額龐大的主題樂園更顯劣勢。主題樂園產業具有日益月異、變化快速的特性,必須持續更新設備及進行再投資計畫,才能保持競爭優勢,綜觀目前國內相關研究,則鮮少針對主題樂園的組織績效進行調查。因此,本研究旨在探討臺灣主題樂園產業中,不同的市場導向、組織學習、組織創新與組織績效所產生的影響情形。本研究以臺灣全部的主題樂園產業的管理階層人員為研究的對象,有效分析樣本共134份。本研究分別以t檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析、及AMOS分析等方法來進行實證並驗證本研究所提出之各項假設。本研究的主要發現為:(1)整體而言,本研究整體理論模式適合度檢定水準尚可接受,表示本研究的理論模型可獲得支持。(2)市場導向對組織學習有正向的影響關係,但對組織創新沒有顯著的影響關係,此外,雖然市場導向對組織創新的影響效果不顯著,但會透過組織學習對組織創新產生正向間接影響效果,並且間接效果大於直接效果。 (3)組織學習對組織創新有正向直接的影響關係,對組織績效沒有直接的影響關係,但對組織績效可透過組織創新有正向間接的影響關係。(4)組織創新對組織績效有正向直接的影響關係。
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    Measuring the Effect of Team Characteristics, Team Effectiveness on Organizational Performance, Organizational Survival and Competitiveness of an Indonesian NGO, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa
    (2014) 何彥蓉; Dian Utami Putri
    Teamwork was already presented since the beginning of human history and will continue to be the essence of human living and development. Pressure of global competition, the need to align business models with complex environments and the urgency in continuous innovation have led to the critical use of teams as a key element of organizational design. In the context of NGOs, many have exercised teams as their central management to carry out projects. However, since the Asia financial crisis occurred in 1998, the competition to attract donators becomes heightened among NGOs. Many donators inquire the organizational performance as part of the requirement, which consequently determine their survival. One way to improve NGOs’ competitive advantage is none other than to enhance their teamwork performance. The purpose of this research is to explore the relations between team characteristics, team effectiveness, organizational performance, and organizational survival and competitiveness in the NGOs context. A Team Effectiveness, Organizational Performance, Organizational Survival and Competitiveness (TEPS) Model developed by Shih and Putri, was analyzed by using Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. 152 samples were obtained in an Indonesian NGO, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB Foundation) for this study. The result indicated that team characteristics indeed had a positive and significant effect towards team effectiveness; in which team effectiveness also had positive and significant effect towards innovation, customer’s satisfaction, and financial performance, as well as organizational survival and competitiveness of YCAB. Practical implications and suggestions were also proposed in order to improve the teamwork performance in YCAB Foundation.
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    The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovation and Business Performance: A Survey Study Conducted in a Selected Organization in Nicaragua
    (2014) 潘艾嘉; Olga Del Carmen Pena Orochena
    Among the key factors that have been found to lead to competitive advantage, innovation is one of these factors. Being, in turn, the leadership style identified as one of the more important to affect organizational innovation, with other contextual variables which also could help to enhance innovation, such as empowerment and climate for innovation. Based on literature review, this study proposed four hypotheses about those variables and attempt to present a complete picture on the relationship between transformational leadership behaviors, perceived innovation and the final relationship with business performance. A quantitative approach was used. Two hundred ninety two online questionnaires were received from a private Nicaraguan company. The findings indicate that transformational leadership behaviors do have a positive and highly significant relationship with perceived empowerment and perceived climate for innovation, which in turn climate for innovation does have a positive and highly significant relationship with innovation. Innovation also has a positive and significant relationship with business performance. Since this is a survey of selected company results may not be generalized to all private Nicaraguan companies. Using a modified transformational leadership model this thesis attempted to make private Nicaraguan companies’ aware of the importance of leadership and innovation to business performance.
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    The Effect of Leadership Behavior, Knowledge Management Practice, Corporate Culture on Organizational Performance for Banking Institution in Taiwan
    (2012) 蔡宜靜; Yi-Ching Tsai
    Under this rapidly changing environment, it is hard to keep the same strategy. However, leaders should know the goal of company development, customers’ future needs, and issue constant change in corporate strategy. After the 1990’s, knowledge management became an important issue, as it can gradually influence organizational performance. Additionally, the execution of knowledge management, leadership behavior and corporate culture will influence business performance. Thus, this study aims to show knowledge management execution, leadership behavior and corporate culture influences the business performance in the context of financial institutions in Taiwan. There are seven banks join this important survey which including Bank of Taiwan, Land bank, Cathay bank, Tai-shin bank, SK bank, Far Eastern bank and En-Tie bank. The research samples are to be collected and the data will be analyzed by Descriptive statistics, Ordinal least squares (OLS) and Partial Least Squares (PLS).The empirical results show that leadership, practice and culture all have positive and significant effect on Taiwan commercial banks’ organizational performance. The results of the Descriptive statistics helped to point out what aspects of the knowledge management system influence were most important for organization to execute knowledge management. According to original theory, leadership, practice and culture these three dimensions are overlapping. Therefore, assumption one is three dimensions run multiple regressions separately. They are four factors in each dimension. And, they are two to three factors in dimension are significant. Assumption two is that three dimension, there are seven factors run multiple regressions, and find out only three factors are significant. The empirical results show the banking system need to improve trust and authentic leadership and enforce other dimension to help organization to improve organizational performance. In order to solve the problem of multicollinearity in OLS multiple regressions, a system equation model was established by using PLS method. The empirical results of PLS method for different assumptions and hypothesis shows that leadership behavior, knowledge management practice and corporate culture have positive and significant effect on organizational performance for banking institution in Taiwan.
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    (2023) 張韶儒; Chang, Shao-Ju
    本研究旨在以教育部藝術才能專長領域輔導群為例,探討藝術才能教育教學與輔導機制,藉由和藝才輔導群召集人,輔導員音樂、美術、舞蹈組長進行深入訪談,從中了解藝才輔導群機制運作的情形,及其後續規劃。本研究以研究者自編「藝術才能教育輔導機制之探究訪談大綱」為研究工具,分析藝術才能專長領域輔導群設置及運作要點當中「輔導群組織規劃與功能」、「輔導員義務及權利」、「輔導群運作策略」、「輔導群未來走向」等面向的藝術才能教育教學與輔導機制相關內容。 依據結果與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、輔導群在教學與輔導機制中扮演重要角色,在其他領域輔導群,中央輔導群與地方輔導群在教學與輔導機制中扮演重要角色,在其他領域輔導群,中央輔導群與地方輔導團保持緊密的關係,扮演不同的角色,但藝才輔導群僅有中央輔導群,缺乏地方輔導團的支持。 二、藝才輔導群組織規劃考量藝術才能專長領域特性設計,在各職務的規劃上,盡力取得班別間的平等。 三、藝才輔導群成員對於教師副召集人角色定位的觀點不一,就輔導群實際運作內涵而言,教師副召集人扮演有如實際領導者般的重要角色。 四、輔導員義務及權利強調兩者間需達成「平衡」關係,輔導群培訓機制有待建構。 五、藝才輔導群依據設置及運作要點制定工作目標,再依工作目標制定運作策略及執行方式,展開具體且多樣的工作項目,已達輔導員工作量能的上限 六、藝才輔導群組織期望增列第三方基層教師,並且建立成員良性新陳代謝之機制。 最後依據研究結果,對藝術才能專長領域輔導群、未來研究提出建議。