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    How much of Typhoon Morakot’s extreme rainfall is attributable to anthropogenic climate change?
    (International Journal of Climatology, 2019-06-30) Wang, Chung-Chieh; Tseng, Li-Shan; Huang, Chien-Chang; Lo, Shih-How; Chen, Cheng-Ta; Chuang, Pi-Yu; Su, Nan-Chou; Tsuboki, K.
    Typhoon Morakot (2009), which made landfall in Taiwan during August 7–9, 2009, produced the highest rainfall and became the deadliest typhoon ever recorded in Taiwan since 1958. To assess the role of anthropogenic climate change in the typhoon‐related torrent, we compare the water budget between a pair of cloud‐resolving sensitivity experiments. The pair consists of a control simulation that reproduces Typhoon Morakot (2009) in current climate and a sensitivity simulation in which the same storm is placed in a slightly different climate background where the late 20th century anthropogenic climate change signal is removed. The anthropogenic signal is estimated with the CMIP5 experiments of 18 models for the period of 1985–2005, during which the global warming trend is discernible. In climate states that differ merely by a 20‐year mean anthropogenic change, Morakot (2009) yields 3.4–3.6% more total rainfall in the control experiment than its sensitivity counterpart within a radius of 300–500 km from the storm centre. Water budget analysis indicates that the increase in typhoon rainfall is mainly resulted from the enhanced convergence of vapour flux. The enhancement is, in turn, contributed by the increased tropospheric moisture due to global warming and, to a lesser extent, by a more active secondary circulation in the storm that is associated with the anthropogenic climate change.
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    (2021) 駱世豪; Lo, Shih-How
    天氣與氣候極端事件到底是不是真的已經與過去發生的事件截然不同,一直是極具爭議性的問題。本研究針對最近發生的極端天氣事件(如熱帶氣旋)進行機率事件歸因研究,期望能克服模式模擬極端天氣與氣候事件的能力限制,同時也能夠透過獨特的數值實驗設計釐清並量化過去氣候變遷中人為的貢獻。本研究中主要分為三部分,(1)過去百年人為所造成的大氣與海洋變化的估算,運用第五階段耦合模式比較計劃(CMIP5)的氣候模式數值實驗資料庫,可以將人為排放溫室氣體與氣溶膠的作用與已知的氣候系統自然變動加以區分,同時也以不同模式的估算涵蓋其不確定性。(2)評估雲解析風暴模擬模式對於侵臺颱風與其伴隨降雨的模擬能力,了解其掌握大尺度背景環流、熱力結構以及地形對颱風影響的能力。(3)利用歷史情境和只有自然驅力情境的系集模擬,進一步展開人為因子對於颱風影響的量化評估。 運用機率事件歸因的統計分析,並以莫拉克颱風(2009)為例,研究發現過去百年人為所造成的氣候暖化,對於颱風路徑並沒有顯著性的影響,整體颱風強度指數的增加雖然只有 5%左右,但是統計上非常顯著。而伴隨颱風的極端強降雨分析顯示,對於區域強降雨超過 500 mm以上的極端事件發生機率,人為的影響非常可能(大於 90%)會使極端降雨機率增加至少 10%。若以相對於颱風中心的角度分析,極端降雨超過 2000 mm 以上的事件發生機率,人為的影響可能(大於 66%)會使極端降雨機率增加至少 10%,甚至也不排除有 10%的機會,人為的影響使極端降雨發生的風險增加了一倍。進一步透過颱風環流與熱力結構分析發現,極端降雨增加的原因不只來自於水氣的變化,上升氣流加強以及其與極端降雨增加的空間對應關係,顯示動力效應提供了額外的助力。