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    活動構造地形判釋及資料建置分析( II)
    (2006/01-2006/12) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津; 楊貴三
    活動斷層之再活動是造成本島重大自然災害的肇因之一,中央地質調查所已經公布全島42條活動斷層,並整合各種地質、地形、地球物理、測量的方法繼續研究,以提供未來研擬地震減災或防災政策時的堅實科學基準。為求更全面的掌握本島活動構造(包含活動斷層、活動褶皺及地形面的傾動與線形)之分布與特性,有必要全面性的進行第四紀地層區的活動構造調查研究。由於活動構造(以活動斷層為主)容易在第四紀地形面上留下線形、崖、漥地、隆起、斷錯等變位地形,在諸多調查方法中,利用立體鏡在航空照片立體像對上判釋變位地形,可謂最為簡便與經濟者。本計畫擬進行兩年,第一年進行北部及中部地區,第二年則進行東部及南部地區。本年度計畫目標為:(1) 完成研究區構造地形特徵之判釋,編繪構造地形特徵分布圖;(2)建置一系統性的活動構造地形判釋GIS資料,提供政府機關及社會大眾有關活動構造的資訊。航照地形判釋原則和圖徵、屬性表之規劃首先參考日本活斷層研究會(1980、1992)之作業規範,並將依地調所需求加以修正。
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 鄧國雄; 沈淑敏
    Taiyuan Basin, located in the south part of Coastal Range in East Taiwan, is famous for its landforms of well-developed river terraces and meanders. The whole drainage basin belongs to the Mawuku Stream System. The number of different stages of river terraces that could be correlated is eleven and the three youngest terraces which developed in the outlet reach haven't extented to the basin yet. In the basin, the channel sinousity is rather large however the amplitude is quite small. The phenomena of seven cut-off meanders that formed at different stages indicate the streams are always meandering. There are two main factors that influence the development of Taiyuan Basin. One is the spatial arrangement of lithology difference of Tuluanshan and Takankao Formations; the other is erosion basis lowered intermittently by the effects of uplifted movement and sea-level eustacy.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2003-05-01) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津 
    地形變化的訊息具有空間性,圖像資料(pictorial materials)是最能有效展現這類訊息的素材。各種圖像資料的可用性,主要取決於地形本身的特性,以及圖像資料的製作品質、比例尺、註記相關地形特徵之原則與多寡、和保存現狀。本文之目的在於以本島河道、海岸、坡地三類地形的變遷為例,說明各式地圖和航空照片中所提供的地形訊息與使用上的限制。就筆者所知,目前在臺灣地區可以獲得的最早可用作地形變遷之定性和定量研究的地圖和航空照片,應該是1904年出版的臺灣堡圖和1950年前後拍攝的航空照片。近年來拍攝之高精度衛星影像是很有用的材料,但能回溯之年代有限。清代出版之地圖精確度較低,大多只適合作定性分析,若能仔細推敲其他各式歷史文獻中所蘊含之對當時代環境的描寫,對還原地景將有實質的助益。若所做研究欲求取地形變化量,則研究者需要確定圖像資料的誤差必須遠小於真正的地形變化量,否則所得結果將無意義。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系地理學會, 2003-06-01) 史蕙萍; 沈淑敏; 楊澄祥 
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    (地理學系, 2003-05-??) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津
    地形變化的訊息具有空間性,圖像資料(pictorial materials)是最能有效展現這類訊息的素材。各種圖像資料的可用性,主要取決於地形本身的特性,以及圖像資料的製作品質、比例尺、註記相關地形特徵之原則與多寡、和保存現狀。本文之目的在於以本島河道、海岸、坡地三類地形的變遷為例,說明各式地圖和航空照片中所提供的地形訊息與使用上的限制。就筆者所知,目前在臺灣地區可以獲得的最早可用作地形變遷之定性和定量研究的地圖和航空照片,應該是1904年出版的臺灣堡圖和1950年前後拍攝的航空照片。近年來拍攝之高精度衛星影像是很有用的材料,但能回溯之年代有限。清代出版之地圖精確度較低,大多只適合作定性分析,若能仔細推敲其他各式歷史文獻中所蘊含之對當時代環境的描寫,對還原地景將有實質的助益。若所做研究欲求取地形變化量,則研究者需要確定圖像資料的誤差必須遠小於真正的地形變化量,否則所得結果將無意義。
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    (2005/03-2005/12) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津; 楊貴三; 林雪美; 林宗儀
    活動斷層之再活動是造成本島重大自然災害的肇因之一,中央地質調查所已經公布全島42條活動斷層,並整合各種地質、地形、地球物理、測量的方法繼續研究,以提供未來研擬地震減災或防災政策時的堅實科學基準。為求更全面的掌握本島活動構造(包含活動斷層、活動褶皺及地形面的傾動與線形)之分布與特性,有必要全面性的進行第四紀地層區的活動構造調查研究。由於活動構造(以活動斷層為主)容易在第四紀地形面上留下線形、崖、漥地、隆起、斷錯等變位地形,在諸多調查方法中,利用立體鏡在航空照片立體像對上判釋變位地形,可謂最為簡便與經濟者。本計畫擬進行兩年,第一年進行北部及中部地區,第二年則進行東部及南部地區。本年度計畫目標為:(1) 完成研究區構造地形特徵之判釋,編繪構造地形特徵分布圖;(2)建置一系統性的活動構造地形判釋GIS資料,提供政府機關及社會大眾有關活動構造的資訊。航照地形判釋原則和圖徵、屬性表之規劃首先參考日本活斷層研究會(1980、1992)之作業規範,並將依地調所需求加以修正。
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    (2005/03-2005/12) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津; 楊貴三; 林雪美; 林宗儀
    活動斷層之再活動是造成本島重大自然災害的肇因之一,中央地質調查所已經公布全島42條活動斷層,並整合各種地質、地形、地球物理、測量的方法繼續研究,以提供未來研擬地震減災或防災政策時的堅實科學基準。為求更全面的掌握本島活動構造(包含活動斷層、活動褶皺及地形面的傾動與線形)之分布與特性,有必要全面性的進行第四紀地層區的活動構造調查研究。由於活動構造(以活動斷層為主)容易在第四紀地形面上留下線形、崖、漥地、隆起、斷錯等變位地形,在諸多調查方法中,利用立體鏡在航空照片立體像對上判釋變位地形,可謂最為簡便與經濟者。本計畫擬進行兩年,第一年進行北部及中部地區,第二年則進行東部及南部地區。本年度計畫目標為:(1) 完成研究區構造地形特徵之判釋,編繪構造地形特徵分布圖;(2)建置一系統性的活動構造地形判釋GIS資料,提供政府機關及社會大眾有關活動構造的資訊。航照地形判釋原則和圖徵、屬性表之規劃首先參考日本活斷層研究會(1980、1992)之作業規範,並將依地調所需求加以修正。
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    (地理學系, 1989-03-??) 沈淑敏
    The purpose of this research is to distinguish the factors which influence the form of water?falls. The defination of a waterfall in the study is of which the height is higher than 5m and will not dry around the year. The form discussed here includes five parts, the face of waterfall (the ratio of width and length), the inclination of fall wall, the existence of plunge pool, the appearance of cap rock, and the relationship between the dip of strata bed and river orientation. The study area includes four waterfall groups in the northern Taiwan, named Pinhsi, Tatun. Wulai and Chiaohsi group. The geological setting are quite different among four groups. There are 40 waterfalls investigated totally, 12 in Pinhsi group, 8 in Tatun group, 11 in Wulai group and 9 in Chiaohsi group, respectively. After classifying each kind of forms and factors of 40 waterfalls, I analyze the relationship between each kind of forms and factors with methods of contingency table and X2 test. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Waterfalls mostly are splender type according to the face form, inclined type to the wall form, horizontal type and reverse type to the bed form. However, there isn't a special type obviously on the form of plunge pool and of cap rock. 2. For waterfall belongs to the small scale landform, the form of it is controlled mainly by the factors of lithology.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1989-03-01) 沈淑敏
    The purpose of this research is to distinguish the factors which influence the form of water苯alls. The defination of a waterfall in the study is of which the height is higher than 5m and will not dry around the year. The form discussed here includes five parts, the face of waterfall (the ratio of width and length), the inclination of fall wall, the existence of plunge pool, the appearance of cap rock, and the relationship between the dip of strata bed and river orientation. The study area includes four waterfall groups in the northern Taiwan, named Pinhsi, Tatun. Wulai and Chiaohsi group. The geological setting are quite different among four groups. There are 40 waterfalls investigated totally, 12 in Pinhsi group, 8 in Tatun group, 11 in Wulai group and 9 in Chiaohsi group, respectively. After classifying each kind of forms and factors of 40 waterfalls, I analyze the relationship between each kind of forms and factors with methods of contingency table and X2 test. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Waterfalls mostly are splender type according to the face form, inclined type to the wall form, horizontal type and reverse type to the bed form. However, there isn't a special type obviously on the form of plunge pool and of cap rock. 2. For waterfall belongs to the small scale landform, the form of it is controlled mainly by the factors of lithology.
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    (2005/08-2006/07) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津