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    (國立台灣師範大學教育學系, 2006-09-??) 俞懿嫻
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    (國立臺灣師範大學社會教育系, 1997-06-01) 陳仲彥
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    (國立台灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系, 2005-06-??) 莊淑姿
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1989-03-01) 潘朝陽; Chao-Yang Pan
    As a important branch of Humanistic Geography, Idealist Geography focuses on the interpretation of human's thought within the geographical phenomena and the understanding of the context of culture-history, and through this way to indicate the meaning and value of geographical phenomena. Idealist Geographer must have sufficient cultural-historical and thoughtful-minded cultivation, because only through them, he or she then has a more deep and thorough under-standing for the regions and geographical phenomena he or she approaches, and only through them, he or she is then able to give humanistic criticism and attention to the nature of approach subjects, and this kind of criticism and attention is just the most fundamental spirit should be possessed by all the idealist geographers and humanistic geographers. This article enumerates three idealist masters, W. Windelband, H. Rickert and R.G. Colling-wood, and construes their ideas that study for human world shall set out from the understand-ing of culture-history and thought-mind. Further, the author touches on Paul Vidal de la Blache's "Genre de vie" to indicate the spirit of idealist has sufficed in the tradition of geography and needed not to take from outside, since the methodology of Genre de vie is through the understanding for one region's culture虐istory, thought-mind to grasp the uniqueness of the region. Besides, the author also analyzes and points out two Taiwan's geographers' essays in order to indicate the methodology of idealist geography, more or less, has been practically approaches. If examining carefully, we somewhat also can find the contents of idealist geography existed in other geographers' articles.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1992-03-??) 郭為藩
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    (地理學系, 1989-03-??) 潘朝陽
    As a important branch of Humanistic Geography, Idealist Geography focuses on the interpretation of human's thought within the geographical phenomena and the understanding of the context of culture-history, and through this way to indicate the meaning and value of geographical phenomena. Idealist Geographer must have sufficient cultural-historical and thoughtful-minded cultivation, because only through them, he or she then has a more deep and thorough under-standing for the regions and geographical phenomena he or she approaches, and only through them, he or she is then able to give humanistic criticism and attention to the nature of approach subjects, and this kind of criticism and attention is just the most fundamental spirit should be possessed by all the idealist geographers and humanistic geographers. This article enumerates three idealist masters, W. Windelband, H. Rickert and R.G. Colling-wood, and construes their ideas that study for human world shall set out from the understand-ing of culture-history and thought-mind. Further, the author touches on Paul Vidal de la Blache's "Genre de vie" to indicate the spirit of idealist has sufficed in the tradition of geography and needed not to take from outside, since the methodology of Genre de vie is through the understanding for one region's culture?history, thought-mind to grasp the uniqueness of the region. Besides, the author also analyzes and points out two Taiwan's geographers' essays in order to indicate the methodology of idealist geography, more or less, has been practically approaches. If examining carefully, we somewhat also can find the contents of idealist geography existed in other geographers' articles.
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    (國立台灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系, 2005-06-??) 莊淑姿
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    (國立台灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系, 2005-06-??) 莊淑姿
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1989-03-01) 潘朝陽
    As a important branch of Humanistic Geography, Idealist Geography focuses on the interpretation of human's thought within the geographical phenomena and the understanding of the context of culture-history, and through this way to indicate the meaning and value of geographical phenomena. Idealist Geographer must have sufficient cultural-historical and thoughtful-minded cultivation, because only through them, he or she then has a more deep and thorough under-standing for the regions and geographical phenomena he or she approaches, and only through them, he or she is then able to give humanistic criticism and attention to the nature of approach subjects, and this kind of criticism and attention is just the most fundamental spirit should be possessed by all the idealist geographers and humanistic geographers. This article enumerates three idealist masters, W. Windelband, H. Rickert and R.G. Colling-wood, and construes their ideas that study for human world shall set out from the understand-ing of culture-history and thought-mind. Further, the author touches on Paul Vidal de la Blache's "Genre de vie" to indicate the spirit of idealist has sufficed in the tradition of geography and needed not to take from outside, since the methodology of Genre de vie is through the understanding for one region's culture虐istory, thought-mind to grasp the uniqueness of the region. Besides, the author also analyzes and points out two Taiwan's geographers' essays in order to indicate the methodology of idealist geography, more or less, has been practically approaches. If examining carefully, we somewhat also can find the contents of idealist geography existed in other geographers' articles.