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    The Effect of University Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Creation on International Student Commitment in Taiwan
    (2016) 莫姍; Axana Vasquez
    In our globalized and modern era, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, knowledge creation and commitment are key factors influencing students. The Taiwanese model of education is changing significantly to adapt to the new innovative and technological era. One particularity is the influx of thousands of international students who come to Taiwan every year to fulfill their desires and needs for better education, language acquisition or exchange programs. This study aims to investigate the effects that the universities’ culture, knowledge sharing and knowledge creation in the learning institutions have on the commitment of international students in Taiwanese universities. The results of the study indicate that universities’ cultures have a positive significant effect on the knowledge sharing in the learning institutions, the most influential factor of culture is a cultural strength, showing that students care mostly about how well defined and strong are the shared values and beliefs in the university. Knowledge sharing also has a positive effect on knowledge creation in Taiwanese universities. Knowledge creation has a positive direct effect on the commitment of international students in Taiwanese universities. The study also found that normative commitment is the less relevant factor of commitment for international students in Taiwan.
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    (2014) 林婉華; Wan-Hua Lin
    The study investigates how hedging phenomena are manifested in the medical specialist-to-specialist communication in Taiwan. Hedging strategies utilized in two types of genres are examined and compared. The spoken genre consists of ten peer lectures, while the written genre comprises forty research articles. I explore the questions as to what linguistic devices are used as hedges in the medical profession, what functions those hedges serve, and what are the differences in the use of hedges in terms of genres. At last, I also compare the medical spoken discourse with Chinese daily conversation and the written discourse with Chinese academic written texts. The results show that the medical professionals make use of various hedging devices to modify their commitment towards the propositions being stated. These hedging devices are classified into modal auxiliaries, lexical hedges, and non-lexical hedges. Lexical hedges include lexical verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and nouns, while non-lexical hedges contain conditionality, rhetorical questions, and addressing limitations. Hedges are observed to manifest their polypragmatic functions in the medical discourse. That is, the medical specialists utilize different hedging devices to convey different functions depending on communicative circumstances. It is not uncommon to note that one single hedge may serve various functions and an individual function may be fulfilled by different hedges. In the medical discourse, lexical hedges are found to be the most commonly used hedging devices regardless of genres, which confirm the findings of many studies in the literature. Overall, the speakers employ more modal auxiliaries, conditionality, and rhetorical questions than the writers, whereas the writers utilize more adjectives, nouns, and addressing limitations than the speakers. The discrepancies in the application of those various hedging categories show statistically significant. Among those hedging strategies, adverbs are used the most frequently in both genres, and the application between these two genres does not show any statistical significance. Modal auxiliaries are normally used to express the speakers/writers subjective attitudes or feelings towards the propositions. Hui 會 ‘will/may’ is found to occur the most in the spoken discourse, while keyi 可以 is favored in the written discourse. Sensory verbs are overwhelmingly used by the speakers, whereas quotative verbs are favored by the writers. Genre difference accounts for the difference as writers rely heavily on hearsay evidence and research findings in literature to support their arguments and speakers adhere to conversational hedges to express their attitude and feelings towards the propositions. Hedging adjectives are predominately employed to modify their following nouns with various degrees of uncertainty or inaccuracy. Approximative nouns are used the most frequently in the spoken discourse, whereas question words occupy the majority of hedging nouns in the medical writing. It is worth noting that the speakers tend to apply a greater variety of forms than the writers. In addition, the speakers mostly use disyllabic hedges, whereas the writers favor monosyllabic hedges. In the medical profession, there is always existing uncertainty and there are always layers upon layers of explanation. Therefore, uncertainty can be counted as the crucial motive for the application of hedges. Hedges enable the medical specialists to express politeness in order to avoid potential FTAs, to express tentativeness and cautiousness, to convey less than full commitment to their statements, to convey vagueness to the exact accuracy or quantity, to show solidarity with medical community, or to present modesty for their achievements. In Chen’s (2008) conversational data, question words sheme 什麼 ‘what’ is employed the most frequently among all the lexical hedges, while in medical speech, the modal auxiliary hui 會 ‘will/may’ occur the most. In Chen’s study, there is no category of hedging adjectives due to their extremely small amount; however, adjectives occupy 6.01% in medical spoken discourse. In Lo’s (2010) academic written texts, modal auxiliaries are the most frequently used hedges for all the three disciplines, while in the medical written discourse, the hedging adverb huo 或 ‘alternatively’ and jiao 較 ‘relatively’, and the auxiliary keneg 可能 ‘may’ occur the most. The adverb of indefinite degree jiao 較 ‘relatively’ is used by medical specialists to modify the degrees of qualification and quantification. The hedging adverb huo 或 ‘alternatively’ is used to present potential alternatives commonly seen in medical discourse.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育學系, 2012-12-??) 張楓明; 譚子文; Feng-Ming Chang , Tzyy-Wen Tan
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    (2009) 李愷文
    網際網路的興起,讓人類的生活方式與習慣皆有嶄新的改變。網際網路成為資訊來源的重要媒介。Sun, Youn, Wu, 與Kunterporn提到透過網路做為媒介的口碑傳播(word-of-mouth, WOM),成為網路使用者在收集資訊與分享資訊的一種模式,更是網路世界傳遞訊息的新興模式之一。運動部落格是目前新興的網路媒介,其具備影音功能、文字敘述、圖片介紹、意見回應、人氣統計等獨特功能。本研究目的在瞭解運動部落格的使用現況與特性,並針對使用者對運動部落格之滿意度、承諾,及口碑傳播等三個變項進行相關研究。本研究以網路問卷調查方式進行資料收集,從7個不同的運動部落格主站中共收集了324份有效樣本。根據有效樣本以描述性統計、變異數分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析進行正式施測的資料分析與處理發現以下結論:男性、高學歷、21至30歲與學生的使用者居多;使用者的滿意度、承諾與口碑傳播間具有高度的相關;使用者的學歷、使用滿意度與承諾對於口碑傳播具有顯著的影響;瞭解運動資訊為使用者最在意的功能;棒球與籃球則是最多人透過運動部落格瀏覽的運動項目;不同學歷對於使用者滿意度、承諾與口碑傳播具有顯著的差異;不同使用運動部落格時數與最在意的運動部落格功能對於使用者承諾與口碑傳播具有顯著的差異。 本研究建議運動相關產業單位可透過運動運動部落格進行運動推廣與行銷,除了需瞭解使用概況與使用者特性以外,並且需要重視使用者滿意度、承諾與口碑傳播之關係。運動部落格本身則需注意所提供的資訊品質與更新速度,以維繫使用者之滿意度、承諾與口碑傳播。