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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1980-06-??) 林美和
    With the trend toward keeping handicapped children in the educational mainstream, the development of resource room program has been observed as an ideal educational replacement for educable mentally retarded children. This educational replacement is to integrate the educable mentally retarded into regular classes with supportive resource room services in order to develop their abilities in academic and social adjustment.The experimental programs are now undergoing both in some of the primary and secondary schools in this country. Getting full cooperation and support from regular school class teachers is important for this program, therefore, the questionnaire is designed to realize teachers' attitudes toward the educable mentally retarded with respect to their integration into the regular program with support resource room services. This study contains the pre- and post-test; during these two tests' administered period, teachers shall receive professional training in special education for eighteen weeks and then take up the teaching activities in special class for educable mentally retarded children for one semester. The result indicates most of the teachers before receiving professional training in educating the educable mentally retarded disagree to have retarded children to be integrated into regular classes.However, after having received the professional training, all teachers are in favour of educational mainstream with supportive resource room services. On the base of this study, resource room program can be put into practice in this country.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1992-10-??) 林美和
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1975-10-??) 林美和; Mei-ho Lin
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    (國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系, 2009-03-??) 郭靜姿; 王雅奇; 林美和; 吳舜文; 簡維君; 張靖卿; 胡寶玉; 謝佳男; 周佩蓉
    本研究參與者為五位23-35 歲的年輕女性,她們在高中階段分別被鑑定為數理、語文、音樂、美術與舞蹈資優生,目前這幾位女性均已就業,在專業領域上有優秀表現。本研究經由文件及訪談蒐集資料,分析她們的人格特質與生涯發展的關係。研究結果發現,五位優秀女性擁有正向的人格特質如:積極堅持、喜歡變化、富創造力、獨立自主、自動自發、自我調適、復原力強、要求完美、自我肯定、個性隨和、人際良好、能忍受孤獨、能夠知足而有幸福感等,這些特質讓她們在生涯發展的過程中,能走過困難及挫折,並進而自我實現。現在無論是在業界、學界或在教學,這些研究參與者在工作崗位上熱衷且專注。不過,也有幾位研究參與者要求自己像女王蜂般地工作以平衡家庭與事業,且要成為能力與外在各方面都完美的綜合體,她們致力於創造平衡與和諧,也較難跳脫社會對女性的刻板要求,因此讓她們陷於焦慮狀態,在生涯抉擇間徬徨猶疑。本研究中五位研究參與者的人格特質如果對生涯發展是一種助力,這些正向的特質或可做為資優學生成長的典範;如果女王蜂般地工作傾向對五位研究參與者來說是焦慮與壓力的主要來源,也期望資優女性學生在成長的過程中能夠突破角色期待的限制,充分邁向自我實現。對於女性學生,教育工作者可以協助其多認識自己、澄清價值、增強她們抉擇的能力。另外,提供角色楷模,讓她們能在前人的腳步之後,減少猶疑、焦慮的時間,以使潛能發展更順利當是必須的。