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    (地理學系, 1988-03-??) 徐勝一; 陳國彥; 丘逸民
    A data-logger designed for physical geography in field-study is introduced in this article. It uses either A. C. or D. C. power and is equipped with nine input channels and nine sampling time-periods. A replaceable memory cartridge used in this data logging system is a special feature that makes data recording easy either in a mobile (short-term) observation or in a fixed-point (long-term) operation.The specially designed memory cartridge also makes the collected-data easy and convenient for process when it is linked up with a personal computer. On account of its low-cot manu?facturing expenses and its data-process efficiency for academic research, the machine structure and its operation procedure become worthwhile to be introduced for examination.
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    (師資培育與就業輔導處, 1984-04-??) 丘逸民