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Item 我的機車很「法拉利」詞類的活用(1)--名詞的活用(國文天地雜誌社, 1993-07-01) 楊如雪Item 釋「選中」、「射中」之「中」(國文天地雜誌社, 1998-02-01) 楊如雪Item 出土文獻文字與語法研讀論文集(臺北市 : 萬卷樓, 2013-01-01) 陳廖安; 楊如雪; 黃麗娟Item 名詞的親密朋友--認識「形容詞」(國文天地雜誌社, 2003-01-01) 楊如雪Item 棹歌驚起「睡」鴛鴦詞類活用(3)--動詞的活用(國文天地雜誌社, 1993-11-01) 楊如雪Item 語法教學與華語文教育(2009-09-01) 楊如雪Item A comparative study on post-class lecture video viewing.(2006-01-01) 楊如雪The objective of this study was to compare students’ willingness and viewing behaviour on using taped lecture videos for their studies after class. The lecture video was taped from one section and made available to both sections of the same course. Although both sections of the same course were taught by the same instructor, students in one section could view lecture videos that were familiar to them in terms of learning contents and classroom settings, while students in the other section were viewing lecture videos that were only familiar to them in terms of learning contents. Data including course website usage statistics, student questionnaires, student interviews, and course instructor interviews was collected and analyzed. The study yielded two main results: (1) Students were more willing to use the taped class lectures for the purpose of reviewing if the lecture videos were captured from their own section; (2) Those students that had higher application-specific self-efficacy were more inclined to use the taped lecture videos for reviewing purpose.Item 當時余心之悲,蓋不能「以寸管」形容之:介賓結構之四--表示憑藉關係的次賓語 -上-(國文天地雜誌社, 1995-11-01) 楊如雪Item 六朝筆記小說裏幾個和量詞合用以表示概數的語位(國立臺灣師範大學國文學系, 1989-06-01) 楊如雪Item 當時余心之悲, 蓋不能「以寸管」形容之: 介賓結構之四--表示憑藉關係的次賓語 -下-(國文天地雜誌社, 1995-12-01) 楊如雪