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Item 臺灣蔗糖工業的計量研究(地理學系, 1976-01-??) 李薰楓Item 近十年來美洲新獨立國家(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1984-04-??) 李薰楓Item 一九六九至一九七五年非洲新獨立國家(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1980-04-??) 李薰楓Item 地理學中的引力模式(師資培育與就業輔導處, 1988-04-??) 李薰楓Item 台北市木柵區製造業的調查與分析(地理學系, 1979-01-??) 李薰楓Item 臺灣北部區域製造業分布之研究(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1986-10-??) 李薰楓Item 台北市金屬製品製造業的調查與分析(地理學系, 1981-01-??) 李薰楓Item 臺灣食品工業的地理學研究(地理學系, 1977-01-??) 李薰楓Item 台灣地區製造業結構變遷之研究(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1985-10-??) 李薰楓Item 臺灣五大都市就業區位變遷的計量分析(地理學系, 1985-03-??) 李薰楓The purpose of this paper is as fol1ows: (1) to understand relative position of industries in every precinet; (2) to realize the characters and changes of basic/non-b的ic industries in every preciftct; (3) to compute each activity forming how many proportion of thetotal economic activities and to find the main industries in a precinet; (4) to calculate employment diversification or specialization index and to compare changes in the degree of diversification or specialization for the given areá; (5) to describe the spatial form of the areal economy and its changes of employment, for it can be considered as the amounts of areal employment that has shifted into or out of a precinct; (6) to analyze the correlation coefficient of each activity with the total economic activities; (7) to examine how many main factors affecting the employment location for the given region. The paper is based on the Census of Population for 1956 and 1980, as wel1 as on some measures, such as location quotient, diversification index, comparative analysis, mu1tiple regression and factor analysis. These measures wi1l be used to evaluate locational changes of employment in the largest five cities of Taiwan. Based on quantitative methods, statistical tables and map figures, some conclusions have been reached in the paper.
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