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Item 高一地球科學教室學習環境之初探(2004) 李旻憲; Min-Hsien LeeThe chief purpose of this study is to explore the classroom learning environment (LE) at secondary school, includes students’ preference toward classroom LE which focusing on students’ viewpoints (perceptions and fitness) and specifically dealing with student-centred and teacher-centred orientation by an alternative, transverse or macrocosmic standpoint. A pre-test post-test survey design involving 1,234 students from 34 classes enrolled in a compulsory earth science course at 14 schools was adopted. Each student responded to the earth science classroom learning environment instrument (ESCLEI) and completed the earth science learning outcomes questionnaire (ESLOQ) in summer semester from September 2003 to February 2004. We used a class as the unit of analysis in this study. The results showed that students’ preferred and perceived (actual) classroom LEs are much more oriented toward teacher-centred setting then toward the student-centred setting in both pre- and post-test, in spite of the preferred classroom LEs revealed by students’ responses on both subscales are quite similar to each other. The classroom LEs settings are chiefly teacher-centred oriented, although students were also fond of the student-centred settings and it still had a certain extent gap between their preferred and actual (perceived) classroom LEs. Students’ preferred classroom LEs on both subscales tend to regress when they were taught during a semester and their perceived (actual) classroom LEs on teacher-centred orientation have a similar outcome. It is worthy noted that students perceived (actual) much more student-centred oriented classroom LE when they were taught during a semester. Moreover, students’ person-LE fitness (PEF) on both subscales tend to regression when they were taught during a semester, especially in student-center. Results form the simple correlation (r) revealed that there were some positive relationship between classroom climate vector in student-center (CVS) and the diversities of leaning outcomes (i.e. attitude and achievement), and were no significant relationship between CVT and the diversities of learning outcomes. It seem to indicate that the diversities of learning outcomes were tended to increase which if teacher didn’t fitted for students’ perceptions on student-centred orientations in light of current study. Overall, this study revealed the present structure of classroom LE at the secondary school earth science classroom, and it also revealed students’ perceptions and the fitness in classroom LE. Principals and supervisors may use it to help teacher improve their classroom environments. It is noted, however, that there were some relationships between CV and diversity of learning outcomes; it still needed some further investigations to interpret the data given form present study.Item 以巢狀概念模式探究高中生之科學學習–科學認識觀、後設認知知覺、科學學習概念及其科學評量概念(2009) 李旻憲; Min-Hsien LeeThe purpose of this study was to deeply investigate students’ nested ecology regarding science learning from multidimensional perspectives (i.e., the interrelations among scientific epistemological beliefs, metacognition, conceptions of learning science, and conceptions of science assessment). To this end, this study performed the quantitative method to initially explore the interrelations among scientific epistemological beliefs, metacognitive awareness, and conceptions of learning science. Then, the qualitative method was conducted to deeply investigate the interplays among scientific epistemological beliefs, conceptions of learning science, and conceptions of science assessment and to clarify the nested ecology model. In addition, the role of metacognitive awareness on scientific epistemological beliefs and conceptions of learning science and science assessment were discussed through both quantitative and qualitative results. The quantitative part of the study was conducted with a sampling pool of 240 tenth graders. And, those students’ responses from three questionnaires were used to yield some quantitative indicators (i.e., scientific epistemological beliefs, metacognitive awareness, and conceptions of learning science) and to clarify the interplay between those variables. In general, the quantitative results revealed that students having more sophisticated scientific epistemological beliefs tended to show higher metacognitive awareness while learning science and to express more constructivist-oriented conceptions of learning science. In particular, as long as the students have more sophisticated beliefs about the justification of knowledge; they may tend to express much higher metacognitive awareness and to embrace the constructivist conceptions of learning science. For qualitative part of study, 60 representative students selected from the sampling pool were deeply interviewed about their scientific epistemological beliefs (including beliefs about the nature of knowledge and beliefs about the nature of knowing), conceptions of learning science, and conceptions of science assessment. This study found that most selected students expressed the empiricist beliefs about the nature of knowledge. Through the phenomenographic analyze of selected students’ interview responses, seven categories of conceptions of learning science (i.e., memorizing, preparing for tests, practicing the experiments, the increase of knowledge, applying, understanding, and seeing in a new way) and six categories of conceptions of science assessment (i.e., reproducing knowledge, rehearsing, revealing the learning status, improving learning, applying, and the justification of knowledge) were identified in this study. Moreover, the qualitative results seemed to reveal that, on the one hand, the selected students’ beliefs about the nature of knowing seemed to have greater power to explain students’ conceptions of learning science than their beliefs about the nature of knowledge. On the other hand, their beliefs about the nature of knowledge seemed to more relate to their conceptions of science assessment. This study also implied that students expressing more mature conceptions of learning science tended to hold more cohesive conceptions of science assessment. Furthermore, the qualitative part of this study identified three major forms of students’ nested ecology regarding learning science, that is the complete, partial, and divergent nested ecology. In particular, nearly half of 60 representative students were categorized as the complete nested ecology.Item 含主族 (S、Se、Te) 與過渡金屬 (Mn、Fe) 團簇化合物之合成與其磁性、電化學、電子吸收光譜及理論計算(2010) 李旻憲1. E−Mn−CO (E = S, Se, Te) 系統的研究 利用 E8 (E = S, Se) 與 Mn2(CO)10 於強鹼下反應長時間可以得到具有 49 個電子的 [E2Mn3(CO)9]2− (E = S, Se),而 E8 (E = S, Se) 與 Mn2(CO)10 在短時間下反應則可以得到 [E10Mn6(CO)18]4− (E = S, Se)。若將主族來源改為 K2TeO3與 Mn2(CO)10 於高溫下反應長時間可得到 [Te2Mn3(CO)9]2− 。利用 [E2Mn3(CO)9]2− (E = S, Se) 與 E8 (E = S, Se) 於乙腈溶液中反應可擴核形成 [E10Mn6(CO)18]4− (E = S, Se),反之, [E10Mn6(CO)18]4− (E = S, Se) 於強鹼條件下與 Mn2(CO)10 進行反應,可降解形成 [E2Mn3(CO)9]2− (E = S, Se)。此外, [E2Mn3(CO)9]2− (E = S, Se) 和 [E10Mn6(CO)18]4− (E = S, Se)可與 [Cu(MeCN)4][BF4] 或 Mn(CO)5Br 反應形成一系列的構形轉換。化合物的生成、轉換及相關性質藉由理論計算進一步驗證。 2. S−Fe−Cu−polymer 系統的研究 利用 [SFe3(CO)9{Cu(CH3CN)}2]‡ 以不單離的方式與不同的有機含氮試劑 (dpy 和 bpea) 進行反應,可得到一系列新穎結構聚合物 [SFe3(CO)9Cu(MeCN)(dpy)1.5]¥、[SFe3(CO)9Cu2(dpy)3]和 [SFe3(CO)9Cu2(bpea)2]。以熱重分析質譜儀對化合物的熱穩定性進行深入探討而導電度藉由理論計算進一步驗證。Item 地球科學教室學習環境問卷之研發與初探(花蓮市:中華民國科學教育學會, 2004-12-01) 李旻憲; 張俊彥本研究旨在研發「地球科學教室學習環境問卷」(Earth Science Classroom Learning Environment Instrument, ESCLEI),並藉此問卷初步調查高一地球科學教室學習環境的特質,進而初探其在地球科學學習與教學上的可能意涵。ESCLEI包含「學生中心」與「教師中心」兩分量表,同時亦將「理想版」問卷及「實際經歷版」問卷同置於一份問卷中。試驗性研究對象來自台北市及台中市共兩所公立高中,計有四位地科老師分別執教的四個班級之高一學生參與,有效樣本共167人。研究設計採問卷調查法,主要目的爲藉由本次試驗性研究,進行初步結果分析及問卷細緻化的工作,以利後續之大規模施測。研究結果顯示:一、ESCLEI已具有一定之信度與效度;二、學生心目中似乎可同時接受教師中心與學生中心的學習環境,這可能意味著國內學生對(地球)科學教室學習環境的看法,可能有其別於國外的獨特性;三、在教師中心及學生中心的分量上,學生實際經歷的學習環境均較心目中理想的學習環境有顯著的落差;四、學生理想中的學習環境在教師中心與學生中心的分量上並無顯著差異;五、學生實際經歷的學習環境中,教師中心的分量顯著地高於學生中心的分量,顯示國內長久以來地球科學教室的學習環境,在高中階段仍是以教師爲中心的;六、本問卷似可區別出不同地球科學教師所營造出的教室學習環境。以上的研究結果對於地球科學的教學和學習應具有一定的啟示並對後續更深入之研究工作有相當的助益。