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    (2022) 蕭綺; Hsiao, Chi
    研究目的:老年憂鬱症狀是老年症候群中最常見的疾病症狀,它可能與許多行為因素有關,而靜態行為可能是其中一項行為因素,但目前尚不清楚靜態行為與老年憂鬱症狀間的關聯。此外,鮮少研究關注整體靜態行為型態(總靜態行為時間、靜態行為回合及靜態行為中斷)與老年憂鬱症狀之關係。故本研究旨在調查高齡者的靜態行為型態與老年憂鬱症狀之關聯性。研究方法:本研究為橫斷性研究設計,於2020 年 9 月至 2021 年 9 月於某醫學中心門診部進行資料蒐集。參與者年齡皆為65 歲 (含) 以上,能獨立行走,且無認知功能風險的社區高齡者。本研究使用三軸加速度計連續 7 天蒐集靜態行為型態之數據,老年憂鬱症狀則是透過 15 項老年憂鬱量表 (15-item Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS-15) 進行量測。本研究運用二元邏吉斯迴歸模型檢驗「總靜態行為時間」與GDS-15 分數之間的關聯;再利用多元線性迴歸模型檢驗「靜態行為回合次數 (30分鐘/回合)」、「中斷靜態行為的頻率」和GDS-15分數之關係。研究結果:本研究共計167名臺灣高齡者納入分析 (平均年齡:80.2±7.0 歲;50.9%為男性;15.6% 有老年憂鬱症狀風險)。在調整潛在干擾因子後,每日總靜態行為時間高於9小時的高齡者與老年憂鬱症狀並無存在顯著性相關,靜態行為回合次數 (30分鐘/回合) 和中斷靜態行為的頻率與老年憂鬱症狀均無任何顯著性相關。研究結論:本研究發現,對本研究樣本而言,整體靜態行為型態 (總靜態行為時間、靜態行為回合次數 (30分鐘/回合) 及中斷靜態行為的頻率)與老年憂鬱症狀並無存在顯著性相關。建議未來研究可同步使用客觀測量儀器與自陳式靜態行為問卷進行評估,如此才能明確得知客觀數據及主觀資料的心智功能主動或被動形式之靜態行為 (如看書、看電視),進而更能完整釐清靜態行為型態對於老年憂鬱症狀之關聯性。
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2011-07-31) 葉俶禎
    經濟發展促進社會的進步與富裕,人類開始注意身體與心理的健康。尤其是近年 來年輕一代逐漸占據職場重要地位,他們對幸福感的追求與重視也延伸到每日生活的職 場。組織相對也需要開始了解職場幸福感對員工的重要性以及如何營造組織使其有職場 幸福感的氛圍。 本研究擬進行三項與職場幸福感相關的跨文化研究來充分了解在全球化時代職場 幸福感所需具有的時代意義。第一項研究是職場幸福感來源的跨文化效度檢測 (Workplace Happiness Inventory) 的跨文化效度檢測,以質性評量職場幸福感的各項 來源是否適用於跨文化情境,然後由量化資料收集與分析檢測職場幸福感量表的信效 度。第二項研究將在臺灣進行職場幸福感的前因與結果實證研究,以轉換式領導與內外 控性格為前因,情感性承諾為結果,來探討職場幸福感的中介效果,並測試內外控性格 是否調節轉換式領導對職場幸福感的關係。第三項研究將在英國、泰國及印尼跨文化複 製職場幸福感的前因與結果實證研究。 本研究希望達到以下成果: 瞭解1)職場幸福感所需具有的國際化時代意義;2)臺 灣、英國、泰國及印尼等國家的員工職場幸福感的組成形態;3)主管的轉換式領導風格 如何影響不同文化社會員工的職場幸福感;4)員工的內外控性格如何影響不同文化社會 員工的職場幸福感;以及5)職場幸福感如何影響員工的情感性承諾。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學生命科學學系, 2000-12-??) 陳怡君; 王穎
    自1991年11月五1994年3月在台灣東部瓦拉米地區對3隻雄性及1隻雌性台灣山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)進行無線電追蹤,結果顯示山羌在一日當中有49.4%的時間處於活動狀態,每日的活動期在3至8次之間,以5次最常見,兩相鄰活動期高峰的間隔時間在2至9個小時間,平均為4.08±1.58小時,白天的活動高峰間隔時間明顯短於夜間(3.63±1.31 vs. 4.46±1.69, t-test,p<0.05);活動高峰出現的時間以17時及6時的記錄機會最高,出現機率最低者為19時,活動模式呈現晨昏活動偏日行性的型式,晨昏活動高峰於日出後及日落前出現。冬季時山羌之活動程度較低,無顯著差異,天候對山羌之活動程度亦無顯著的影響。
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    Design and performance evaluation of mobile web services in libraries: A case study of the Oriental Institute of Technology Library.
    (2012-02-01) 柯皓仁; Hao-Ren Ke; Chun‐Yi Wang
    Purpose – This research aims to use the Oriental Institute of Technology Library (the OIT Library) in Taiwan as a case to introduce some of the mobile web services which can be provided by a library, as well as to investigate and discuss the first two mobile web services offered by the OIT Library, the due‐day reminder and renewal‐request services, at length. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the two services is conducted. Design/methodology/approach – This research employs system logs and patron questionnaires to understand the effectiveness of, and patron satisfaction toward, the two services. Findings – Results of system log analysis show that the usage of the two services improves the average number of overdue occurrences, average amount of overdue fines, average amount of overdue fines per transaction, and average overdue rate; furthermore, the use of the services also indirectly increases the number of items borrowed by patrons, which corresponds with the questionnaire analysis as well. Results of questionnaire analysis show that 71.3 per cent and 87.5 per cent of the respondents are strongly satisfied with the due‐day reminder and renewal‐request services, respectively. Practical implications – As a case study, this research provides a direction on designing mobile web services for a library. In addition, it points out how to evaluate the performance and patron satisfaction of mobile web services through system log analysis and patron questionnaire. Originality/value – This research increases the understanding of what mobile web services can be offered by a library. In addition, many previous studies only describe certain kinds of mobile web services without showing their efficacy; however, this research evaluates the efficacy of two mobile web services in the OIT Library by an unobtrusive system log analysis, which is then complemented by a patron questionnaire.
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    (2021) 許瑋玲; Hsu, Wei-Ling
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    High prevalence of hyperuricemia in elderly Taiwanese
    (Asia Pacific Health and Nutrition Centre, 2005-06-01) Lee MS, Lin SC, Chang HY, Lyu LC, Tsai KS, Pan WH
    Serum urate status, the prevalence of hyperuricemia and their relationship to the metabolic syndrome in elderly Taiwanese were described using data from the Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (1999-2000), in which a stratified multi-stage clustered sampling scheme was applied. Complete data from biochemical assays and anthropometric measures for 1225 males and 1167 females were included in the analysis. The mean urate level and 95% confidence interval was 411 (398, 424) microM for males and 357 (347, 367) microM for females. Males had significantly higher serum urate levels than females across all age groups (P<0.05). No significant difference in mean serum urate was found among the four age groups of males. On the other hand, females of 75-79 years had significantly higher serum urate levels (376 microM) than that of the 65-69 and>or=80 age groups. The overall prevalence of hyperuricemia (>or=416.7 microM (7.0 mg/dL) in the elderly was 36% (46% for males and 26% for females). Among the participants, 4.2% of males and 1.1% of females were taking medication to lower uric acid. The elderly (males 455 microM; females 416 microM) of the Mountain areas, mainly indigenes, had the highest mean serum urate overall, however, the highest prevalence of hyperuricemia in males was found in the PengHu islands (62%) and that for females in the Mountain areas (51%). The odds ratio (OR) for hyperuricemia was 2.84 for males in the PengHu islands and 4.33 for females in Mountain areas, compared with their counterparts in the third stratum in the northern areas. Adjusting for obesity, alcohol and other related covariates did not alter the relative rank of the ORs in the various strata. Elderly males (22%) had a significantly lower rate of metabolic syndrome (MS) than females (39%) (P<0.05). For both genders, those with MS had a significantly higher mean serum urate (males 436 microM vs. 405 microM; females 389 microM vs. 338 microM) and prevalence of hyperuricemia (males 56% vs. 43%; females 38% vs.19%) (P<0.05). The population attributable risk for MS from hyperuricemia was 18.8% in men and 15.5% in women. In conclusion, the mean serum urate and prevalence of hyperuricemia in the elderly in Taiwan were higher than those found in other populations and was significantly associated with MS. Gene-environmental interaction may play a key role since great geographical variation exists within various Han Chinese groups in Taiwan and between Han Chinese and Taiwanese indigenes.
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    (2008) 楊倖宜; Yang Hsing-Yi
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    (國立臺灣師範大學, 2016-12-??) 王秀槐; 張珍瑋; Hsiou-Huai Wang; Chen-Wei Chang
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    政治貪腐與經濟成長的關連性分析— 2000~2008年台灣與中國個案比較探討
    (2014) 沈元馨; Shen, Yuan-Hsing
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-07-31) 洪榮昭