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    西洋圖書館史(Ch. 17,18)
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1980-10-??) 尹定國譯; Elmer D. Johnson 著
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    西洋圖書館史(Ch. 15)
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1979-10-??) 尹定國譯; Elmer D. Johnson 著
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    西洋圖書館史(Ch. 16)
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1980-04-??) 尹定國譯; Elmer D. Johnson 著
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    (2006) 高慈; Tzu Kao
    卡爾․尼爾森為丹麥著名的作曲家,他在丹麥的地位就有如史麥塔那於捷克;西貝流士於芬蘭般,有同等的重要性及指標性。丹麥政府甚至將尼爾森的肖像印在全國通用的貨幣上。 尼爾森在世時所譜寫的無數歌謠,就已被孩童普遍傳唱,而教堂中,也一直在傳誦尼爾森譜寫的讚美詩。儘管如此,丹麥以外的人們對尼爾森所的音樂仍然所知無多,直到1974年,伯恩斯坦指揮紐約愛樂,錄製尼爾森 全集後,情況產生戲劇性的變化,丹麥以外的人們開始接觸尼爾森美好的音樂,且越來越多的音樂家,開始錄製尼爾森的作品。 在以下的章節中,筆者將全文分為四大部分―作曲家的成長背景與學習歷程、長笛協奏曲之發展、創作歷程、以及樂曲分析與演奏詮釋。期望能經由這些章節的呈現,對本曲有詳細且全盤性的理解,進而在詮釋本曲時,能有十足的把握以及深厚的理論基礎,將本曲演奏的更加動人!
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1988-06-??) 王哲雄
    Landscape painting originated from the love of nature, in pre-historic ages, NATURE and DANGER were almost synonyms. People hardly mentioned it with a feeling of awe. The praise of nature's beauty only existed in poets' works, handed down to us only in written forms. While in medieval ages, religious figures were the major objects of artists' portrayal. If Giotto had given up the gold foil for the sketchy sky, hills and trees as the background of his paintings of religious figures, and let's suppose the would-be landscape background had been regardedas the origin of landscape painting, it might have taken even logner time and more efforts by those artists who had unusual passion for nature to promote the place of landscapr painting in fine arts from that of unnoticeable background or foil to that of an independent genre. In the first place, the daily plates of religious lessons in a calender form painted by Pol de Limbourg brothers for le duc de Berry have been considered to be one of the masterpieces in the history of landscape painting. Nevertheless, it is at most the <<1'enluminure>> in religious books. Due to the emerging of the humanism in the Renaissance, painters were beginning to follow Aristotle's concept that "art is the imitation of nature." They endeavored to duplicate nature with their boundless imagination. Of course, at that time, landscape paintig only had its role as "background" though. The pure landscape painting grew to maturity around the seventeenth century. There were outstanding landscape painters in Netherlands, Flanders and Italy. In particular, there appeared a special kind of Indscape painting of "pastoral scenery" in Netherlands, which was totally different from the Italian landscape painting of noble temperament whose subject matters were mostly about historical events. Among them, Ruysdael and Hobbema are two of the best. The French painters Poussin and Lorrain, Who lived in Italy most of the time, devoted themselves to the elaboration
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    西洋圖書館史(Ch. 23-24)
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1982-10-??) 尹定國譯; Elmer D. Johnson 著
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    西洋圖書館史(Ch. 14)
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1979-04-??) 尹定國譯; Elmer D. Johnson 著
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    西洋圖書館史(Ch. 21-22)
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1982-04-??) 尹定國譯; Elmer D. Johnson 著
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1978-04-??) 鄭肇陞