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    (2001-07-31) 張國恩; 宋曜廷; 陳世旺
    本文提出一個Web-based合作探究學習系統,以全球資訊網(World Wide Web, WWW)為知識探究來源,利用探究性問題去引導學生思考以進行探究,再利用概念構圖法讓學生去建構屬於自己的知識,並且在學習過程中,讓學習者溝通彼此所收集到的證據、學習者的個人想法以及所建立的個人概念圖,達到互助合作、資訊分享的目的。為了有效整合探究學習策略、合作學習策略與概念圖知識表徵法於WWW上,本文也提出適用於網路上的合作探究學習模式及學習活動。針對所提出的合作探究學習模式及學習活動,本文設計實驗以探討學生在網路上的合作探究學習之學習歷程。
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    (2004-06-09) 張國恩; 宋曜廷
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    (2000-09-30) 張國恩; 陳世旺; 宋曜廷
    近幾年來,概念圖(Concept maps)被廣泛的應用在教育的訓練、教學、及學生的評量上,且深受肯定。而過去概念圖的評量標準,有的僅考慮概念節點,有的則是以概念節點為主,聯結語為輔的方式來評量,但命題(Proposition)是構成知識的最小單位,這對由許多命題彼此相互連結所組成的概念圖而言,以往的評量方式,似乎稍嫌薄弱,因此本文提出一種以命題為主的屬性化概念圖(Proposition-based attributed concept maps)的觀念,也就是對概念圖中的每一命題給予一權值代表其重要程度。電腦化的概念構圖方式雖具有提供互動、立即回饋、修改容易和易於評量的優點,但為評量方便起見,使得學生必須使用由專家事先定義好的概念與聯結語來建構概念圖,而這樣的構圖方式往往會影響學生反省思考的機會,且無法真正反應出學生的學習狀態與學習成績,因此本文提出使用「開放式聯結語」(Relation-free)的概念與評分方法,讓學生能用概念圖表達出自己的想法,以增加學生反省思考的機會和真實反應出學生的學習狀態。到目前為止概念圖的評量結果都只是一個評估值,僅描述學生對某一知識主題的認識程度,學生學到了什麼、未學到什麼、及存在的錯誤概念為何,皆無法得知,因而無法提供適當回饋(Feedback)以幫助學生建構概念圖。因此本文提出一種以命題式屬性化概念圖為主的"質"的比對方法,它能記錄專家概念圖與學生概念圖之間的差異情形,並根據這些差異提供回饋以幫助學生建構概念圖及促進學生知識結構專家化。實驗結果顯示,本文所提出的評量與回饋方法確實能有效預測學生的學習成績並幫助學生建構概念圖及促進學生知識結構專家化,且使用「開放式聯結語」的構圖方式要比使用「固定聯結語」能反應出學生的學習狀態及學習成績。
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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 2005-10-??) 溫嘉榮; 黃文聖; Wen, Jia-rongHuang, Wen-sheng
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    Web-based collaborative inquiry learning
    (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003-02-01) Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.; Lee, C. L.
    This study proposes a web-based collaborative inquiry learning system. This system uses the World-wide web (WWW) as a source of knowledge exploration, and provides exploratory problems to guide students to think and explore. A concept map is used as a tool of anchoring and representing knowledge during inquiry process. In the process of learning, learners are allowed to exchange the evidence they have collected, their personal opinions, and the concept maps that they have built. In order to effectively integrate the inquiry learning, collaborative learning, and concept map in the system, this study proposes a collaborative inquiry learning model and related learning activities. Two studies were constructed based on the collaborative inquiry learning model to investigate students' learning processes in the collaborative inquiry learning on the web.
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    A new assessment for computer-based concept mapping
    (International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS), 2005-01-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-Ting; Chang, Rey-Bin; Lin, Shui-Cheng
    Concept maps are widely used in education, and have been acclaimed for their excellent results. For efficiently using concept maps in education, computer-based concept mapping systems have been developed. However these computer-based concept mapping systems are limited in their assessment algorithms. The assessment takes only concept nodes as the primary basis, with relation links playing only a minor role. To address this problem, this study proposes a new style of concept map, called the weighted concept map, which assigns a weight to each proposition in a concept map to represent its importance. This study proposes a new assessment based on a weighted concept map and diagnosis analysis. Two studies are conducted to evaluate the methods of assessment.
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    (2021) 宋建霆; Sung, Chien-Ting
    過去已有許多研究探討概念構圖是否對學習者有幫助,而大多數結果證明概念圖可幫助學習者組織概念知識,進而提升學習者的學習成效。不過若由學習者自行建構概念圖是相當困難的,且使用紙本建構概念圖時教師無法立即給予回饋、電腦建構概念圖使學習者增加認知負荷等負面影響,而擴增實境對於學習者積極態度、立即回饋、創造學習環境、虛實整合等層面皆有顯著效果,故本研究以擴增實境來輔助建構概念圖作為學習工具,探討學習者使用擴增實境輔助建構概念圖之成效分析。 研究採準實驗研究方法,對象為八年級學習者,有效樣本為68人。藉由紙本課本搭配紙本建構方式、電子書課本搭配電腦輔助建構方式與紙本課本搭配擴增實境輔助建構方式進行組間比較,探討學習成效、學習保留程度、認知負荷、系統滿意度以及行為模式之差異。 研究結果顯示,擴增實境輔助建構概念圖組的學習者顯著優於傳統紙本建構概念圖組與電腦輔助建構概念圖組的學習者。不過在認知負荷與間隔兩個禮拜的延宕測驗,三組在記憶保留程度上皆沒有顯著差異,但對學習系統皆有正面態度。
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    Web-based collaborative inquiry learning
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2003-03-01) Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.; Lee, C. L.
    This study proposes a web-based collaborative inquiry learning system. This system uses the World-wide web (WWW) as a source of knowledge exploration, and provides exploratory problems to guide students to think and explore. A concept map is used as a tool of anchoring and representing knowledge during inquiry process. In the process of learning, learners are allowed to exchange the evidence they have collected, their personal opinions, and the concept maps that they have built. In order to effectively integrate the inquiry learning, collaborative learning, and concept map in the system, this study proposes a collaborative inquiry learning model and related learning activities. Two studies were constructed based on the collaborative inquiry learning model to investigate students' learning processes in the collaborative inquiry learning on the web.
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    A New Structural Knowledge Assessment Based on Weighted Concept Maps
    (2002-12-03) Lin, Shui-Cheng; Chen, Gwo-Dong; Sung, Yao-Ting; Chang, Kuo-En
    Concept maps have been widely put to educational uses. Concept maps in the past were limited in their assessment standards. Some only take concept nodes into consideration; other evaluation criteria use concept nodes as the basis, with relation links playing a minor role. To address this problem, this study proposes a new style of concept map, called weighted concept map, which assigns a weight to each proposition in a concept map to represent its importance. This study proposes a new assessment with qualitative comparison founded on a weighted concept map.
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    (2001-06-21) 張國恩; 陳世旺; 宋曜廷
    本文提出一個Web-based合作探究學習系統,以全球資訊網(World Wide Web, WWW)為知識探究來源,利用探究性問題去引導學生思考以進行探究,再利用概念構圖法讓學生去建構屬於自己的知識,並且在學習過程中,讓學習者溝通彼此所收集到的證據、學習者的個人想法以及所建立的個人概念圖,達到互助合作、資訊分享的目的。為了有效整合探究學習策略、合作學習策略與概念圖知識表徵法於 WWW上,本文也提出適用於網路上的合作探究學習模式及學習活動。針對所提出的合作探究學習模式及學習活動,本文設計實驗以探討學生在網路上的合作探究學習之學習歷程。