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    Analysis of problem-solving based online asynchronous discussion pattern
    (International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS), 2008-01-01) Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-Ting
    This research explores the process of asynchronous problem-solving-based discussion activities and aims to understand limitations likely to arise during learners’ problem-solving discussions. The research has combined lag-sequential analysis and quantitative content analysis, and expects to use such analyzing methods to further understand the sequential pattern of students’ problem-solving discussion behaviors and knowledge-construction levels. In order to avoid influence caused by teachers’ subjective guiding methods and ensure objective observations, we observed learners’ online problem-solving discussions without intervention or guidance from the teachers. From the sequential pattern derived, we have not only induced a pattern of students’ discussion behavior but also discovered that, compared to discussion activity based on a single topic appointed by the teacher, the problem-solving online discussion activity is more helpful for students’ knowledge construction. In addition, this research also revealed certain limitations toward the content and behavior of students’ discussion without teachers’ guidance. Based on the results, this paper proposes a strategy in which teachers can intervene and guide, which is expected to enhance the depth of students’ discussion and knowledge construction when a teacher is applying a problem-based learning activity.
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    Assessing tenth-grade students' problem solving ability online in the area of earth sciences
    (Elsevier, 2007-07-01) Chang, C. Y.; Barufaldi, J. P.; Lin, M. C.; Chen, Y. C.
    This study examined tenth-grade students' (n=263) problem solving ability (PSA) online through assessing students' domain-specific knowledge (DSK) and reasoning skills (RS) in Earth sciences as well as their attitudes toward (AT) Earth sciences related topics in a secondary school of Taiwan. The students' PSA was evaluated based on a previous model (Chang, C. Y. (2004, November 26-27). Trends in assessing student earth science problem solving ability: the importance of domain-specific knowledge and reasoning skills in earth sciences. Paper presented at the Seoul Conference for International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), Seoul, Korea; Chang, C. Y., & Barufaldi, J. P. (submitted). Does problem solving=prior knowledge+reasoning skills in science? An exploratory study. Journal of Experimental Education; Chang, C. Y., & Weng, Y. H. (2002). An exploratory study on students' problem-solving ability in earth science. International Journal of Science Education, 24(5), 441-452) which empirically established that students' PSA is a composite of DSK, RS and AT subscales. Major findings are as follows: (a) The correlation coefficient among students' DSK, RS and AT was relatively small, indicating that these subscales might have successfully represented different constructs of students' PSA; (b) a significantly positive correlation existed between students' PSA total scores and each subscale. It is, therefore, suggested that students' PSA may be potentially assessed online by measuring their essential components in the area of Earth sciences.
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    The idea storming cube: Evaluating the effects of using game and computer agent to support divergent thinking
    (International Forum of Educational Technology and Society, 2010-12-01) Huang, C. C.; Yeh, T. K.; Li, T. Y.; Chang, C. Y.
    The objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of a collaborative and online brainstorming game, Idea Storming Cube (ISC), which provides users with a competitive game-based environment and a peer-like intelligent agent. The program seeks to promote students' divergent thinking to aid in the process of problem solving. The participants consisted of 72 11th grade high school students who were assigned to one of three conditions: 1) information-based (ISC[subscript info]), 2) game-based (ISC[subscript game]) and 3) game-based with peer-like intelligent agent (ISC[subscript game-agent]) conditions. The results revealed that the ISC[subscript game] and the ISC[subscript game-agent] facilitated diversified ideas in problem solving and were considered beneficial for brainstorming. Although the divergent thinking process may not transfer to problem solving results immediately, it is our hope that the empirical result can shed some lights on the development of game-based systems for collaborative learning and problem solving support. (Contains 7 tables and 8 figures.)
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    (國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系, 2000-12-??) 徐敏雄
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    A problem-solving based computer-assisted tutorial for the earth sciences
    (Wiley, 2001-09-01) Chang, C. Y.
    This study investigated the effects of a Problem-Solving based Computer-Assisted Tutorial (PSCAT) on earth science achievement and attitudes toward earth science of tenth graders (16-year olds) in a senior high school in Taiwan. A total of 137 students who were enrolled in four earth science classes participated in this pre-test/post-test control-group experiment. The experimental groups received the PSCAT; whereas the comparison groups received a Lecture-Internet-Discussion (LID) teaching approach. A multivariate analysis of covariance on the post-test scores of the Earth Science Achievement Test and Attitudes Toward Earth Science Inventory, with students' pre-test scores as the covariates, suggested that PSCAT produced (almost) significantly greater gains on students' earth science achievement than did the LID approach and that no statistically significant increase or decrease in student attitudes toward earth science was found for either group.
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    (1999-07-31) 李大偉; 林義夫; 黃能堂; 蔡錫濤; 周麗端; 方崇雄; 楊錦心; 余鑑; 蘇照雅; 游光昭; 王鼎銘; 林薇
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    Gender differences in social cognitive learning at a technological project design
    (Springer Netherlands, 2010-12-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Wong, W. Z.; Lin, H. C.; Yau, C. M.
    This study aims to investigate the differences between male and female students in technology project design. The major gender differences discussed in this study include the problem discovering and solving abilities, maneuverability, and inquiry attitude among middle grade students. In the project design, students were required to design and complete a wooden robot with limited materials in a restricted timeframe. Data was collected through field study during the project making. The results of this study indicated that some differences existed between male and female students. For example, power tool manupulation was more appealing to boys than girls. On the other hand, girls were better at resource management than boys. Through social learning, female students have an overtime improvement. Pedagogical considerations are suggested to strengthen gender-specific problem solving skills, so that all students can realize their design potential.
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    (中華民國大專院校體育總會, 2015-06-01) 王文宜; 闕月清; 周建智; 吳志銘
    本研究目的在探討問題導向學習(problem-based learning, PBL)教學模式在護專生體育課實施健康體適能教學計畫對其體育自我導向學習能力、社會問題解決能力以及體適能認知之成效。透過不等組前後測設計以兩班護專三年級學生為研究對象,一班為實驗組(n = 47),另外一班為控制組(n = 45)。兩組學生分別接受12週,每週一次100分鐘的健康體適能教學計畫教學研究,實驗組學生接受PBL教學模式,控制組透過直接教學模式進行學習。透過「體育自我導向學習量表」、「社會問題解決量表」與「健康體適能認知測驗」等工具進行資料蒐集。獲得以下結果:一、實驗組學生在體育自我導向部分「喜愛學習」、「學習動機」、「創造學習」以及「體育自我導向學習總量表」皆優於控制組;在社會問題解決能力中「負向問題定向」、「衝動/粗心風格」、「逃避風格」以及「總量表」優於控制組;在健康體適能認知測驗之「健康體適能」、「有氧體適能」、「肌力/肌耐力體適能」、「身體組成比例」、「基本營養概念」等構面以及「總量表」達顯著差異。二、體育自我導向部分變項與健康體適能認知測驗有低度正相關。本研究結論為問題導向學習教學模式不僅對於自我導向能力有所提升外,對於社會問題解決能力與健康體適能認知皆能有所成效;體育自我導向部分變項與健康體適能認知測驗亦達正相關。建議未來或後續研究可關切該群體學生在身體適能與認知功能正向關係上與身體活動實踐力等方面之研究焦點。
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 1999-07-31) 李大偉; 游光昭等