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Item 澎湖縣某高職學生戒菸教育介入效果研究(2015) 呂惠櫻; Lu, Hui-Ying摘 要 本研究旨在探討戒菸教育介入對澎湖縣高職學生之戒菸成效;本研究採準實驗設計,採用李景美教授等編製-青春踢踏行教學模組為主要教材。研究對象為102學年度澎湖縣某高職學生,實驗組施行戒菸團體課程12小時及個別輔導3次;對照組未給予任何介入,兩組均進行前測(介入前)、後測(介入後一週)及後後測(介入後一個月),結果分析為實驗組31人、對照組32人共63人。資料以廣義估計方程式(Generalized estimating equation,GEE)檢定分析戒菸教育介入的效果,結果如下: 一、戒菸教育介入能顯著增進學生之「戒菸知識」、「戒菸態度」及「戒菸 自我效能」。 二、戒菸教育介入能顯著降低學生之「每日吸菸量」及「一氧化碳值」。 三、戒菸教育介入後,實驗組學生之七日點戒菸率(22.6%)、一個月點戒菸 率(12.9%)、一個月及三個月持續戒菸率(12.9%),實驗組戒菸率均 顯著高於對照組。 研究結果顯示,戒菸教育確實能增進學生戒菸知識、態度、自我效能及戒菸行為,故建議學校能將戒菸教育列入學期計畫,定期舉辦戒菸教育與後續追蹤,以持續維持學生之戒菸行為。 關鍵字:高職生、戒菸、教育、知識、態度、自我效能Item 中國科學院文獻情報中心的研究生教育(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1994-04-??) 孟廣均; Kuang-chun MengItem 家庭環境因素、教育背景與大學生自我肯定性之關係暨自我肯定訓練效果研究(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1984-05-??) 蔡順良; SHUN-LIANG TSAIItem 有聲思考法的應用(師資培育與就業輔導處, 2007-08-??) 顏晴榮; Yen, Ching-zonItem 後殖民論述對臺灣多元文化教育之義蘊(師資培育與就業輔導處, 2007-12-??) 廖千惠; Liao, Chien-huiItem 美國事業教育之探源及其對我國延長以職業教育為主的國民教育之啟示(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1983-06-??) 饒達欽This study is intended to analyze the roots and practice of career education in the United States of america as well as to explore its implications to the voca-tional-oriented compulsory education in the Republic of China.Career education was advocated by Dr. Marland in 1971. The main objectives of career education are to integrate vocational education, general education and academic education; to extend the academic world into the world of work; and to help individuals better live in work-oriented society. It is rooted in American work ethic, the philosophy of "change" and "John Dewey", the rugged individualism, and the loosely united couple of school and work-oriented society. The review of literature reveals that there are some similarities of these two societies concerning the current problems in education and manpower development. For this reason some of the following principles of career education could positively contribute to the future development of vocational-oriented compulsory education (V-OCE) in the Republic of China.1. Preparations for successful working careers will be a key objective for V-OCE.2. Every teacher in every course will emphasize whatever that subject matter can contribute to a successful career.3. Learning will not be reserved for the classroom, but learning environ-ments for V-OCE will be identified in the home, community and employing establishments.4. The provision of a comprehensive vocational or career development program involves active cooperation and participation of both school and non-school personnel.5. The V-OCE will seek to extend its time horizons from "womb to tomb".6. The V-OCE will be designed to be free of bias and stereotype.7. The V-OCE will foster flexibility in the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to enable people to cope with the accelerating change and obsolescence in the field.In order to implement these ideas, the vocational-oriented compulsory education must be initiated, The current curricula should be reviseItem 上海清心書院(Lowrie High School)與晚清新式文教事業的發展(2014) 游巧玲上海清心書院(Lowrie High School)為北美長老會的傳教士范約翰(John Marshall Willoughby Farnham, 1829~1917)於1860年創辦的學校,也是他傳教事業的中心。范約翰運用多角化經營手法進行宣教、教育、行醫、辦報等活動,使清心書院成為他新式文教事業的核心。 從清心書院的校史沿革中,可以看到該校發展上的三個特色:經費朝向自主化、以職業教育和英語教學聞名,還有走向中國化的過程。這些特色也表示,教會學校隨著中國的政治局勢、教育政策與教會在中國發展等因素下,必須不斷順應時勢,屢作調整,才能延續下去,圖時也逐漸發展出自己的特色。 范約翰在清心書院中創辦「清心書館」進行出版印刷,也從中自行培育許多新式職業教育人才,並進入他曾參與的聖教書會與負責管理的美華書館工作。這些清心校友透過職業教育習得西方出版印刷技術,後來陸續進入相關機構工作,其中一批學生後來甚至創辦了商務印書館,也為中國近代新式文教事業的發展奠定基礎。 范約翰創辦的清心書館先後發行《小孩月報》與《畫圖新報》。《小孩月報》在性質上雖然屬於宗教雜誌,不過講述的並非專門深刻的宗教義理,內容有更多方面是在兒童啟蒙,文字淺白生動,配以精美圖片,符合兒童的心智發展,更翻譯許多外國文學作品、引介西學與介紹史地,被稱之為中國最早兒童啟蒙的報刊。《畫圖新報》繼《小孩月報》數年後創設,鎖定的讀者為一般大眾,因此宗教色彩沒有那麼明顯,商業性較濃厚。文字敘述則以官話為主,並夾雜文言,編排延續《小孩月報》的傳統,文字旁配以圖片,內容多為地理、天文、格致、化學、新聞、軼事,還有令人莞爾的漫畫,構築出一幅美麗的世界風情畫。Item 西方自然主義教育思想之研究(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1986-06-??) 徐宗林From historical points of view Naturalism has greatly influenced Western education both in the aspect of educational theory and educational practice. In the past the Naturalis-tic educators discovered that in the affairs of man's education man is a part of nature and he cannot separate himself from it. Like other life forms rnan is a growing being affected by biological rules and natural laws. Thus the education of man should follow the path of natural development, not the customs of human society. Education is a process of natural development from within. It is incorrect to consider that education is a process of formation from without. In regard to the practice of education, Naturalism has strongly emphasized the value of early education of children. The Naturalist also regards children as independent individuals. Freedom, activity, growth and experience are the watch-words of the Naturalis-tic educators. Therefore, that the child-centered education movement and the progressive education movement in the United States of America have been derived frqm Naturalism is accepted by most educational historians in the Western World. This study tries to concentrate on the following aspects: the main suggestions of Naturalism in regard to man's position in the kingdom of nature and his relation to nature, the educational principles of Naturalism, the ideas of Naturalistic teachers, the contributions of the Naturalistic educators of the West, and a brief conclusiItem 愛新覺羅毓鋆教育思想研究(2021) 吳建廷; Wu, Chien-Ting愛新覺羅毓鋆(1906~2011),人稱「毓老」,乃是禮親王代善後裔。幼承庭訓,入毓慶宮為溥儀伴讀,及長,負笈日本、德國學習。於滿洲國覆亡後,隨國民政府遷臺,遂展開講學事業,創立「天德黌舍」(後改「奉元書院」),講授中國傳統學問數十年,門下弟子上萬人,國外知名漢學家亦不乏其人,影響極為深遠。 然毓老的相關資料缺乏整理,且所見又多為零碎片段,有意作學術研究者,在參考資料的取材和運用上,極為不便,筆者因與毓老弟子相識,並取得不少資料,也了解資料整理時的問題,故欲藉本論文之撰寫,為學界提供相關資訊的整理與論述。 由於毓老的生平事蹟缺乏完整論述,且毓老講課會以自身的人生歷練作為例證,故本文會先論述毓老生平。其次,毓老講課有許多特點,如一字一義、依經解經等,本文將舉例說明這些特點,使讀者在閱讀相關筆記和論述時,能更清楚毓老的講課方式。在了解講課特點後,會就所知介紹毓老所使用的上課教材及選講情形。接著討論毓老經典教育,以《四書》課程為核心,論述毓老對《四書》的觀點以及特殊講法。最後,總結全文。 毓老講學,不在「之乎者也」的訓詁考據中打轉,也非學院受古史辨影響的治學方式,而是強調思想與實踐,「讀古書的目的,是要用古人的智慧,啟發我們的智慧」,「治世之道貴乎行」,期望藉本文之撰寫,貞下起元。Item 從情緒發展理論的演變論情意教育(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1990-06-??) 張春興; CHUN-HSING CHANG