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Item 資源型態與海外華人社會的形塑(2014/08-2015/07) 陳國川Item 日治時代雲林官有原野的土地開發(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2000-11-01) 陳國川Despite the fact that Yunlin was first developed and settled by the Han-Chinese as early as in the Kangshi-Yungcheng era (i.e., the early eighteen century), there remained a large part of wild areas at the beginning of the Japanese-ruled period (i.e., at the end of the nineteenth century) because of the unfavorable physical environment. These wild areas were very soon claimed by the Japanese colonial government as public wild areas, which were subsequently granted, by way of “sale and grant for expected successful development”, to local authorities, other public institutions, private Japanese corporations, as well as specific local gentries. Three characteristics of the process of land grant and development stands out as follows. (1) extremely uneven distribution of land grantees. Over 95% of the land were granted to Japanese corporations as well as local gentries. For the land granted to Japanese corporations, cane-suger refinery corporations had the lion's share, while the Taiwanese and Japanese co-ownershiped corporations accounted for more than two-thirds of the land granted to local gentries. (2) frequent change of land development licenses. Cases of land development often failed largely because of insufficient capital and labor input, and development licenses were traded subsequently. (3) a distinct development objective from the previous Ching Dynasty period. While in the Ching Dynasty period the development of paddi rice field claimed the top priority, in the Japanese-ruled period cane sugar field prevailed.Item 臺灣地名辭書.卷九.雲林縣(國史館臺灣文館, 2002-01-01) 陳國川Item 礦業活動與聚落發展─以新北市平溪區為個案研究(2012/04/14-15) 洪偉豪; 陳國川Item 國、高中地理教育目標草案的整合性(1987-01-01) 陳國川; 施添福Item 清代雲林地區的農業墾與活動形式 地理研究叢書第29號(國立臺灣師範大學地理系, 2002-01-01) 陳國川Item 臺灣地名辭書.卷十五.桃園縣(下)(國史館臺灣文獻館, 2010-01-01) 陳國川Item 權力、空間與象徵:大甲鎮瀾宮的進香路線(地理學系, 2011-11-??) 張伯鋒; 陳國川臺灣的媽祖信仰受到島內、外政治局勢、經濟發展與社會變遷的影響,歷年來有著不同的面貌。本文主要從社會環境變遷的角度來思索臺灣媽祖信仰發展的意義與特性,並以大甲鎮瀾宮的進香路線變遷為例。從地理學的角度而言,廟宇作為信仰的中心扮演著中地的角色,提供轄境內居民許多的服務機能。隨著工商業與經濟的發展,「人地關係」逐漸疏離,致使傳統廟宇的中地機能產生變化。近年來,鎮瀾宮藉著重組管理組織與擴大進香路線,意即透過「人人關係」的掌握與「地地關係」的經營,逐漸擺脫早年在臺灣島內封閉性的信仰競爭與廟宇位階體系的限制,以及媽祖香火靈力位階之說的壓抑。尤其在民國76 年(1987)解嚴後,其前往中國湄洲進香以挑戰島內的媽祖位階系統,並藉由擴大舉辦前往新港遶境進香的活動,逐漸成為臺灣知名的媽祖廟。然而,民國80年代以後,由於兩岸的開放與往來,原本臺灣島內封閉性的媽祖廟宇之不完全競爭體系,在許多廟宇相繼前往中國朝聖後,逐步轉變成兩岸往來、開放性的完全競爭系統。至此,鎮瀾宮過去曾藉著湄洲媽祖的香火,而在臺灣島內民間信仰的競爭中成功轉型,而今卻需面對來自兩岸媽祖廟宇的競爭與壓力。於是,除了擴大新港遶境進香的組織與活動規模之外,更於民國90 年(2001)藉著臺灣媽祖聯誼會的成立,連結臺灣各地媽祖廟的勢力,以與對岸及臺灣其他香火鼎盛的媽祖廟抗衡。Item 大學入學考試地理科試題評鑑和命題原則(中華民國大學入學考試中心, 1990-01-01) 陳國川; 施添福; 王秋原; 陳文尚Item 雲林縣二崙鄉短期葉菜類蔬菜的商品鏈研究(2011/04/23-24) 柯佳伶; 陳國川