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Item 葡萄酒業地理(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1988-12-??) 鄭勝華; 邱雯玲Item 國民中學地理教學之研究(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1989-12-??) 翁國盈Item 淺談地理課程設計(國立臺灣師範大學, 1988-04-01) 歐陽鍾玲Item 個人電腦輔助地理教學(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1984-04-??) 吳信政Item 區域地理學(國立臺灣師範大學, 2013-03-29)本課程旨在從系統的概念出發,以生產內容和生產方式的變遷為基礎,解說區域的結構和區域特色的的塑造。內容包括區域概念、區域特色和區域地理研究重點的發展,並以若干實證研究解說區域特色的補捉和研究的方法、推演的過程。Item 談地理教學與相關科學(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1980-04-??) 任德庚Item 英國中學教育地理簡介(教育部人文及社會學科教育指導委員會, 1993-04-01) 沈淑敏Item 地理教學目標的設計(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1984-04-??) 施添福; 陳國川Item 高中國中地理科有關漁業的教學(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1991-02-??) 陳憲明Item 我國國中地理課程設計的運作模式和內容選擇原則(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1990-03-01) 陳國川This paper is written in an attempt to construct an operational model for planning the junior middle school's geography curriculum, as well as to suggest some selecting principles of curriculum contents which are applicable to China. In the aspect of construction of the operational model, the first step is to review the latent contents of objectives and process model which are developed by educationalist. In the second step, we discuss some geography curriculum models which are constructed by scholars of geographical education in China and abroad. Finally, base on the results of the review and discussion above, we then construct an operational model for planning the junior middle school's geography curriculum. There are some characteristics in this operational model. First, it is a combination of merits of objectives and process model; second, it has looked after both some outcomes of geographical studies and developing orientation of geographical education; third, it has integrated western educational ideas and traditional features of Chinese culture and society. In the other aspect of selecting principles of curriculum contents, we first induct some selecting principles of contents of general curriculum and social disciplines; then, we analyze four types of geographical knowledge and two syllabuses of textbooks which are used in elementary and secondary schools in U.S.A.; third, we review the essential spirit of Chinese junior middle school's geography education objectives; finally, relied on the results of induction, analysis and review, we then suggest some selecting principles of the curriculum contents of Chinese junior middle school's geography. Those principles are: 1. it must accord with those selecting principles of general curriculum and social disciplines;2. the subjectives of curriculum contents of the junior middle school's geography must be the way of life of inhabitants who live in the important regions of China, or live in the important countries of the world; 3. when it describes the way of life, it must introduce some geographical concepts, generalization or theories, as well as some geographical skills and methods which are helpfull to understand those concepts, generalization or theories.