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    The application of range of motion (ROM) and coordination on volleyball spike
    (2008-07-18) 黃長福; Li-Fang Liu; Gin-Chang Liu; Chiao-Wen Sue; Chen-fu Huang
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    Moment and power of shoulder and elbow in shot-putting
    (2007-08-27) 黃長福; Hsien-Te Peng; Chenfu Huang; Thomas W. Kernozek
    The purpose of this study was to quantify the moments and power of the elbow and shoulder joints. Three-dimensional methods and inverse dynamics were used to analyze the throwing arm of shot putter performing standing throws. The proximal to distal sequence was found on moments and power of the elbow and shoulder. The mechanical outputs from elbow and shoulder muscles were mainly energy generation.
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    The dynamic analysis of the applied force on javelin during final thrust by an elite javelin thrower
    (2006-07-18) 黃長福; Guo-Hong Gu; Yeh-Jung Tsai; Chenfu Huang
    According to the javelin rules, a throw is valid only if the tip strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin. So it is important to precisely control the applied force on javelin for further distance and tip-first landing. Two synchronized Redlake high-speed cameras (250 Hz) were used to videotape an elite thrower; a javelin with three fixed non-collinear markers was used in experiment. The aerodynamics and Newton-Euler equation were taken into account in the 3D inverse dynamic analysis. The results showed that the force was mainly on the axial direction as the whole hand gripped the javelin. However, as the portion of hand touching the javelin became lesser, the direction of force was changed from axial to lateral direction. The lateral torque was significantly larger than axial torque during the whole phase, and their maxima were 24.08 and 1.31 Nm, respectively. The results measured by this method were similar to those by force sensor, and it could be suitable for use in further researches.
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    (1999/07-2000/06) 林德嘉; 謝伸裕; 卓俊伶; 黃長福; 許義雄
    發展運動科學研究,是目前世界運動強國積極發展的重點工作之一,儼然形成運動場外的另一種競賽, 其為的就是將科學研究的結果提供運動訓練界參考以增進表現。國內近年來的科學研究及運動競技成績 已分別大有進展,為了落實運動訓練成效與再提昇運動競技實力,本研究嘗試性地提出此一整合型計劃 ,期望以運動科學的技術作為運動訓練的基礎及後盾,提供科學化的實質建議並解決教練及選手們在訓 練上所遭遇的問題,為日後各項競技運動集訓的策略及方法奠定實際操作的基礎。本研究的受試者為國 立臺灣師範大學優秀的排球、游泳、跆拳道、鏈球與男子十項全能等項目的選手,共約20名。將以運動 生理學(肌肉工作能力評估、血液生化分析、營養評估等)、運動心理學(身心平衡技巧、身體知覺技 巧、情緒危機處理等)及運動生物力學(高速攝影法、測力板計量分析法、肌電訊號分析法)三方面質 及量的方法提供教練及運動員在生理、營養、心理技能、身體自覺、運動傷害及運動技術等方面的資訊 。望能提供正確的觀念與及時精確的回饋以修正訓練,協助優秀運動員突破瓶頸,為提昇我國運動競技 能力盡一分力量。本研究預期目標如下: 運動生理方面- 提昇高水準運動員在肌力、心肺功能等重要的生理指標,避免疾病感染、避免過度訓練及掌控營養 的平衡與增補。 運動心理方面- 開發身體知覺、改善身體控制能力及預防心因性壓力以預防運動傷害,並提昇壓力管理的能力。 運動生物力學方面- 長期追蹤優秀運動員的技術表現,提供教練肉眼無法觀察到的生物力學參數等指標,使其能更客觀 的掌握選手在訓練過程的技術變異。
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    Age-differences in the free vertical moments during stepping down - pilot
    (2012-07-06) 黃長福; Tzu-Hsiang Yang; Chen-Fu Huang
    The aim of this study was to understand age-differences in body control during stepping down by investigating free vertical moments (FVMs). Two older adults and two young adults participated in this study. During each trial, lower extremities kinematics were measured using a 10 camera Vicon system (250Hz) and ground reaction forces were recorded using two Kistler force platforms (1000Hz). FVM was calculated by ground reaction forces using Visual3D software. The results indicated young adults showed adduction-FVM (ADD-FVM) but older adults presented abduction-FVM (ABD-FVM) during double-stance phase. Older adults seemed to exert more ABD-FVM than young adults while in the single support phase. It was concluded that the FVMs seemed to point to different strategies between older adults and young adults.
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    (中華民國體育學會, 1994-12-01) 張英智; 黃長福; 趙國斌; 王金城
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    Biomechanical analysis of back kicks attack movement in Taekwondo
    (2006-07-18) 黃長福; Chen Lin Lee; Chenfu Huang
    The purpose of this study is to compare three Taekwondo back kicks attack movements. Seven male Taekwondo athletes (age: 21.0 ± 2.0 year old, height: 180.4 ± 4.4cm, weight: 69.1 ± 26.1kg) performed the back kick, jump back kick and 360° jump back kick where the left leg was attack leg. Two Redlake (60Hz) cameras and an accelerometer were used to collect data. The results revealed that the jump back kick’s attack force is greater than in 360° jump back kick. The angular velocity of knee and low trunk of back kick and jump back kick are faster than 360° jump back kick during rotation phase. The 360° jump back kick has a greater attack height and distance when striking the bag. The study suggests back kicking as important skill which the athletes need to practice for improving the kicking ability.
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    (2012/08-2014/07) 黃長福
    排球運動盛行於世界各地,一場精彩的比賽在於雙方不斷進行進攻與防守的動作,而攔網是防守技巧中的第一道防線,近年來隨著技術與規則的提升與改變,攔網不再只是用於防守的技巧,同時也兼具有主動攻擊的技術。 攔網不僅是起跳及空中的動作重要,落地的動作技巧也十分重要,因為長期從事排球運動需不斷執行跳躍落地的動作,頻繁的落地動作往往會造成人體下肢的傷害,因此,有效的減緩落地造成對身體的衝擊是十分重要的。從過去的研究中得知,女性和男性在落地動作中的策略存在著差異,且女性也有較高的受傷機率。然而,在比賽中大多數在執行攔網動作前都會進行側向的位移,因此本研究透過攔網落地動作的運動學及動力學參數,以探討女性和男性在執行不同方向攔網落地動作上的差異,藉此了解攔網落地動作的重要性。 本研究擬以12名女性及12名男性為研究對象,以十台Vicon紅外線攝影機 (250Hz)及兩塊測力板 (1000Hz)收集不同方向攔網落地之運動學與動力學的資料。動作要求實驗參與者執行原地及向左、向右併步攔網落地的動作,分別收取三次成功的資料,使用Visual 3D動作分析軟體進行運動學及動力學資料的處理,並採用混合設計二因子變異數分析進行處理。預期找出落地動作的差異性,並期望能提供預防落地動作傷害之貢獻。
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    (中華民國運動教練學會, 2007-07-01) 高崇壽; 黃長福