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Item Taiwanese Utterance-Final Particle HoNh(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1998-06-??) 李櫻This study provides a discourse-pragmatic analysis of the Taiwanese utterance-final particle (i.e. UFP) hoNh. Based on a 16-hour recording of natural spoken data, it examines the sequential contexts in which hoNh is situated, and finds that though the UFP may permit a range of interpretations in different contexts, its core pragmatic function remains invariably as a negotiation marker. That is, hoNh is a discourse marker which signals the speaker's communicative intention for potentially necessary negotiation, which in turn is motivated by the dynamic nature of interactional communication. It is further proposed that UFPs, all of which basically serve to signal the speaker's communicative intention, should best be treated as discourse markers. Each UFP carries only some general indexical feature as its core pragmatic, while the various attitudes and emotions which are often associated with their occurrence are in fact conversational implicatures arising from the interaction between their core indexical function and the specific context in which they are used.Item Remarks on the Underlying Representations of Neutral-Tone Words in Mandarin Chinese(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1987-05-??) 李櫻Item 功用語法與英語教學(下)(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1990-10-??) 李櫻Item 大學台語文選作品導讀(1999-01-01) 曾金金; 李櫻; 盧廣誠Item Taiwanese Utterance-Final Particle La(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1996-06-??) 李櫻Item Minimization, Conversational Inference, and Grammaticalization in Taiwanese Southern Min(英語學系, 2002-06-??) 李櫻; Ing Cherry Li本文探討言談語用因素在當代台灣閩南語語法化過程中的運作,指出Levinson (1987)的簡約化為極有力的運作原則,它常驅使交談者選用較為簡短的、語意廣泛的語言形式,再經由換喻(metonymy)推衍而產生語用隱涵,而後 並俗成化、語法化而為結構部門中新的語意、語法性質。根據實際語料的分析,台閩語中新近出現的語尾助詞用法,如kah、li、koh、kong等,均基於 簡約原則的運作,分別由到、你、閣、講等詞的典型出現語句之刪略而來。交談語料同時顯示,這種簡約化的語句刪略之動因,乃是基於話輪快速轉換中交談者認知 能力的限制,以及社會互動中禮貌原則的運作。Item 語法教學的幾個基本觀念(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1995-04-??) 李櫻Item 從語用學的觀點透視英語時式的用法(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1996-10-??) 李櫻Item 從英語的歷史演變看英語教學應有的觀念(國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1991-04-??) 李櫻Item 大學台語文選(上冊)(遠流出版社, 2000-01-01) 曾金金; 鄭良偉; 李櫻; 盧廣誠