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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1990-03-01) 潘朝陽; Chao-Yang Pan
    For the purpose of interpreting the meanings of the village temples' spatial arrangement at “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)” Miaoli area, this study has reached to conalusions as follows by fieldworks and hermeneutic method of Humanistic Geography: 1. The main temple of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)" is known as “Wu Wenchang Temple (五文昌廟)”. In view of the building scale, location, bearings of fengshui (風水) sacri-ficial circle, and cultural landscape of this temple, it is indeed qualified as the center of the village, the axis of villagers' lifeworld, and the pivot of the existential space of the village. 2. With the spatial pattern of “core& four peripheries (中心─四方)", “Tutikung Temples (土地公祠)" have taken shape of the village's boundary and territory. Their locations and cultural landscapes reveal the meanings of “Tutikung Temples(土地公祠)” as follows: a. The god's duty for guarding the frontiers of the village. b. The religious role of the area's corner (角頭) at the village. c. Manifesting the spiritual contents of lower cultural tradition in the villagers’ daily life. 3. The locations of “Wuku Temple (五穀廟)" at the north and “Shihmu Temple (石母祠)" at the south of “Chiashen Chuang (嘉盛庄)" represent the operational meanings of “Chien (乾)” (the Heaven) and “Kun(坤)" (the Earth) in the existential space of the village with the symbol of flourishing agriculture. 4. The writings sculptured on the walls or pillars of the temples sufficiently manifest the valuations and the ethical norms in the Chinese Culture, for instance, the writings in the main temple teach us both loyalty and filial piety; the writings in the “Tutikung Temple (土地公祠)" tell us to pay our highest respect to the virtues of the Earth; meanwhile, the writings in “Wuku Temple (五穀廟)" and “Shihmu Temple (石母祠)" praise the profound connotation of both the Heaven and the Earth. All these show that lower cultural tradition represented by the village's temples contains the spirits of higher cultural tradition. 5. According to the ages of establishments of the temples, there're 3 stages for the develop-ment of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)”. At the first stage, it had neither main temple nor other temples been built but “Tutikung Temple (土地公祠)". That revealed the village was still in the unsteady condition of colonical cultivation; at the second stage, "Wuku Temple (五殼廟)" had been created and considered as the center of the village, indiating it was a plain cutivated society; at the third stage, “Wu Wenchang Temple (五文昌廟)” had been established as the center of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)”, revealing the accomplishment of cultural space at the village.
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    (中國地理學會, 1991-07-01) 潘朝陽; Chao-Yang Pan
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    (中國地理學會, 1990-07-01) 潘朝陽
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    (2005/08-2006/07) 潘朝陽
    儒家的道德倫理不是抽像但理之心性論上的倫理學,而是具現在生活世界的 實踐之道德倫理。在原始儒家和宋明新儒家的經典中,在在滿盈著儒者以生生之 仁而安居於道德性之生活世界的倫理詮釋。 以生活的實踐而將道德體現在世界,這是直接以承載生生之仁的創造真幾之 身體而彰著拓現為人文與自然和諧一體的空間的。 這樣的經典言說以及詮釋,充分顯諸古代儒家的重要典冊,如《尚書》、《易 傳》、《論語》、《孟子》以及漢初集結整理創作而成的大小戴《禮記》(包括《大 學》、《中庸》)之中。 原始儒家以身體彰著人文與自然和諧一體的空間,孟子說: 廣土眾民,君子欲之,所樂不存焉。中天下而立,定四海之民,君子樂之,所 性不存焉。君子所性,雖大行不加焉,雖窮居不損焉,分定故也。君子所性, 仁義禮智根於心;其生色也睟然,見於面、盎於背、施於四體;四體不言而喻。 【孟子盡心】 此即指出主體良知本心通過身體的道德實踐而建立了儒者生活世界的空間中 心。在孟子,良知不是心性主觀上的孤明自昭,而應該是仁體之德普施於天地, 使自然天地成為道德真幾之神化空間。這樣的精神,周遍在《孟子》各篇章中。 事實上,在古代原始儒家的典籍裏,均通貫著類似孟子的身體空間觀;道德 實踐的身體空間論述,總是以「以心著身-以身著心」的雙迴向結構來表達呈現 的,此在在可於經文中尋獲。 一般以為儒家只向心性內在講論道德,這是長久以來的誤解。 宋明儒家從周濂溪創述〈通書〉、〈太極圖說〉;張載創述《正蒙》;大程子創 述〈識仁篇〉、〈定性書〉以降,正面積極地吸收消化了《易傳》、《中庸》、《論語》、 《孟子》而建立了儒家道德主體實踐具現的生生永續之生活世界實踐論;其等以 「氣」之共同術語而表述了傳承自原始儒家的身體空間觀。 小程子和朱子雖然有別於「縱貫型逆覺體證」的周、張、明道而建立了「靜 涵靜攝」之理氣二分、心性二分型的用敬涵養的工夫論,其身體性,反倒由於他 律型道德之作用而更形突顯,特別是朱子通過其強烈的實在論人格所建立的身心 修持,在嚴肅中更顯身體空間的道德型緊張張力。 陸象山和王陽明雖然特別表顯「心」之能動和靈明,以「氣」而綰合物質和 精神為一的「生幾力」(Vital Force)之詮釋系統不積極呈現,但主張以道德性之 心而光輝身體,並以此道德光昭之身體來體現生幾洋溢的生活世界,這一點儒家 睿智,卻是十分清楚的。 身體空間依海德格,是「天地神人四位一體」而安居於空間中的,換言之, 人是以其身體在空間中和天地、神明相照面互為存有而才獲得心安。其實,這樣 的存有性實踐,在《禮記‧禮運》中已早於海氏兩千年而已有所論述,其曰: 故人者,其天地之德,陰陽之交,鬼神之會,五行之秀氣也。故天秉陽,垂日 星,竅於山川,播五行於四時,和而後月生也,是以三五而盈,三五而闕。… … 故人者,天地之心也,五行之端也,食味、別聲、被色而生者也。故聖人作則, 必以天地為本,以陰陽為端,以四時為柄,以日星為紀,月以為量,鬼神以為 徒,五行以為質,禮義以為器,人情以為由,四靈以為畜。… … 故禮義也者,人之大端也。所以講信修睦而固人肌膚之會、筋骸之束也,所以 養生送死、事鬼神之大端也,所以達天道、順人情之大竇也。… 依此,〈禮運〉實已指出儒家是以道德倫理之身體實踐於生活世界而建立了天地 神人四位一體安居的空間。基本上,此原理通貫於原始儒家和宋明儒家的思想 中,形成儒家的身體空間論述。此種道德主體型之身體空間觀有別於道家虛無自 然之身體空間觀;亦有別於佛家般若真如之身體空間觀;儒家是參贊執有而以身 體融入天地;道佛兩家則以無執放開而忘卻身體於天地。 熊十力先生以易傳乾元性海的觀點開啟當代新儒家的生生創建之存有論;牟 宗三先生亦以「創造性原理之乾」與「終成性原理之坤」的雙元並建之存有論詮 釋而建構了當代新儒家的道德真幾之本體宇宙論;兩者均從孔孟原始儒家和宋明 新儒家一脈相傳接了以身體具現道德於天地而安頓自然、人文和鬼神之根本身體 空間觀傳統。 關於儒家身體觀的專著不多,近年以楊儒賓、黃俊傑為深造有得。 筆者以「在天地之中安居-儒家的身體空間」為題,嘗試以文本詮釋的進路, 處理古代和當代儒家的身體空間觀。 第一期, 將詮釋周漢時代的原始儒家,並以《禮記》為文本聚焦。 第二期, 將詮釋宋明時代的新儒家,並以張載和船山二家的文本聚焦。 第三期, 將詮釋當代新儒家,並以唐君毅先生的文化哲學之文本聚焦。
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    (中國地理學會, 1990-07-01) 潘朝陽; Chao-Yang Pan
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1990-03-01) 潘朝陽
    For the purpose of interpreting the meanings of the village temples' spatial arrangement at “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)” Miaoli area, this study has reached to conalusions as follows by fieldworks and hermeneutic method of Humanistic Geography: 1. The main temple of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)" is known as “Wu Wenchang Temple (五文昌廟)”. In view of the building scale, location, bearings of fengshui (風水) sacri-ficial circle, and cultural landscape of this temple, it is indeed qualified as the center of the village, the axis of villagers' lifeworld, and the pivot of the existential space of the village. 2. With the spatial pattern of “core& four peripheries (中心─四方)", “Tutikung Temples (土地公祠)" have taken shape of the village's boundary and territory. Their locations and cultural landscapes reveal the meanings of “Tutikung Temples(土地公祠)” as follows: a. The god's duty for guarding the frontiers of the village. b. The religious role of the area's corner (角頭) at the village. c. Manifesting the spiritual contents of lower cultural tradition in the villagers’ daily life. 3. The locations of “Wuku Temple (五穀廟)" at the north and “Shihmu Temple (石母祠)" at the south of “Chiashen Chuang (嘉盛庄)" represent the operational meanings of “Chien (乾)” (the Heaven) and “Kun(坤)" (the Earth) in the existential space of the village with the symbol of flourishing agriculture. 4. The writings sculptured on the walls or pillars of the temples sufficiently manifest the valuations and the ethical norms in the Chinese Culture, for instance, the writings in the main temple teach us both loyalty and filial piety; the writings in the “Tutikung Temple (土地公祠)" tell us to pay our highest respect to the virtues of the Earth; meanwhile, the writings in “Wuku Temple (五穀廟)" and “Shihmu Temple (石母祠)" praise the profound connotation of both the Heaven and the Earth. All these show that lower cultural tradition represented by the village's temples contains the spirits of higher cultural tradition. 5. According to the ages of establishments of the temples, there're 3 stages for the develop-ment of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)”. At the first stage, it had neither main temple nor other temples been built but “Tutikung Temple (土地公祠)". That revealed the village was still in the unsteady condition of colonical cultivation; at the second stage, "Wuku Temple (五殼廟)" had been created and considered as the center of the village, indiating it was a plain cutivated society; at the third stage, “Wu Wenchang Temple (五文昌廟)” had been established as the center of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)”, revealing the accomplishment of cultural space at the village.
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    (中國地理學會, 1991-07-01) 潘朝陽
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 潘朝陽
    For the purpose of interpreting the meanings of the village temples' spatial arrangement at “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)” Miaoli area, this study has reached to conalusions as follows by fieldworks and hermeneutic method of Humanistic Geography: 1. The main temple of “Chiasheng Chuang (嘉盛庄)" is known as “Wu Wenchang Temple (五文昌廟)”. In view of the building scale, location, bearings of fengshui (風水) sacri-ficial circle, and cultural landscape of this temple, it is indeed qualified as the center of the village, the axis of villagers' lifeworld, and the pivot of the existential space of the village. 2. With the spatial pattern of “core& four peripheries (中心─四方)", “Tutikung Temples (土地公祠)" have taken shape of the village's boundary and territory. Their locations and cultural landscapes reveal the meanings of “Tutikung Temples(土地公祠)” as follows: a. The god's duty for guarding the frontiers of the village. b. The religious role of the area's corner (角頭) at the village. c. Manifesting the spiritual contents of lower cultural tradition in the villagers’ daily life. 3. The locations of “Wuku Temple (五穀廟)" at the north and “Shihmu Temple (石母祠)" at the south of “Chiashen Chuang (嘉盛庄)" represent the operational meanings of “Chien (乾)” (the Heaven) and “Kun(坤)" (the Earth) in the existential space of the village with the symbol of flourishing agriculture. 4. The writings sculptured on the walls or pillars of the temples sufficiently manifest the valuations and the ethical norms in the Chinese Culture, for instance, the writings in the main temple teach us both loyalty and filial piety; the writings in the “Tutikung Temple (土地公祠)" tell us to pay our highest respect to the virtues of the Earth; meanwhile, the writings in “Wuku Temple (五穀廟)" and “Shihmu Temple (石母祠)" praise the profound connotation of both the Heaven and the Earth. All these show that lower
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    (2006-07-31) 潘朝陽
    儒家的道德倫理不是抽像但理之心性論上的倫理學,而是具現在生活世界的 實踐之道德倫理。在原始儒家和宋明新儒家的經典中,在在滿盈著儒者以生生之 仁而安居於道德性之生活世界的倫理詮釋。 以生活的實踐而將道德體現在世界,這是直接以承載生生之仁的創造真幾之 身體而彰著拓現為人文與自然和諧一體的空間的。 這樣的經典言說以及詮釋,充分顯諸古代儒家的重要典冊,如《尚書》、《易 傳》、《論語》、《孟子》以及漢初集結整理創作而成的大小戴《禮記》(包括《大 學》、《中庸》)之中。 原始儒家以身體彰著人文與自然和諧一體的空間,孟子說: 廣土眾民,君子欲之,所樂不存焉。中天下而立,定四海之民,君子樂之,所 性不存焉。君子所性,雖大行不加焉,雖窮居不損焉,分定故也。君子所性, 仁義禮智根於心;其生色也睟然,見於面、盎於背、施於四體;四體不言而喻。 【孟子盡心】 此即指出主體良知本心通過身體的道德實踐而建立了儒者生活世界的空間中 心。在孟子,良知不是心性主觀上的孤明自昭,而應該是仁體之德普施於天地, 使自然天地成為道德真幾之神化空間。這樣的精神,周遍在《孟子》各篇章中。 事實上,在古代原始儒家的典籍裏,均通貫著類似孟子的身體空間觀;道德 實踐的身體空間論述,總是以「以心著身-以身著心」的雙迴向結構來表達呈現 的,此在在可於經文中尋獲。 一般以為儒家只向心性內在講論道德,這是長久以來的誤解。 宋明儒家從周濂溪創述〈通書〉、〈太極圖說〉;張載創述《正蒙》;大程子創 述〈識仁篇〉、〈定性書〉以降,正面積極地吸收消化了《易傳》、《中庸》、《論語》、 《孟子》而建立了儒家道德主體實踐具現的生生永續之生活世界實踐論;其等以 「氣」之共同術語而表述了傳承自原始儒家的身體空間觀。 小程子和朱子雖然有別於「縱貫型逆覺體證」的周、張、明道而建立了「靜 涵靜攝」之理氣二分、心性二分型的用敬涵養的工夫論,其身體性,反倒由於他 律型道德之作用而更形突顯,特別是朱子通過其強烈的實在論人格所建立的身心 修持,在嚴肅中更顯身體空間的道德型緊張張力。 陸象山和王陽明雖然特別表顯「心」之能動和靈明,以「氣」而綰合物質和 精神為一的「生幾力」(Vital Force)之詮釋系統不積極呈現,但主張以道德性之 心而光輝身體,並以此道德光昭之身體來體現生幾洋溢的生活世界,這一點儒家 睿智,卻是十分清楚的。 身體空間依海德格,是「天地神人四位一體」而安居於空間中的,換言之, 人是以其身體在空間中和天地、神明相照面互為存有而才獲得心安。其實,這樣 的存有性實踐,在《禮記‧禮運》中已早於海氏兩千年而已有所論述,其曰: 故人者,其天地之德,陰陽之交,鬼神之會,五行之秀氣也。故天秉陽,垂日 星,竅於山川,播五行於四時,和而後月生也,是以三五而盈,三五而闕。… … 故人者,天地之心也,五行之端也,食味、別聲、被色而生者也。故聖人作則, 必以天地為本,以陰陽為端,以四時為柄,以日星為紀,月以為量,鬼神以為 徒,五行以為質,禮義以為器,人情以為由,四靈以為畜。… … 故禮義也者,人之大端也。所以講信修睦而固人肌膚之會、筋骸之束也,所以 養生送死、事鬼神之大端也,所以達天道、順人情之大竇也。… 依此,〈禮運〉實已指出儒家是以道德倫理之身體實踐於生活世界而建立了天地 神人四位一體安居的空間。基本上,此原理通貫於原始儒家和宋明儒家的思想 中,形成儒家的身體空間論述。此種道德主體型之身體空間觀有別於道家虛無自 然之身體空間觀;亦有別於佛家般若真如之身體空間觀;儒家是參贊執有而以身 體融入天地;道佛兩家則以無執放開而忘卻身體於天地。 熊十力先生以易傳乾元性海的觀點開啟當代新儒家的生生創建之存有論;牟 宗三先生亦以「創造性原理之乾」與「終成性原理之坤」的雙元並建之存有論詮 釋而建構了當代新儒家的道德真幾之本體宇宙論;兩者均從孔孟原始儒家和宋明 新儒家一脈相傳接了以身體具現道德於天地而安頓自然、人文和鬼神之根本身體 空間觀傳統。 關於儒家身體觀的專著不多,近年以楊儒賓、黃俊傑為深造有得。 筆者以「在天地之中安居-儒家的身體空間」為題,嘗試以文本詮釋的進路, 處理古代和當代儒家的身體空間觀。 第一期, 將詮釋周漢時代的原始儒家,並以《禮記》為文本聚焦。 第二期, 將詮釋宋明時代的新儒家,並以張載和船山二家的文本聚焦。 第三期, 將詮釋當代新儒家,並以唐君毅先生的文化哲學之文本聚焦。