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Item 自我能力與性格的了解對犬學成績的影響(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系, 1969-12-??) 張春典; 簡茂發; CHUN-HSING CHANG and MAW-FA CHIENItem 過度練習對習後記憶效果之影響(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系, 1967-04-??) 張春興; 劉鴻香; CHUN-HSING CHANG and HUNG-HSIANG LIUItem 師大青年第178期(師大青年社, 1974-10-31) 師大青年社; NTNU youthItem 我國新教育萌芽之研究(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1968-06-??) 方炳林; Fang Ping-linItem 師大青年第10期(師大青年社, 1956-12-15) 師大青年社; NTNU youthItem A Study of Hydrogen-Hydrogen lon Electrochemical Equilibrium on the Different Surface Conditions of Substrate Metals(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1978-06-??) 林子方The homogeneous cells were constructed by dipping two electrodes of different surface conditions into a homogeneous solution and covered by hydrogen gas. Through the exhaustive discharge, the equilibrium state can be reached inside the homogeneous cells and constant residual potential were measured . This study is concentrated on hydrogen-hytrogen ion electrochemical equilibrium on different surface conditions of substrate metals. Large residual potentials were found for the homogeneous cells consisting of reversible hydrogen electrode and irreversible hydrogen electrode. Although the nonzero residual potentials can be explained by adsorption or electric double layer effect, the question whether the non-zero residual potential can be justified in terms of the principles of thermodynamics remains open.Item 民生主義教育的體認與實施(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1976-04-??) 龔寶善Item 母親育兒方式與兒童攻擊行為關係之研究(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1975-06-??) 蘇建文; CHIEN-WEN SUItem 國父對馬克斯學說的批判(國立台灣師範大學政治學硏究所, 1977-06-??) 葉尚志Item 總統 蔣公與黃埔軍校的創建(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1976-04-??) 呂芳上