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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2001-05-01) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏; 劉盈劭 
    The Chenyulan river basin, located in central Taiwan, is characterized by frequent landslides and debris flows. The catastrophic hazards, especially that induced by typhoon Herb in 1996, have drawn great concerns islandwide. It is believed that a better understanding on the spatial and temporal distribution of these rapid geomorphic changes (i.e., landslides and debris flows) over longer time span will be very helpful on risk assessment and hazard mitigation in this region. The method applied was to make a thorough examination of 17~29 versions of aerial photographs (ranging from 1951 to 2000) of four selected small catchments located in the northern part of the Chenyulan basin (i.e., Tzuzaichiao, Shanganchiao, Peiputzai, and Fengchiu catchment). According to the frequency of landslides and debris flows which identified from available photographs over last 50 years, the Shanganchiao catchment is the least responsive to external inducing events among four catchments, while the Fengchiu catchment is the most, which has experienced six debris flow events over the period.
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    (地理學系, 2001-05-??) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏; 劉盈邵
    The Chenyulan river basin, located in central Taiwan, is characterized by frequent landslides and debris flows. The catastrophic hazards, especially that induced by typhoon Herb in 1996, have drawn great concerns islandwide. It is believed that a better understanding on the spatial and temporal distribution of these rapid geomorphic changes (i.e., landslides and debris flows) over longer time span will be very helpful on risk assessment and hazard mitigation in this region. The method applied was to make a thorough examination of 17~29 versions of aerial photographs (ranging from 1951 to 2000) of four selected small catchments located in the northern part of the Chenyulan basin (i.e., Tzuzaichiao, Shanganchiao, Peiputzai, and Fengchiu catchment). According to the frequency of landslides and debris flows which identified from available photographs over last 50 years, the Shanganchiao catchment is the least responsive to external inducing events among four catchments, while the Fengchiu catchment is the most, which has experienced six debris flow events over the period.
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    (地理學系, 2005-11-??) 張政亮; 張瑞津; 紀宗吉
    本研究之主要目的是結合福衛二號遙測影像與地理資訊系統(GIS)等資訊技術,分析民國90年桃芝颱風與93年敏督利颱風肆虐所造成72水災後,對大甲溪 中上游流域內坡地崩塌災害的分佈與變化情形。因此本文首先利用福衛二號遙測影像之監督性分類與常態化差異植生指標(NDVI)分析敏督利颱風之崩塌災區, 並和農委會水土保持局(SWCB)坡地災害資訊系統的桃芝風災資料進行對比,探究此二次風災對大甲溪流域坡地崩塌的範圍與衝擊,研究發現累積雨量從桃芝颱 風的300~400mm上升至敏督利颱風的750~1000mm後,崩塌數增加一倍以上,崩塌面積擴大60%,其中谷關水庫以上之大甲溪主支流域之崩塌增 加最多,而重複崩塌區域則達87%。其次結合GIS系統,建置相關環境資料數據庫,並以敘述統計、相關分析等方法發現崩塌範圍不僅與降雨規模有關也和地形 (坡度、坡向、高度)和地質(岩性、構造)等因子有密切相關;最後此研究成果可利用不安定指數法,轉製為坡地崩塌潛感分析圖,提供作為災害防治決策系統的 參考。
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    (中華民國工程環境學會會刊委員會, 2013-01-01) 劉盈劭; 沈淑敏; 張瑞津
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    (中國地理學會, 2005-10-01) 沈淑敏; 劉盈劭; 張瑞津