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Item 邊坡破壞引發土石流之機制研究---子計畫(2001/08-2002/07) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏Item 陳有蘭溪四個小流域崩塌與土石流發生頻率之研究(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2001-05-01) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏; 劉盈劭The Chenyulan river basin, located in central Taiwan, is characterized by frequent landslides and debris flows. The catastrophic hazards, especially that induced by typhoon Herb in 1996, have drawn great concerns islandwide. It is believed that a better understanding on the spatial and temporal distribution of these rapid geomorphic changes (i.e., landslides and debris flows) over longer time span will be very helpful on risk assessment and hazard mitigation in this region. The method applied was to make a thorough examination of 17~29 versions of aerial photographs (ranging from 1951 to 2000) of four selected small catchments located in the northern part of the Chenyulan basin (i.e., Tzuzaichiao, Shanganchiao, Peiputzai, and Fengchiu catchment). According to the frequency of landslides and debris flows which identified from available photographs over last 50 years, the Shanganchiao catchment is the least responsive to external inducing events among four catchments, while the Fengchiu catchment is the most, which has experienced six debris flow events over the period.Item 大地震及降雨對河道形態的影響--陳有蘭溪小支流的個案研究(中國地理學會, 2003-01-01) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏; 劉盈劭; 林雪美Item 陳友蘭溪四個小流域崩塌與土石流發生頻率之研究(地理學系, 2001-05-??) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏; 劉盈邵The Chenyulan river basin, located in central Taiwan, is characterized by frequent landslides and debris flows. The catastrophic hazards, especially that induced by typhoon Herb in 1996, have drawn great concerns islandwide. It is believed that a better understanding on the spatial and temporal distribution of these rapid geomorphic changes (i.e., landslides and debris flows) over longer time span will be very helpful on risk assessment and hazard mitigation in this region. The method applied was to make a thorough examination of 17~29 versions of aerial photographs (ranging from 1951 to 2000) of four selected small catchments located in the northern part of the Chenyulan basin (i.e., Tzuzaichiao, Shanganchiao, Peiputzai, and Fengchiu catchment). According to the frequency of landslides and debris flows which identified from available photographs over last 50 years, the Shanganchiao catchment is the least responsive to external inducing events among four catchments, while the Fengchiu catchment is the most, which has experienced six debris flow events over the period.Item 和社溪流域的崩塌地變遷與各子集水區土石流發生的比較(中華民國工程環境學會會刊委員會, 2013-01-01) 劉盈劭; 沈淑敏; 張瑞津Item 花東縱谷北段的土石流扇和土石流溪溝的認定(中華水土保持學會, 2007-12-01) 沈淑敏; 葉懿嫻; 黃健政; 張瑞津; 劉盈劭Item 山崩及土石流災害之探討---子計畫(2005/08-2006/07) 沈淑敏; 張瑞津農委會水土保持局於1996年公佈全臺共計有485條土石流潛勢溪流,因為集集地震和接續的大颱風,使此數字在2002年增加至1420條。多次經驗顯示,發生土石流災害之處未必出現在原先認定的土石流潛勢溪流,表示除了依據形態指標(溪床坡降、有效集水面積),還有必要加入一些能反映溪流是否發生過土石流的地形指標,並且應該擴大判斷對象,包括那些還未被列入土石流潛勢溪流的低等級溪流。第一年研究初步結果認為谷口土石扇是一能快速且有效判別一溪流是否曾發生土石流的地形指標,但有些谷口並無扇狀堆積體,所以第二年度將針對谷口無扇狀體之溪流,探討另一指標地形「溪谷埋積形態」在辨別土石流發生記錄的可行性,此外將第一年度發展的扇狀堆積體「判別模式」應用於本年度之示範區全區(陳有蘭溪、花蓮溪、林口臺地),並加以修正,也將繼續判讀歷史航照,以更新土石流發生記錄的資料庫。由於低等級河流「溪谷埋積形態」的相關研究相當有限,本研究將結合以高解析度衛星影像自動判釋方法篩選出谷口無扇狀堆積體但下游段顯著埋積者,並試以DTM量測坡度,再赴現場查核並調查其沈積物特性,歸納所得標準,再應用於其他無法抵達現場者。