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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1988-06-??) 黃寶鈿
    本測驗之編製目的在設計一套評量學生的邏輯思考能力的測試工具(乙卷),並與前一期國科會專題研究計畫所設計之甲卷配合,以建立一套複本測試工具。本測驗之適用範圍為形式操作期之學生。本工具包括比例、控制變因、機率、相關及組合等五種推理能力,每部分包括兩種相同內容的題目。本測驗之折半信度為0.47 - 0.87,庫李信度為0.47 - 0.86,Cronbach信度係數在0.47 - 0.86間。本測驗經由項目分析結果顯示其具有相當的鑑別作用與適當的難度分佈。構念效度為0.31 - 0.82,與化學成就測驗之相關為0..20至0.55,與魏氏智商之相關為0.26至0.47,以上結果皆達到統計上之顯著水準。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1979-06-??) 張春興; 吳武典; 洪有義; CHUNG-HSING CHANG; WU-TIEN WU; and YU-YIH HUNG
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1986-06-??) 許榮富
    This study was designed to investigate the significant factors in students' characteristics and learning circumstances that affect the achievement of scientific attitude for junior high school students. Based on the attitude theory, Diderich's definition in scientific at-titude, and inferential questionnaire research methodology, the instrument was constructed. Using straightfied random sampling, 1634 subjects were drawn from 54 junior high schools in the northern area. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation and multiple regression were treated for processing the collected data. Different regression models were found among grades. The regression models for grades 1,2, 3 were: Y=166.30 + 3.11 *I1 -3.59 *SL+1.70 * SP1 -1.10 * E1 +0.54 *H1, Y=147.00 + 1.34 * I2 + 0.95 * SP1 + 4.91 * S + 1.86 * H2 +0.77 * SP3 + 1.52 *I1 -0.91 *H1 - 1.04*SL, and Y=l78.56+ 1.41 *SP1 + 1.15 * I3 -2.33 * A - 2.00 *SL + 0.97 * I1 respectively.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1979-06-??) 張春興; 林清山; 范德鑫; 陳李綢; CHUNG-HSING CHANG; CHEN-SHAN LIN; DER-HSIN FAN; and LI-CHOU CHEN
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1979-06-??) 張春興; 吳武典; 洪有義; CHUNG-HSING CHANG; WU-TIEN WU; and YU-YIH HUNG
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1979-06-??) 張春興; 吳武典; 洪有義; CHUNG-HSING CHANG; WU-TIEN WU; and YU-YIH HUNG