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    (地理學系, 1995-10-??) 張瑞津; 石再添; 楊淑君; 林譽方; 陳翰霖; 董德輝
    Kaoping valley and Chaochou fault are lecated the southwestern part of Taiwan Island. With conspicuous fault scarps and abundant debris supply, alluvial fans are developed well in this area. There are 38 fans with area over 0.1 km each, 22 of them are distributed in the Laonung valley, 8 of them in Nantzuhsien valley, and the rest are in the piedmont along the Chaochou fault scarps. In the valley, most of the fans have been undercut to be composit fans. The fact of the fan head trench shifting down could reveal that the down cutting rate of stream channel is greater than the uplift rate of mountain area. By product-moment correlation, some fan variables are correlated closely, such as fan area has a significant relation with length, width, slope and roundness of sediments. Based on the discriminant analysis, the precipitation, geological period, the stream length, hypsometric integral and relief ratio are the dominating factors to the existence of the fan. By factor analysis, drainage area, uplift rate, relief ratio, geology of drainage basin, drainage length and evolution stage of fan are the main factors influencing the fan morphology. From the relation between fan and drainage basin, the evolution of the fan of the Nantzuhsien valley and Chaochou fault can be interpreted by the equillbrium model.
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    (地理學系, 1996-11-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resources of this area more reasonably, the understanding of geomorphological, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a fundamental task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, its morphology is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, runoff, sediments and monthly discharge, etc. are the factors from land, while the wind, current, wave and tide etc. are the factors from the sea. This study focuses on the 19 estuaries of the northern coast of Taiwan. According to the principal process of estuarine area, these estuaries can be classified as fluvial, tidal or wind wave dominated type. Based on the field observation, the depositional forms of these estuaries have significant seasonal change due to the seasonal differences of river discharge, wind, tidal range, wave and typhoon freqency. On the other hand, the result of the comparison of six sets of topographical maps from 1904 to 1989, shows that the seaward and landward migration of most estuaries is unstable.
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    (地理學系, 1992-03-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 連偵欽
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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 1988-04-??) 張瑞津
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    (地理學系, 1991-03-??) 張瑞津; 石再添; 曾正雄; 高鵬飛; 陳美鈴
    Owing to the continuous uplift since Quaternary, rejuvenated terraces, gorges and raised alluvial fans are developed well in the eastern slope of Coastal Range. The river terraces in this area are distributed below 200 m generally. The scarps of higher level terrace are larger than that of lower level one. The gravel deposits in higher level terrace are thicker than that of lower level one. Comparing the terrace between six studied rivers, meander terraces are significant both in Mawuku River, Fengpin River, Shuilien Riverand Fanshuliao River whereas fan terraces are developed well in Sanhsien River. In contrary, the terrace in Shuimuting River is undeveloped due to down cutting into hard rock which restricts the widening of terrace. By correlating to marine terraces, most of the terraces in this area are formed in Holocene. The detailed correlation of each step or dating still needs more envidences.
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    (地理學系, 2000-11-??) 張瑞津; 鄧國雄; 劉明錡
    River terraces including six lateritic surfaces (LH、LT1-LT5) and three non-Iateritic surfaces (FT1-FT3) have been recognized along Hsin-tien River. Most of lateritic surfaces distributed concentrately at Ping-lin, Shen-chang-Pan and Hsin-tien. Comparatively speaking, surfaces LT4, LT5 and FT2 distributed more widely and continuously than the others. Under the effect of tilting, the channel tended to shift from south to north and became sinuos. Sinuosity increased to the maximum in the LT4 stage that imp1ied the river had a significant lateral erosion in relatively stable stage. FT terraces have been formed under the controlling effect eustatic fluctuation and subsidence of Taipei Basin. The meander cut occurred during the lowering base level stage (FT1-FT2). Referring the results of climatic and eustatic fluctuation, the LT5 and three FT surfaces have been formed respectively in high sea level around 40000, 10000, 6000 and 3000 years before present.
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    (地理學系, 1993-06-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 張政亮; 林雪美; 連偵欽
    Coastal sand dunes are widely distributed along the western coast of Taiwan from Touchien Hsi to Erhjen Hsi. Based on maps work, airphoto interpretation, particle size analysis, field investigation, etc, the study results are summarized as follows: 1. The form and the magnitude of the western coastal sand dunes have close relationship with the source of 13 rivers' sand supply, alongshore current and wave action, power and direction of wind, terrains, rainfall, evaporation and vegetation. 2. The coastal dunes develop well on riversides of Chung Kang His, Holung Hsi, Choshui Hsi and offshore bars along Chianan coast. Two principal types of these dunefield may be distinguished, namely, active dunes and stabilized dunes. The two dunefield types contain a variety of dune features, such as transverse dunes, barchans, longitudinal dunes, and dome dune etc. 3. The grain sizes of beach and dune sand are quite uniform. The Md φ and δ φ on average of the dune sand is smaller than the beach sand. This shows that wave process is stronger than wind process. 4. Comparing the maps published in 1926 and 1984. the change of coastal dunes is clear. Because the dunefield was used as fishery or watermelon and sugarcane planting, most of the sand dunes were leveled off entirely. Some of the residual sand dune still exist at present fixed by windbreak forest. For sand dunes have the function of protecting coasts, they had better be well-planned and well-used so as to main-tain the sustainable utilization of land souces.
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    (地理學系, 1986-03-??) 石再添; 鄧國雄; 張瑞津; 石慶得; 楊貴三
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    (地理學系, 1995-03-??) 張瑞津; 石再添; 楊淑君; 林譽方; 陳翰霖; 董德輝
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    (地理學系, 1995-10-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 劉明錡; 陳政典
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resources of this area more reasonably, the understanding of its geomorphological, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a main and basic task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, the morphology of estuary is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, runoff, sediments and monthly discharge, etc. are factors coming from land, while the wind, current, wave and tide etc. coming from the sea. This study focuses on eleven estuaries of the eastern coast of Taiwan. Based on the stream slope, number of channels, discharge, etc., these estuaries can be divided into straight and braided pattern. The former has sandbars or spurs, such as Hualien Hsi, Hsiukuluan Hsi and Kangkou Hsi, while the latter have braided channels, sandy-gravel sediments and changeable sandbars, such as Hoping Hsi, Liwu Hsi and the estuaries in Taitung coastal area. The eastern coast is classified as wave-dominated type according to average wave height and tidal range. The wave impacting upon the area between Hoping Hsi and Hsiukuluan Hsi is severer. The forms of the estuaries in eastern Taiwan have significant seasonal change due to the seasonal differences of discharge, monsoon and typhoon. In the summer, the channels usually become wider and the sandbars are gentler and extended seaward for most estuaries. In the winter, however, these sandbars become narrower, steeper and extend toward right bank. The mouth of channels will be narrowed or even closed when typhoon coming. The forms of estuaries are stable in the long-term scale. Eleven estuaries have only slight change during the period from 1904 to 1989, moving back and forth within the distance of 250m. The channel migration of most estuaries, however, is obvious.