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Item Analyzing Knowledge Creation Process on Innovation Capability and Organizational Performance of IT industry in Taiwan(2016) 高于琪; Yu Chi KaoPresently in the 21st century, not only the world’s economy but also information technology (IT) industry in Taiwan are knowledge-based. Facing keen competition, there is a demand and need for IT industry to produce new technology and new products. Hence, this study investigated whether knowledge creation process plays an important role on affecting the innovation capability and organizational performance on Taiwan’s IT firms. Also it discussed the two profound knowledge creation enablers. To fulfill this purpose, an integrated model was built to examine the effects. 154 questionnaires were collected from a 200 questionnaire distribution to Taiwan's IT industry practitioners, with a response rate of 77 per cent. This study applied SEM (structural equation modeling) analysis, and the results indicated that knowledge creation process indeed has a positive and significant effect on leveraging innovation capability and organizational performance. Furthermore, organizational culture and enabling condition are found to be crucial in facilitating knowledge creation process. Some implications and recommendations are made.Item 探討知識分享行為與組織生存與競爭之關係(2016) 高晨芳; Kao, Chen-FangKnowledge management has been important for organizations, as it is a knowledge-exploded world. The use of the internet to disseminate information, requirements of the products’ qualities raised, demands of services increased, and technology progressed to a banking 4.0 system, the need to align business model with knowledge management has become important for companies to survive. The purpose of this study is to explore the relations of knowledge enablers, knowledge sharing behavior, organizational performance, organizational survival and competitiveness in the financial industry context. To carry out this research, Nan Shan Life Insurance Ltd., has agreed to participate in this study. There are 249 questionnaires sent and 225 respondents, and a total of 206 questionnaires are valid, the response rate is 82.7%. An integrated EBOS model with Structural Equation Modeling was created and analyzed by using Partial Least Square method. The results show that knowledge enabler has a positive effect towards knowledge sharing behavior; in which knowledge sharing behavior also has positive effect toward organizational performance, as well as survival and competitiveness. Practical implications and suggestions were also proposed to improve the knowledge management activities in Nan Shan.Item 企業運動員健康工作自覺量表之建構與驗證(2015) 葉錦樹; Yeh, Chin-Shu本研究旨在編製並驗證企業運動員健康工作自覺量表,研究步驟始於相關文獻資料探討與分析,用以建構企業運動員健康工作自覺量表的要素與初步模式,續透過專家座談編修量表題項,確立預試問卷,以進行量表項目分析、探索式因素分析 (Exploratory Factor Analysis, EFA) 及信度分析。正式施測首重量表之信度驗證、效標關聯效度 (criterion-related validity) 及驗證性因素分析 (Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA) 建構效度。 主要研究結果如下: (1) 驗證性因素分析 (CFA) 結果支持企業運動員健康工作自覺量表的五個分量表結構。 (2) 以統計數值為依據,支持每個分量表6題,共30 題構成量表的題目。本量表測量模型檢驗結果,有良好的配適性表現。 (3) 企業運動員健康工作自覺量表之總量表的內部一致性信度係數為 .96,五個分量表範圍為 .82 ~ .91。 (4) 企業運動員健康工作自覺量表與工作滿意量表之理論相關係數已達顯著水準。 綜合上述研究結果,在經過構念效度、信度和區辨效度檢驗後,企業運動員健康工作自覺量表已達初步可接受的水準,可做為測量組織成員在健康工作自覺的有效工具。Item 大學推廣教育公共關係策略、組織結構與組織績效之研究(2010) 林貞均; LIN JEN JIUN知識經濟時代來臨使得終身學習風潮盛行,高等教育急速擴增,再加上成人學習者對學習的需求增加,各大學開始重視推廣教育的功能。而推廣教育也成為成人學習重要的學習場域之一。在競爭激烈的教育市場中,公共關係所具備之現代組織經營管理、溝通與協調的特質,在推廣教育組織的發展與推廣上,扮演重要的角色。 因此,本研究旨在瞭解大學推廣教育組織之公共關係策略之運作情形、效果評估以及組織結構對其二者之影響。 本研究將大學推廣教育組織公共關係策略分為對等溝通、雙向溝通、資訊中介、人際溝通以及社交活動五個策略構面。同時,為進一步瞭解公共關係對大學推廣教育非營利組織績效的影響,本研究以平衡計分卡架構將組織績效分為財務、學習與專業成長、內部流程及公眾四構面加以探討。 本研究針對國內149間大學推廣教育組織中公共關係業務負責人寄發電子郵件,計獲得125份有效問卷,回收率83.8% 。接著,進行次數分配、信度分析、相關分析、T檢定及迴歸等統計分析,回答並檢驗本研究之研究問題與研究假設。 本研究之重要發現包括: (一)國內大部分推廣教育組織無設立公關單位,對公關普遍較不重視; (二)設有獨立公關組之大學推廣教育組織,公關策略運作上有更好表現; (三)大學推廣教育組織平日較缺乏處理與大眾媒體相關之工作與舉辦公 關特定宣傳與推廣之活動; (四)公關策略與組織績效呈現正相關; (五)公共關係策略對組織績效的影響性並不顯著,顯示國內推廣教育公共關係運作仍待加強;以及 (六)國內目前推廣教育整體之組織結構傾向高正式、低分權及低專精之結構環境,此皆可能較不利於公關策略之推展。