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Item 行為改變技術對建立兒童行為的積極功效(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1985-03-??) 鄭玉疊; 鄭秋蓉Item 如何訓練中重度障礙的兒童大小便(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1983-02-??) 賴美智Item 國小教師對輕度智能不足兒童的教育態度研究(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1980-06-??) 林美和With the trend toward keeping handicapped children in the educational mainstream, the development of resource room program has been observed as an ideal educational replacement for educable mentally retarded children. This educational replacement is to integrate the educable mentally retarded into regular classes with supportive resource room services in order to develop their abilities in academic and social adjustment.The experimental programs are now undergoing both in some of the primary and secondary schools in this country. Getting full cooperation and support from regular school class teachers is important for this program, therefore, the questionnaire is designed to realize teachers' attitudes toward the educable mentally retarded with respect to their integration into the regular program with support resource room services. This study contains the pre- and post-test; during these two tests' administered period, teachers shall receive professional training in special education for eighteen weeks and then take up the teaching activities in special class for educable mentally retarded children for one semester. The result indicates most of the teachers before receiving professional training in educating the educable mentally retarded disagree to have retarded children to be integrated into regular classes.However, after having received the professional training, all teachers are in favour of educational mainstream with supportive resource room services. On the base of this study, resource room program can be put into practice in this country.Item 母親育兒方式與兒童攻擊行為關係之研究(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1975-06-??) 蘇建文; CHIEN-WEN SUItem 管窺資優兒童的道德判斷(國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1981-01-??) 單文經本文作者係從國內外有關研究道德判斷與智力之關係的文獻中,擬了解 資優兒童的道德判斷能力之特徵,以作為實施資優兒童道德教育的參考。本 文分三部分,第一部分論研究道德判斷能力發展的理論基礎,以皮亞傑(J.Piaget)為主,介紹歐陽教根據皮代理論所改編的八項評量內容;第二部分 列述國內外有關道德判斷能力與智力關係的研究結果,分對「行為善惡」的 判斷、對「因果報應」的判斷、對「懲罰性質」的判斷、對「權威與平等」 的判斷等四項討論;第三部分再就台北市西門國小的研究結果提出數點對資 優學生道德教育的看法,以作為實施輔導的參考。Item 示範學習對國小智能不足兒童動作技能與認知學習效果之研究(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1984-05-??) 毛國楠; KUO-NAN MAOItem 如何拔精選粹(國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1986-04-??) 蔡秋桃一般用以鑑定資優學齡兒童的方法不能完全應用在學前兒童之鑑定上,原因是 四、五歲以下的幼兒在進行標準化測驗時的注意持續力較短,影響了測驗的信度和效度;而且,他們的能力亦不適宜作自我推薦的同輩提名;另外,老師的提名仍常有偏差,所以,鑑定的主要途徑為父母推薦。然而父母推薦時所考慮的參照團體之標準不一,容易造成偏差;因此,鑑定學前資優兒童的最佳方法是父母推薦和標準化測驗的 權衡運用,即先安排父母晤談和填寫有關其子女特殊才能表現的調查問卷,然後對兒 童實施多種測驗。如果測驗成績良好,表示兒童具有優異資賦,可提早進行輔導,使 其發展更為順利。Item 從體能活動談智能不足兒童的知覺訓練課程與教學(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1983-09-??) 鄭玉疊Item 電視對兒童有好處嗎?(資訊中心, 1977-07-??) 何慧玲譯; Quiserberry,Nancy L.; Klasek,Charles B.Item 使用圖片或言辭重複在兒童學習過程中的效果比較(資訊中心, 1978-03-??) 孫延平譯; Ruch,Michael D.; Levin,Joel R.