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Item 輕度智能不足學生對其教育安置的態度研究(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1981-07-??) 林美和Item 國小教師對輕度智能不足兒童的教育態度研究(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1980-06-??) 林美和With the trend toward keeping handicapped children in the educational mainstream, the development of resource room program has been observed as an ideal educational replacement for educable mentally retarded children. This educational replacement is to integrate the educable mentally retarded into regular classes with supportive resource room services in order to develop their abilities in academic and social adjustment.The experimental programs are now undergoing both in some of the primary and secondary schools in this country. Getting full cooperation and support from regular school class teachers is important for this program, therefore, the questionnaire is designed to realize teachers' attitudes toward the educable mentally retarded with respect to their integration into the regular program with support resource room services. This study contains the pre- and post-test; during these two tests' administered period, teachers shall receive professional training in special education for eighteen weeks and then take up the teaching activities in special class for educable mentally retarded children for one semester. The result indicates most of the teachers before receiving professional training in educating the educable mentally retarded disagree to have retarded children to be integrated into regular classes.However, after having received the professional training, all teachers are in favour of educational mainstream with supportive resource room services. On the base of this study, resource room program can be put into practice in this country.Item 海峽兩岸交流的障礙與途徑(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1992-10-??) 林美和Item 如何處理智能不足學生不當之愛撫行為(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1987-03-??) 林美和Item 兩性教育問題及其改革策略(國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系, 1997-06-??) 林美和近年來,婦女在經濟與社會參與的比例雖有逐年改善與提昇的現象,唯和男性相較,仍有很大的差距存在。造成此種現象,雖有其歷史與社會背景,但教育程度較低,以及教育品質的低下,可能是其主要因素。因此,本文首先剖析兩性在教育上的不平等現象與在社會化過程的差異現象,以證明這些現象是阻礙女性日後發展與成長的主因。基於兩性平等教育的理念與指標,本文藉助國外的經驗與做法,提出兩性平等教育的改革策略,以降低或清除兩性教育的不平等現象。Item 後中等教育學習者終身學習核心素養與評量(國立臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展中心, 2007-01-01) 林美和; 黃明月; 陳仲彥Item 省立高級中等學校學生利用圖書館的基本知能研究(國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系, 1989-06-??) 林美和Item 後中等教育學習者終身學習核心素養與評量(2007-01-01) 林美和; 黃明月; 陳仲彥Item 行為改變技術在班級教學與學生行為輔導上的應用(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1984-04-??) 林美和Item 學習障礙兒童的教育問題(國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心, 1987-09-??) 林美和