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    (資訊工業策進會, 2010-12-31) 施正屏
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2011-07-31) 葉俶禎
    經濟發展促進社會的進步與富裕,人類開始注意身體與心理的健康。尤其是近年 來年輕一代逐漸占據職場重要地位,他們對幸福感的追求與重視也延伸到每日生活的職 場。組織相對也需要開始了解職場幸福感對員工的重要性以及如何營造組織使其有職場 幸福感的氛圍。 本研究擬進行三項與職場幸福感相關的跨文化研究來充分了解在全球化時代職場 幸福感所需具有的時代意義。第一項研究是職場幸福感來源的跨文化效度檢測 (Workplace Happiness Inventory) 的跨文化效度檢測,以質性評量職場幸福感的各項 來源是否適用於跨文化情境,然後由量化資料收集與分析檢測職場幸福感量表的信效 度。第二項研究將在臺灣進行職場幸福感的前因與結果實證研究,以轉換式領導與內外 控性格為前因,情感性承諾為結果,來探討職場幸福感的中介效果,並測試內外控性格 是否調節轉換式領導對職場幸福感的關係。第三項研究將在英國、泰國及印尼跨文化複 製職場幸福感的前因與結果實證研究。 本研究希望達到以下成果: 瞭解1)職場幸福感所需具有的國際化時代意義;2)臺 灣、英國、泰國及印尼等國家的員工職場幸福感的組成形態;3)主管的轉換式領導風格 如何影響不同文化社會員工的職場幸福感;4)員工的內外控性格如何影響不同文化社會 員工的職場幸福感;以及5)職場幸福感如何影響員工的情感性承諾。
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    Organizational Socialization of Sojourners in Cross-culture Context – A Study on Workers from Northeast Asian in the United States of America
    (2010) 高瓊姿
    This study intended to explore sojourners’ organizational socialization in a cross-cultural context, as well as to find out what kinds of feeling sojourners have about organizational socialization and examine if there is any differences between the process of cross-cultural and domestic newcomers’ organizational socialization. The following questions were proposed by this study, (1) the organizational socialization process of sojourners in the U.S.A., (2) socialization tactics took by the sojourners’ organizations, (3) sojourners’ psychological experiences during their organizational socialization process, and (4) difficulties caused by different cultures on the sojourner’s organizational socialization process. The methodologies adopted in this research were first, interview to sojourners and their coworkers; second, two-month observation in a student restaurant. The research findings showed (1) sojourners’ organizational socialization tactics, process, and challenges were found, (2) the difference existed mainly in encounter stage, (3) the difference between sojourners’ and domestic workers’ organizationsocialization was the changes to domestic workers, (4) sojourners might have different acculturation policy from expatriates.
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    Typology of teacher perception toward distance education issues: A study of college information department teachers in Taiwan
    (ELSEVIER, 2008-01-01) Tao, Y.; Yeh, C.R.
    The popularity of distance education has grown rapidly over the last decade in Taiwan’s higher education, yet manyfundamental teaching–learning issues are still in debate. While teacher–student interaction is a key success factor in distance education, little work has been done on the teachers. The intent of this research was to clarify teacher’s perceptions on key distance education issues and to develop a discernible typology of different groups of teachers based on their perceptions. Because there may be a gulf between teachers and the technology used in distance education, the target of this study was teachers in information related departments in Taiwan’s colleges, who were more familiar with current technology. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to derive the typology. Five higher-level issue constructs emerged from the factor analysis: learning effect, customization, administrative challenges, geographic and resource integration, and instructional design challenges. Four groups of teachers, namely the skeptics, the optimists, the mild-promising group,and the outlier, were identified using cluster analysis of teachers’ perceptions on these five higher-level issue constructs. The profiles of the four groups of teachers were summarized and implications were discussed, which should provide useful insights to the policy makers of higher education on distance education decisions.
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    (2010-11-19) 施正屏