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    (中國視聽教育學會, 1999-06-01) 楊美雪
    People receive enormous amounts of messages every day through various channels. Some of them just pass by and some of them are retained. How to deliver the message effectively to a learner has been a major concern of teachers. In this paper, the development and definition of instructional message design is presented. Furthermore, the relations with other practices of instructinoal technology are also discussed.
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    (2007-01-01) 廖遠光
    二十一世紀是知識經濟與資訊掛帥的時代,因應此一風潮,世界各國先進國 家莫不戮力積極規劃、推展資訊教育,以培育其國民適應資訊化社會,諸如美國 的「NⅡ」、日本的「資訊新政」、新加坡的「IT2000」、香港的「五年策略」等, 皆是傾全力推展資訊教育的鮮明例證。而檢視國內的相關作為,民國91年行政 院舉辦之「全國知識經濟理論發展會議」,其中「資訊化」與「網路化」幾乎貫 穿整個知識經濟發展方案,這種種措施不僅突顯出資訊科技對於教育的重要性, 也迫使投身於教育的學者們重新思考教育的本質,包括教育的內容與方式在內。 然而國內教學科技相關書籍與研究資源之數量似無法相對應於其對教育的重要 性與影響?因此本計畫擬以三年時間,透過審慎縝密的規劃,有計畫的充實國內 科技與教育類相關圖書與研究資源。 本計畫擬購置的教學科技書籍的範疇,係以教學科技之設計、發展、運用、 管理、評鑑等五大體系化領域為主要架構,並以此五大領域漸次開展,厚實相關 的書籍類目,以啟發教育研究工作者對於教學科技的前瞻視見與多元認識。 本計畫擬購置之書籍預計為四千本本,分三年完成。第一年擬購置1598 冊 書籍;其餘2400 冊書籍或重要檔案資料將分兩年完成購置。預期達成之效益為: 一、厚植教學科技學門研究人員之學術培育土壤,二、掌握教學科技研究趨勢的 脈動與流變,三、釐清教學科技在教育中的定位,積極展現轉型的潛能,四、培 養反省性生成的想像與實踐,正視教學科技的潛藏意涵。
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    (中國視聽教育學會, 1997-02-01) 陳藹彥著; 楊美雪譯; 李麗君譯
    This paper addresses the "Kiasu" and "Takut" phenomena in the singapore education system. It emphasizes the urgent need for teachers and teacher educators to refocus attention on IT as instructional technology and IT as information technology in the midst of rapid changes in the world of work, and in education. To sharpen the use of appropriate technology, it is necessary to re-examine the acts of knowing, learning, and teaching in the light of recent educational research findings. It is also necessary to reconsider current approaches to the process of knowledge and skill construction, application, and collaborative efforts to train high performance learners and learning communities in workplaces.