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Item 現代資訊科技對圖書館經營之影響(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1996-04-??) 陳仲彥; Chung-yen ChenA library is a growing organization. So a library must keep up with the progresses of modern information technology in order to provide best services to readers. Modern information technology effects the librarianship in many facets, including: collection development, selection and acquisition, cataloging and classification, shelving and circulation, reference and consultant, outreach services and public relation, building and facilities, the roles of librarians, library cooperation, and library instruction. The effects may be good to libraries, but they may cause some problems. It is important for us to think how the information technology may be utilized by libraries.Item 臺灣地區公共圖書館推展成人教育活動現況分析(國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 1993-04-01) 陳仲彥Item 縣市立(文化中心)圖書館與地方文獻服務(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2002-04-??) 陳仲彥; Chung-yen Chen本文係根據「縣市立(文化中心)圖書館推展地方文獻服務調查問卷」所得之結果,將各縣市立(文化中心)圖書館辦理地方文獻的情況,做一概要性的描述。同時歸納出一些相關的問題,做一概要性的描述。同時歸納出一些相關的問題,以供未來圖書館進行地方文獻服務工作時參考。最後並建議必須結合政府與民間的力量,才能夠做好此項工作。Item 公共圖書館與地方文獻資料服務(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1998-04-??) 陳仲彥; Chung-yen ChenThe public library needs to be a main research library and information center concerning its own locality. So it is the duty of the public library to collect, organize, preserve local documents collections in order to be uetimdely used by patrons. This article mainly comprises five sections: public libraries and the acquistions of local documents collections, public libraries and organii- zations of local documents collections, public libraries and the preservations of local documents collections, public libraries and the services of local documents collections, the cooperation of public libraries and other institutions on local documents collections. The author regards it is a meaningful issue to discuss the relationship between public libraries and the local documents collections.Item 校外延伸課程的圖書館服務(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1997-04-??) 陳仲彥; Chung-yen ChenThere would be many non-traditional learners go to campus seeking learning opportunities in the future. These new coming learners does not stay in campus all the time as the traditional students. They need different kinds or learning methods and supports. Although libraries have long history of providing services to external programs, there are still challengs to fulfill this duty. This article outlines the delemmas, guidelines, models of library services to external programs, and discusses the effects of new information technologies on the kind of services.Item 臺灣地區公共圖書館推展成人教育活動現況分析(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1993-04-??) 陳仲彥; Chung-yen Chen