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Item 國中學生對於線上英語廣泛閱讀之看法:以台東縣一所國中為例(2019) 陳怡君; Chen, I-Chun本研究為一個案研究,旨在研究英語線上廣泛閱讀課程以及分級讀本對於偏遠地區國中學生之學習態度、英語閱讀理解能力之影響。研究對象為來自東台灣偏遠地區的二十五位七年級國中學生。本研究為期十二週,學生們每週在電腦教室閱讀三至四堂課,共大約一百二十分鐘的時間。此外,研究者鼓勵學生們可於課餘的額外時間繼續進行英語線上廣泛閱讀課程。在此十二週的課程中,學生們在前兩週的時間摸索電腦、線上閱讀介面功能,以及找尋適合自己閱讀的書籍。本研究所蒐集的資料包含線上閱讀紀錄、學生閱讀札記、學生閱讀回饋單、深入訪談以及教師觀察。學生們閱讀完喜愛的書籍後,在閱讀札記上寫下故事內容或自己的感想。 研究結果顯示英語線上廣泛閱讀課程確實對於偏遠地區國中學生有著正面的影響。大部分的學生表示,他們對於在閱讀英語文章時,不再感到害怕、困惑。此外,有些學生表示,英語線上廣泛閱讀課程像是一本百科全書,一邊閱讀,一邊學習新知識。本研究中的二十五位學生身處地緣偏僻,學習資源、師資困乏的地方,很少有機會接觸到英語使用的環境。英語線上廣泛閱讀課程對於這二十五位學生來說,是個嶄新的學習經驗,有別於傳統文法的教學。本研究建議,偏遠地區教師可採用英語線上廣泛閱讀課程納於正式課程當中,提升學生學習英語的動機,並鼓勵學生多閱讀英語書籍。Item 內外部動機對台灣非營利組織工作滿意度影響之分析(2008) 陳怡君; Yichun ChenThis study aims to understand how motivation influences job satisfaction in religious and nonreligious nonprofit organizations. There are two nonprofits, the assembly of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, a religious nonprofit, and Taipei Mental Rehabilitation Association, a non-religious nonprofit, participating in this study. A questionnaire on job satisfaction and motivation was designed and distributed to employees working in these two nonprofit organizations. Dimension of job satisfaction was composed of seven aspects of job satisfaction, including pay, supervision, fringe benefits, operating conditions, coworkers, nature of work, and communication while intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made up the dimension of motivation. As a result, non-monetary motivation, inclusive of enjoyment and challenge in intrinsic motivation and outward in extrinsic motivation, contributes more to the overall facets of job satisfaction in both religious and non-religious nonprofit organizations. However, pecuniary motivation, the compensation, also has a negative effect on job satisfaction of pay and fringe benefits. In addition, only in the aspect of job satisfaction of pay and nature of work does the type of nonprofits, namely the religious or non-religious type, make a difference. The main implication of this study may be that the homogeneous characteristic among different types of nonprofits in Taiwan is very high. Besides, nonprofit organizations need to continually provide incentives for employees to keep high non-monetary motivation so as to raise job satisfaction which is one of the most important factors for organizational context that improves competitiveness and efficiency.